• Soviet 1942 Strategy:

    Build 8 Infantry or 4 Infantry and 1 Bomber

    Attack one of the following groups of territories:

    1. Ukraine with 3 Inf,1 Art, 1 fighter  9v7
    2. E Ukraine with 3 Inf, 3 Tanks, 1 Art  15v12
    3. Belorussia 3 Inf,1 Bomber, 1 Tanks  10v6

    Or attack:

    1. Baltic states with 3 Inf, 1 Fighter, 1 Tank 9v6
    2. East Ukraine with 6 Inf, 3 tanks, 1 Art  18v12
    3. Belorussia with 3 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Bomber 10vs6

    Move the sub to SZ#2

    Help UK with 2 Inf to Persia from Kazakh
    Help China with 2 Inf to Chinghai from Novo.

    Place and center 8 Infantry in Stanovoy and Inf in evenki to Yakut

  • We played yesterday. Russian helped China with 2 infantry the first turn. By shunting some infantry to Western China USSR was able to keep China alive for a while.

  • I think to make China safe it takes 3 turns of Soviet Infantry to seed China to self dependency.

    I have a new map for 1942 strategy see thread.

  • Good strategy by Imperious Leader.

    I happen to buy eight infantry, as stated above, but I decide whether or not to send Infantry to China depending on how badly that Chinese Player wants China. If he is not going full force…… then I just send everything towards the Germans.

  • Another strategy my roommate and I considered was only attacking Eastern Ukraine to knock out the heavy armor of Germany and having 3 tanks, 8 inf(after deployment) and the fighter in Karelia.  Germany has to gamble the possibility of losing aircraft to take Karelia turn one and can only send minimal forces against Stalingrad or Moscow.  Our purchase was 8 inf and we rolled out the fight a couple of times for Karelia and Germany took it with no plane losses from AA shots but lost 1-2 planes just to put a tank there.

    The thing is, Germany will pretty much have 2 of the 3 NO’s no matter what because they start with all 5 of the 3/5 NO.  I think putting a stonewall defense of inf in your factories makes Germany take a beating to assault one.  We also moved 2 inf into China in our gameplan as well.  What do you guys think?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’m trying a more consolidated strategy.

    Build 8 Infantry (1 for Karelia, 1 for Caucasus, 6 for Russia) and attack with everything into Belarus and East Ukraine to provide a strong front to the Germans. (Pulling the AA Guns from Karelia/Caucasus as well.)

    Dunno, filmatleven

  • Personally, I like this (for LL, though):

    Purchase: 8 INF
    Baltic States: 3 INF, 1 FIG from KAR (likely to be taken with 1 INF, 1 FIG remaining, or just 1 FIG
    Belorussia: 3 INF from Archangel; 1 BMB from Russia (likely to be taken with 1 INF, 1 BMB remaining)
    E. Ukraine: 1 ARM from Archangel; 3 INF, 1 ART, 2 ARM from Russia; 2 INF, 1 ART, 1 ARM from Caucuses

    With this deployment, there is no counterattack possible by Germany against E. Ukraine or Caucuses, since you’re moving the 2 INF on Kazakh, both planes, and 4 new INF on Caucuses.  So, Russia should be able to hold onto all starting hardware.  Karelia will be abandoned, retreating the AA gun to Archangel.  You weren’t going to be able to hold onto that for too long anyway.

  • I try and get either adv art or mech inf and build up large forces of tanks+men or Artillery+men.  You have to face the fact that as Russia, you must go offensive on the first turn.  You also have to face the fact that to hold off Germany you must do two things, give ground as much as possible while maintaining an advantageous ending position in your fighting withdrawal and 2.  Accept that most of your ground forces (save the tanks hopefully) are going to end up being sacrificed, don’t worry about it, you are STALIN, you have millions of tons of meat for the grinder.  Use your air power in hit and run type attacks and at all costs avoid an all out battle with the Hun.  Try and pincer your enemy but avoid allowing him to attack your big stack until the very end at Moscow.  Avoid going too gung ho into German territory, its a see saw and you cant take Germany alone, keep your forces back in defense and don’t attack the German big stack with your big stack, force him to attack you.  By then you should have allied air support at least and Britain and USA threatening Germany.

