The rules concerning Tank Destroyer units and Waffen-SS Assault Pioneer units have been updated.
Please read the updated rules.
yeah moral bonus can add a new dimension the game
you can win over time or you can win with a rush of capturing of victory cities
i have been thinking about making the i.c. into four seperate unit’s that would cost 5 i.p.c each and each one would have a production capacity of 5 each round, no more than 3 land unit i.c. each territory and 1 shipyard i.c. or 3 shipyard i.c. and 1 land i.c., should the i.c. be surrounded or cut off from the total i.p.c. production value, the i.c. that would be surrounded could only use i.p.c that would be within it’s own circle of influence, i.e. should a wedge be driven through a defensive line and a circle of attacker’s around any number of territories that have an i.c. that i.c. can draw i.p.c. from those territorie’s that the controlling national power has that are adjacent or connected to the i.c that would be surrounded.
for fog of war i think that front line’s should not be affected, recon could be after the place new unit’s phase, paper could be written on and placed in the territory, when an opposing national power make’s their move a dice could be rolled and a successful roll would reveal the opposing force’s, it could cost 1 i.p.c. within a range of 3
Another thing i would really like to get started is a good system for supply lines.
I typed this once but lost it do to power out so it may have holes sorry.
Useing the Generals rule i made up this can be made simple.
There are three trypes of supply.
ASP/Amunition supply point
LSP/Logistics supply point
FOP/fuel oil supply point
They are all produced from an buy them in groups of 5,each group will cost 1 IPC
Each General/Admiral has a pool of all three,keep track of this on a sheet of paper and use pencil so you can keep changeing it,and try and keep it neat. :-D
When a General(you) decides to make an offencive you must first make sure you have the resources to carry it out.
After the General(you) has taken the territory you will subtract one ASP/LSP(and if you used airsupport/Tanks/mech you subtract one FOB|)for each one,from the General/Admirals pools.Territory that has just been caped can have supply moved into it durring noncombat.more on this in a sec
Look at the territory your men are in,the Industrial value of that terrtory is even more important not because they can be used as marchalling stations for an offensive.What ever the value of the territory is the nummber of units you can keep there with out haveing supply trucked in. Example:France has a value of 6,this means Germaney can keep a combination of 6 units there with out truckin supply,any more then 6 will have to be supplyed from truck.
There are four means of moveing supply.
1.Horce drawn wagon,move your supply one space durring noncombat.
2.Truck,load up to 2 units of supply as well as one unit of Infintry/Artillery onto your truck and move it 2 can not move Infintry/Artillery into a newly caped territory just supply.
3.Air,Use a Bomber and load up to 3 units of supply and move it 5 spaces.(saveing one for landing)Air is the only way to supply surrounded units.If units are surrounded and you have no more supply with them then you lose all of those units except for what ever amount the value of the territory can support.
4.Sea,Use a Transport ship and load 4 units of supply and a combination of 2 ground units and move it 2 spaces.(Transports are the only sea units that can load supply and offload it,they can resupply other fleets/taskforces/ship squadrons)
remmember that they are not objects,they are written down on paper with the General/Admirals total supply pools.And you subtract one unit of supply that is USED away from your pools that is used ether at the end of your combat move or at the end of your noncombat move.each and every unit uses LSP even if they did not make an offensive,but AST and FOP are only used if you carryed one out or moved units into an unocupied territory.
Example:Germaney has taken Egypt,Germaney takes it with 2Infintry 2Tank and 1Artillery.And lets say that Rommel was in command of them and so you would look at his supply sheet and subtract 5 LSP,5AST,and just 2FOP(he only had 2 FOP useing units which were the tanks).what ever nummber you have left is the supply he will have left,so you would think….do i have enough to take the rest of Africa,you will prolly get no which will mean that you will want to have the Suez canal inorder to ship supply from Italy to support the rest of his efforts.
Now this is what i think we will do for supply for the Navy…
Admirals will need supply for there Naval engagements and the most obviouse way it to have a few Transports stick together loaded with supply for the fleet,but the warships will carry supply with them aswell.
Example:Yomato has a fleet in the south pacific outside of Iowjima.His fleet consists of 2BB,2CV,1CA,3DD,and 2 Transports.
Here is a list of how much supply each warship will have.
