Another thing i would really like to get started is a good system for supply lines.
I typed this once but lost it do to power out so it may have holes sorry.
Useing the Generals rule i made up this can be made simple.
There are three trypes of supply.
ASP/Amunition supply point
LSP/Logistics supply point
FOP/fuel oil supply point
They are all produced from an buy them in groups of 5,each group will cost 1 IPC
Each General/Admiral has a pool of all three,keep track of this on a sheet of paper and use pencil so you can keep changeing it,and try and keep it neat. :-D
When a General(you) decides to make an offencive you must first make sure you have the resources to carry it out.
After the General(you) has taken the territory you will subtract one ASP/LSP(and if you used airsupport/Tanks/mech you subtract one FOB|)for each one,from the General/Admirals pools.Territory that has just been caped can have supply moved into it durring noncombat.more on this in a sec
Look at the territory your men are in,the Industrial value of that terrtory is even more important not because they can be used as marchalling stations for an offensive.What ever the value of the territory is the nummber of units you can keep there with out haveing supply trucked in. Example:France has a value of 6,this means Germaney can keep a combination of 6 units there with out truckin supply,any more then 6 will have to be supplyed from truck.
There are four means of moveing supply.
1.Horce drawn wagon,move your supply one space durring noncombat.
2.Truck,load up to 2 units of supply as well as one unit of Infintry/Artillery onto your truck and move it 2 can not move Infintry/Artillery into a newly caped territory just supply.
3.Air,Use a Bomber and load up to 3 units of supply and move it 5 spaces.(saveing one for landing)Air is the only way to supply surrounded units.If units are surrounded and you have no more supply with them then you lose all of those units except for what ever amount the value of the territory can support.
4.Sea,Use a Transport ship and load 4 units of supply and a combination of 2 ground units and move it 2 spaces.(Transports are the only sea units that can load supply and offload it,they can resupply other fleets/taskforces/ship squadrons)
remmember that they are not objects,they are written down on paper with the General/Admirals total supply pools.And you subtract one unit of supply that is USED away from your pools that is used ether at the end of your combat move or at the end of your noncombat move.each and every unit uses LSP even if they did not make an offensive,but AST and FOP are only used if you carryed one out or moved units into an unocupied territory.
Example:Germaney has taken Egypt,Germaney takes it with 2Infintry 2Tank and 1Artillery.And lets say that Rommel was in command of them and so you would look at his supply sheet and subtract 5 LSP,5AST,and just 2FOP(he only had 2 FOP useing units which were the tanks).what ever nummber you have left is the supply he will have left,so you would think….do i have enough to take the rest of Africa,you will prolly get no which will mean that you will want to have the Suez canal inorder to ship supply from Italy to support the rest of his efforts.
Now this is what i think we will do for supply for the Navy…
Admirals will need supply for there Naval engagements and the most obviouse way it to have a few Transports stick together loaded with supply for the fleet,but the warships will carry supply with them aswell.
Example:Yomato has a fleet in the south pacific outside of Iowjima.His fleet consists of 2BB,2CV,1CA,3DD,and 2 Transports.
Here is a list of how much supply each warship will have.
CV/6AST/4LST/6FOP(Half the AST and FOP are used for the fighters)
So lets total up what supply Yamoto will have…so he has 35AST/28LST/35FOP
Now that is more then whats needed for offence but it can go down fast and thats why your going to want to make Naval bases on Okinowa and Iowjima so you can keep that pool up.To resupply your fleet just go to an island or the mainland and you will instantly be refited.but that takes away from what ever supply you had there.
It still needs more help and tweaks but it seems doable,please tell me what you all think and put more into it or take from it and play test it some your selves.