Should Germany take Egypt first turn?

  • I played the Allies the other day and the German player did not take out Egypt on his first turn.  I decided to risk taking out the entire Italian navy on UK1, using my cruiser, destroyer, fighter and bomber.  I sunk his entire navy and still had my bomber left over after the attack.  Of course, this ended the Axis attempt to take over Africa.  Since I only had a slight advantage over him, attack of 12 versus defense of 10 (I don’t own the game but remember the Italians only having a battleship and two cruisers with their transport), I’m not sure if I should have made the attack  If that battleship and transport had survived then I would have been in bad shape.  But anyway, I never would have attempted the attack without that extra fighter from Egypt.  What is your opinion of Germany taking out Egypt first turn?  Do you think it should always be done?

  • Whether Germany should take Egypt or not is probably a matter of personal choice, taking Egypt will basically require using the bomber which unables it to take part in sea battles. Either way I think GER have to destroy at least the UK destroyer and not allow UK to even think about attacking the Italian fleet. Without their fleet Italy has a severe problem of getting anywhere at all and the game will probably be biased towards allied victory.

    Among the pro’s of taking Egypt is that the transport might live, a lot easier for Italy to get 20+ IPC early and a much better position in africa. On the other hand you can’t strike the UK fleet as hard and the Egypt fighter can be a pain.

    At the moment I’m leaning towards taking Egypt. However,  I do feel that the chance of winning the battle with ground forces to spare is a bit on the low end for me to be really comfortable with.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    In my honest opinion, I don’t see how Germany attacking Egypt can hurt the axis bar some really crazy dice, and even then, it’s just status quo, not really making the situation that much worse for the Axis than not attacking it.

    With that said, however, I should mention my attack on Egypt is almost always 2 Infantry, Artillery, 2 Armor vs the 2 Infantry, Artillery, Armor and Fighter present.  Notice that both sides have the same number of units, which helps believe it or not!  Given that, Germany only has a 33% chance of winning in Egypt, but it has a 40% chance of killing the British Fighter there.

    That said, numbers are a wonderful thing, but my actual experience with the situation is that about half the time Germany wins in Egypt, about half the time Germany loses in Egypt and the rest of the time everyone is obliterated and Egypt is vacant for Italy.  That’s just my experience however, not what the numbers say it should be.

  • Its a mistake

    it needs to wait till turn 2 because both Germany and Italy will be stronger compared to UK, and the air assets would be available to be used.

    Germany needs to eliminate all the UK fleet fragments on G1 because its the only chance to do this and gain a huge IPC advantage in the trade. taking Egypt is peanuts compared to killing like 6 naval units on G1, which protects the italian and baltic fleet

  • @Imperious:

    Its a mistake

    it needs to wait till turn 2 because both Germany and Italy will be stronger compared to UK, and the air assets would be available to be used.

    Germany needs to eliminate all the UK fleet fragments on G1 because its the only chance to do this and gain a huge IPC advantage in the trade. taking Egypt is peanuts compared to killing like 6 naval units on G1, which protects the italian and baltic fleet

    I agree with you about the allied navy.

    Do you sink every UK ship G1?
    Including the DD and TPT off eastern Canada?

    What G1 units attack what to accomplish this?

  • all this is explain on my 1941 or 1942 strategy map thread in PDF.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d like to test you out on your hypothesis, IL.  I think crippling Russia and hitting Egypt is better than scattering about sinking ships.

  • That all UK ships is great when it works. When it doesn’t, it hurts Germany very bad. Ie. Whatever retreats from SZ2 if that fails is now exposed in Norway.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I just don’t like it.  You don’t need all the British ships, you really only need SZ 12 to protect the Italian Fleet.  Anything else is cake.  Meanwhile, if you can get all 3 National Objectives in Round 1, you’re talking a serious boost in money!

  • I also feel going for Karelia rd 1 is about as big a stretch as all the UK navy. Yes the rewards are great but failure can leave Germany in a bad spot. As far as Egypt goes my feelings are mixed. While it is nice to Kill the UK tank and plane there, I am thinking leaving them can suck the UK into building an Indian IC for Japan to acquire.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    If you do not bring the bomber, Germany has a 91% chance to win in Karelia.

    If you lock in that the Artillery unit dies last, you still have an 88% chance to win in Karelia. (As defined as you take the land, not that you have a strong surviving army at the end.)

    For that 3rd NO, that’s pretty significant, IMHO.

  • I look at the net exchange in value. If i sink the UK BB, AP, CA, and DD, plus the DD off the Baltic. I can gain more net IPC in this exchange, then go after a tank, artillery and a few men and fighter to take 2 IPC Egypt.

    Id rather beef up both Italy and Germany, then to not try to sink the UK fleet ( with great odds) and possible failure attacking Egypt. The greater risk is attacking Egypt on G1 and not attacking the UK fleet. If i fail in Egypt i still missed my chance to kill the uk fleets. If i kill the uk fleets, i still have a stronger position against Egypt on turn G2 no matter what he does. So i think its safer play to avoid an iffy attack on G1.