CV/6AST/4LST/6FOP(Half the AST and FOP are used for the fighters)
So lets total up what supply Yamoto will have…so he has 35AST/28LST/35FOP
Now that is more then whats needed for offence but it can go down fast and thats why your going to want to make Naval bases on Okinowa and Iowjima so you can keep that pool up.To resupply your fleet just go to an island or the mainland and you will instantly be refited.but that takes away from what ever supply you had there.
It still needs more help and tweaks but it seems doable,please tell me what you all think and put more into it or take from it and play test it some your selves.
weather could be implemented by way of a season chart, each territory could be placed in a weather zone, and varying weather condition’s could be used for each weather zone, i.e. move the season counter to the next season, when a territory is attacked look at the weather chart for that territory and season, the weather could be default or random, although, without a good set of attack, defense and movement modifier’s i would not bother implementing that weather mechanic into a game
Another thing i would really like to get started is a good system for supply lines.
i think that type of a system could work, i would use colored token’s for each supply point, the token’s could be free, determined by the i.p.c. value of the territories that are controlled by the national power, the movement cost could be fuel point’s, a convoy could be mobilized from an i.c.,
here is an idea for a general card/ability, inspiration, when attacked the defender can use their attack abilities during a number of combat round’s
Another thing i would really like to get started is a good system for supply lines.
i think that type of a system could work, i would use colored token’s for each supply point, the token’s could be free, determined by the i.p.c. value of the territories that are controlled by the national power, the movement cost could be fuel point’s, a convoy could be mobilized from an i.c.,
here is an idea for a general card/ability, inspiration, when attacked the defender can use their attack abilities during a number of combat round’s
I do not much understand…I think i already said this for when a General is attacking he has an Inspiration stat thst will determine how ever maney times he can press the attack,…after hes pressed it fo that maney of times his remaining forces are called back to the territory they originated from.
oh man you got to slow down… a book worth of posts was posted and alot of ideas need to be considered before new ideas added or you get chaos.
i think lets look at the first huge post and work on that first.
Well im thinking that whole “Political Leader” thing should go because it makes things a bit to complicate.I want to keep the General/Admiral thing going aswell as the Supply pools,it makes you have to slow down your game and get ready for two or three turns in the future.
Im play testing as we speak with my buds so i will report back in an hour or so.
Well im thinking that whole “Political Leader” thing should go because it makes things a bit to complicate.I want to keep the General/Admiral thing going aswell as the Supply pools,it makes you have to slow down your game and get ready for two or three turns in the future.
Im play testing as we speak with my buds so i will report back in an hour or so.
well that was intresting to say the least.
I made the General/Admiral cards and we had three of each for each nation.I looked on the net for small pictures of the Generals and Admirals and glued them onto a 3X5 indexcard.
I had Erwin Rommel,Von Manstein,and Paulus for Germaney
I played a friend of mine,I was Axis he Allies,1941 setup no and techs
I gave Rommel infinite inishitive and 3o Risk,meaning he dosent have a limit on how maney rounds of combat he can make on one offensive.He was in comand of my German/Russian front and the way i could tell what units he was in command of i wrote down on a sheet of paper the territorys that were under his diristriction.I made a two pronged attack on the Russians caped Karilia and Baltic states and Ukrain turn 1.I put Paulus in command of the Garrison forces in Germaney,France,and Norway(because he has an Inishitive of only 5 and Risk of 15).And Von Manstein in command of the North Afrika corps.
Japan was doing text book manuvers in the pacific not much of any thing to speak of really.
Russia got bad dice rolls and fell on turn 4 and so Axis won by VC(Minor victory)
wel also implemented the Moral pool and it worked out nicely,as long as you keep a nice neat sheet of paper to keep track of it aswell as useing Generals/Admirals.
I shall be wanting to do supplylines next tommorow.
please see what you all can add/subtract from these things.
i have been thinking about another system for general’s, each national power start’s the game with 3 general’s, each general has card’s, when a general complete’s certain objective’s , i.e. capture’s a victory city, that general can move up a level and recieves a new card that can be played, when the general reaches the next level, that general recieves another 2 card’s, although a maximum of 3 card’s can be played on a turn/2 turn’s, when the general is defeated they are replaced with a new general starting at the first level,
i have not had an idea of what the 2 starting card’s would be, although i have for the 2nd level, defensive retreat, when the card is played the player can use defensive retreat, third level, 2nd offensive when attacking, a player that play’s this general card can use armor to attack the next territory, or blitz to take control, if it would be unoccupied or cleared by way of an air attack, the attacking player must declare what armor would be used during the offensive, and that armor could not be used for a non combat move,
another 3rd level card could be the inspiration card that i wrote about in this thread,
at most 3 card’s in play at a time, when the card is played the effect’s are resolved, the card stay’s in play for 2 turn’s
yah, scratch political leaders, but lets work on Military leaders, I like the diferent attributes you have come up with, how many rounds of combat each leader can lead his men into, the amount of caaulaties that can be sustained, liklyhood of being able to make a second attack,
also, how about units not attaking with a leader can only attack for 1 round of combat
Each country should have a diffrent number of military leaders, each with their own paticular stats
For the national morale i think you need to look into a different system, otherwise people are not going to be able to build that much, also I would think the Soveit Union would have a much higher national morale that lets say the US. The Russians, took far more losses and went through much more pain yet still were very effective on the battlefeild. The Germans and the Japanese thought the west was soft and could be weakened by significant casulaties.
