I have always thought that A&A needed some refinement with how different units interacted with each other. Case in point tanks defending on a 3 against fighters, that can’t be right. This is how I changed the defense and attack values in my game. What do you guys think?
Fighter vs Fighter- A3,D4
Fighter vs Bomber-A3,D2
Fighter vs Tank- A3,D1
Fighter vs Art.- A3, D1
Fighter vs Inf.- A3, D1
Fighter vs Destroyer- A3, Anti-Air Roll 1
Fighter vs Battleship- A3, Anti-Air Roll 1 or 2
Fighter vs Carrier- A3, Anti-Air Roll 1 or 2
Infantry always attacks on a 1
Artillery fires in opening fire stage. Can attacks ships in adjacent sea zone. Does not give bonus to Inf.
Art vs Inf-A2,D2
Art vs Tank-A2,D2
Art vs Fighter-A1,D4
Art vs Bomber-A1,D1
Art vs Art-A2,D2
Art vs Ships-A1
Tank vs Tank-A3,D3
Tank vs Inf-A3,D2
Tank vs Art.-A3,D2
Tank vs Fighter-A1,D4
Tank vs Bomber-A1,D1
Bomber vs Tank-A4,D1
Bomber vs Bomber-A2,D1
Bomber vs Inf-A4,D1
Bomber vs Art.-A4,D1
Bomber vs Fighter- A2, D4
Bomber vs Destroyer-A4,Anti Air Roll 1
Bomber vs Battleship-A4, Anti Air Roll 1 or 2
Bomber vs Carrier-A4,Anti Air Roll 1 or 2
Sub vs Battleship-A2,D3
Sub vs Carrier-A2,D2
Sub vs Destroyer-A2,D3
Sub vs Sub-A2,D2
Battleship vs Carrier-A4,D1
Battleship vs Destroyer-A4,D3
Battleship vs Sub-A2,D2
Battleship vs Battleship-A4,D4
Battleship vs Fighter- Anti Air Roll 1 or 2,D4
Carrier Always Attacks on a 1
Carrier vs Fighter-Anti Air 1 or 2,D4
Destroyer vs Carrier-A3,D1
Destroyer vs Battleship-A3,D4
Destroyer vs Sub-A3,D2
Destroyer vs Destroyer-A3,D3
Destroyer vs Fighter-Anti Air Roll 1,D4
Transports always defends on a 1 and against planes anti air roll of a 1