    Id tend to think my transport should not also be wasted attacking Egypt and failing, only to have my transport wiped out by the surviving UK fighter. Under my plan i land either in Lybia or invade black sea, while i have the Italian reinforce or attack which would give me two separate attacks with no intervening UK turn. To me its batter to have the Italians try first because they have transports that can be protected so i have to not lose my Libya German forces in the exchange.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Okay, IL, you take the axis, and I’ll take the allies.  Then we’ll switch just to see which is stronger. :)

  • You can actually do this. Look at my strategy map and perform the same moves as indicated for the German player.

    IN some cases i offer choices, so take the one you think i would take. It should be clear after G1. count up the eliminated units. I prefer you use my play fast strategy, so buy the tanks and not the carrier.

    Then reverse and employ your idea. If you have more eliminated allied units, let me know and ill adapt to your strategy.

    It will only take one turn to see.

  • 2007 AAR League

    That’s the funny thing about the differences between 41’ and 42’. My policy was always to not attack Egypt in either of the two scenarios because it was a waste of ground units when you can just load up Libya and the push the UK out with the threat of a superior attack on turn 2 without having to risk sending units into a 50/50 battle on turn 1 and your opponent rolling a yahtzee on defense.

    But then I took a hard look at 41’ and realized that you HAVE to attack Egypt with Germany. And you can’t half a** it either. You have to bring the German bomber because the UK fighter MUST be detroyed even at the expense of the German bomber. The reason for this is because of the 3 bomber purchase by the UK that I’ve seen somebody else advocate.

    If anything in Egypt survives, the UK can move those units to Trans-Jordan and build the 3 bombers on their turn. That gives them 4 bombers and a fighter to hit the Italian fleet on UK2 and provides them with a place to land in Trans-Jordan that Germany can’t get to on G2 to stop it.

    Even if all you get is a cleared result from the German Egypt attack, on Italy’s turn they can take Egypt with their 2 Libyan inf and hit the 2 UK inf in Trans-Jordan with 1 inf, 1 arm, 1 CA, 1 BB which is fairly good odds to take both and remove the landing places for the UK bombers.

    Note: this also requires that the Japanese sink the UK DD/TP in sz35, so send 2 fighters to that attack and make absolutely sure that those units are sunk. The last thing you need is to send 1 fighter there and trade the DD for the fighter and have the TP survive to land 2 more units into Trans-Jordan.

    In the 42’ scenario they can’t do it because the UK doesn’t have the income to build the third bomber and the German DD in sz13 can also provide an added measure of protection.

    So to answer the question: You don’t have to in 42’, but you must in 41’ and bring the bomber to make sure it’s done right.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    We agree that Egypt has to be attacked, if only to knock down the stack.  Where we disagree is the use of the bomber.

    You are thinking about the Fighter being used in UK 2, but that can be satisfied with the Italian attack afterwards.  I’m more concerned with the Fighter, Bomber, Cruiser, Destroyer attack on UK 1!

    That’s why I send the bomber to the more certain battle in SZ 12 to kill those ships instead. (2 Submarines, Bomber vs Cruiser, Destroyer.)  Now it is Fighter, Bomber vs 2 Cruisers, Battleship if he attacks, which he won’t.

    Round 2 is a different animal.  One would hope Germany got Egypt on Round 1 so Italy can take Jordan on Round 2 and get the National Objective, but if Germany failed, Italy should have taken Egypt on Round 1.  Sure, England could have the bombers to sink the Italian fleet, but wow, that’s gunna be costly for England at about the same time they need to start dealing with protecting transports from German fighters and bombers!

  • @U-505:

    But then I took a hard look at 41’ and realized that you HAVE to attack Egypt with Germany. And you can’t half a** it either. You have to bring the German bomber because the UK fighter MUST be detroyed even at the expense of the German bomber. The reason for this is because of the 3 bomber purchase by the UK that I’ve seen somebody else advocate.
    So to answer the question: You don’t have to in 42’, but you must in 41’ and bring the bomber to make sure it’s done right.

    So losing Anglo-Egypt round 1 dooms the axis?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    No it does not.  But it makes life really hard on the Axis.

    I think what U-505 is saying is that losing the Italian Fleet before even getting a chance to use it once dooms the Axis. (Notice I am not saying I agree or disagree, only that I think that is what he was saying.)

  • ok what exactly do you bring on turn 1 to kill Egypt and what are the % of success?

    actually also measure the % of success of the planes attacking the Italian fleet, but give the Italians 1 extra destroyer, because if they see 3 bombers, they will build something right?

    Then compare the difference in value considering what is gained and lost vs. the allocation of the resources to other attacks besides Egypt on G1

    Then you have an accurate value. right?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    40% to kill the Egyptian Fighter
    30% to take Egypt

    Germany: 2 Infantry, Artillery, 2 Armor
    England: 2 Infantry, Artillery, Armor, Fighter

    (My experience is that Egypt actually goes much better, but that’s what the sim calls it at.)

    NOTE:  SZ 12 should be utterly destroyed by 2 Submarines, Bomber so no England attack on SZ 14 in round 1.

    By round 2, Italy should have taken Egypt and maybe Jordan as well…kinda depends what’s where.

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