I think National morale should be respresented buy how many losses a nation can take before it pulls out of the war
On supply, your system seems very complex for such a simple thing, why not just have one type of supply that does everything, instead of three. you get basicly the same thing and it is still a really cool idea.
I think if we do all these changes right, then combine them with the a version of AARHE Lite that is compatible with AA50 we could slow down thegame a bit, instead of each turn representing 4-6 months, they would each represent a season. and once each turn represents a season it is going to be a lot easeir to introduce weather rules
I am going to try a game of AA50 with rules from AARHE Lite in the coming weeks, once i have three or four more game of reg AA50 under my belt. I will then try to implement some of you rules
Also, Imperious Leader, is this the right way to go about experimenting for AA50HE, using the fundemental concepts from AARHE and building ontop of that, or should we just start AA50HE from the ground up.
Tech needs to go back to being targeted like in Revised. That will help ease the burden of SBRs.
If tech is targeted should you have to declare which tech your researchers are for when you purcahse them, and should they then cost 10 or 15 IPCs?
or maybe you need multiple breakthoughs depeding on the tech to develop it
You declare what technology you want to get, you declare how many rolls you want, and you only get to roll once. If your man fails, you shoot him and have to hire a new guy at an additional 5 IPCs.
That way you don’t end up with America having 9 bombers and rolling Super Submarines when what he really wanted was Heavy Bombers!
if you shoot you researchers shouldn’t subsequent reasearch rolls be more likely to succeed due to increased motivation :-D
I kind of like the new research rules though, where your researchers dont go away. I think we should incorporate them into targeted techs
Well i have printed out 3 Generals for each Nation except Italy(I could not find a pitcture of Italian Generals so i got a picture of Mussolini who looks very much like Nicolas Cage) and ran a game with them,it seems like a good idea but it needs work.I do not want to make it to complicated because then people will say screw it and rip the cards after trying it.
I will playtest some more tonight and get back to you.the site was down for apart of the day i think.
And where can i get my Board Laminated? :?
It’s pissing me off getting a whole bunch of pizza/beer stains on it.
I think National morale should be respresented buy how many losses a nation can take before it pulls out of the war
i like that idea, it could mean that the nationional power’s army would be disbanded, and there could be a scramble to take over the territories, and the national power could be reinstated, if a national power from the same alliance managed to retake enough territories to build up the national morale again,
national morale could be determined by losing a point for each unit that would be defeated, and for victory cities and territories that are captured, there could be a national resolve that could be used when morale reaches a critical level before capitulation of the nation, a siege mentality, where the national power could call upon hidden resources, i.e. emergency supplies in the form of i.p.c that could be used for a last stand (or not) against the invading forces,
morale could be boosted by capturing territories
take total IPC divide by 10= national morale. Each territory you lose subtract one morale point
If you lose your capital you lose morale value of half the IPC value of territory, example losing Germany loses 5 morale points
If you go into negative numbers in any turn, you can face a collapse of your government. Roll one D6 using the modifier of negative net morale value and if the result is zero or negative, you have lost the game.
there done.
I dont think national morale should be associated directly with IPC production, sure the US had the most resources and the largest econamy, but could they have withstood over a million causalties like the Germans and Soveits.
Everyone who reads this, the next game you play, see if you can count how many peices each sides losses
and report back here
then we can figure out a historical and playable national morale for each nation
For each unit you lose, you lose one morale, + plus their will be other modifers and oppertunities to gain morale
when you morale hits zero, your nation must offer peace, the oppsing side can either accept or reject it. If they accept that nation surrenders and is treated as a neutral unless it is again attacked. the oppsing side can also reject peace and play continues as usaul