    The most important factor in playing Russia is to Never ever let the Caucuses fall.  if you can retake it then that’s ok, its only 4 bucks.  However, if Germany/Italy can hold it for a turn and churn out 4 units there as well as Japan landing fighters after its capture thus preventing you from recapturing it, its just a matter of time until your goose is cooked.

  • Customizer


    Soviet 1942 Strategy:

    Build 8 Infantry or 4 Infantry and 1 Bomber

    Attack one of the following groups of territories:

    1. Ukraine with 3 Inf,1 Art, 1 fighter  9v7
    2. E Ukraine with 3 Inf, 3 Tanks, 1 Art  15v12
    3. Belorussia 3 Inf,1 Bomber, 1 Tanks  10v6

    Or attack:

    1. Baltic states with 3 Inf, 1 Fighter, 1 Tank 9v6
    2. East Ukraine with 6 Inf, 3 tanks, 1 Art  18v12
    3. Belorussia with 3 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Bomber 10vs6

    Move the sub to SZ#2

    Help UK with 2 Inf to Persia from Kazakh
    Help China with 2 Inf to Chinghai from Novo.

    Place and center 8 Infantry in Stanovoy and Inf in evenki to Yakut

    In the first one you leave Karelia open to be easily conquered, germany has 96% chance without even risking a plane, and Italy can take Caucus with 57% chance of winning.
    In the second one, again Karelia can be easily conquered by germany since you only have 2 inf left there and they can bring 4 land units, a bombard, and any planes they want, and Germany can also easily take the Caucus since you left Ukraine alone, and if they do not then Italy can try like above.

    I’m not sure I like these moves, but kudos for putting them out there anyway. (I should add that I play with NOs, so holding Karelia and Caucus are important to Russia)

  • Thats strategy is totally outclassed. View my strategy maps for 41 and 42.

    The date is from November where i posted it.

  • @Imperious:

    Soviet 1942 Strategy:

    Build 8 Infantry or 4 Infantry and 1 Bomber

    Attack one of the following groups of territories:

    1. Ukraine with 3 Inf,1 Art, 1 fighter  9v7
    2. E Ukraine with 3 Inf, 3 Tanks, 1 Art  15v12
    3. Belorussia 3 Inf,1 Bomber, 1 Tanks  10v6

    Or attack:

    1. Baltic states with 3 Inf, 1 Fighter, 1 Tank 9v6
    2. East Ukraine with 6 Inf, 3 tanks, 1 Art  18v12
    3. Belorussia with 3 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Bomber 10vs6

    Move the sub to SZ#2

    Help UK with 2 Inf to Persia from Kazakh
    Help China with 2 Inf to Chinghai from Novo.

    Place and center 8 Infantry in Stanovoy and Inf in evenki to Yakut

    perhaps take down belorussia with 3 inf, fighter, bomber, send all avaible troops to eastern ukraine?
    use kzakh to reinforce caucasus

  • Thats really outdated info. Refer to 1941 or 1942 strategy map files on this.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18

    Take Finland.  Gather forces in Archangel.  Let him take on a small band (3 inf) in Karellia, then you retake it.  You can’t beat the blitz, but you can beat up the garrison.  Aggressive in the East, but again beat up the garrison not defend against the bombardments or the swarm of Japanese fighters.

  • Karellia is a dead zone on G2. I never force that issue because it leads to a poor position before long.

  • Im quite new to the game but my strat for Russia usally looks something like this:


    Build 4 inf and 3 art.

    Attack Belorussia with 6 inf and a bomber, 100 %, losses 2 inf,
    Attack E Ukraine with rest 100 %, losses 3 inf
    Land bomb in Novo (can strike everything you might want to strike) and fighter in Cau

    Move 2 inf into Cau from Kaz
    Move 2 into Russia from Novo
    Move 7 inf to Bur
    Move 1 inf in Ural
    Move 1 in Eve
    Move AA from Russia into E Ukr
    Move AA from Kar to Arc

    Place 1 art and 3 inf in Cau and 1 inf and 2 art in Russia

    Collect 31 IPC

    Your attacks are safe and will most likely lead to more German losses then Russian


    Germany now has a few alternatives:

    He can attack Cau, to make this a good attack he needs to a transport and a bomber. This will make it easier for the UK fleet and also weaken the Axis in Africa. Even if he uses everything the average loss for both is 27 ipc witch means the Germans are likely to get a plane shot down. It will also mean the end of the German transport as the UK fighter and destroyer can kill it in UK turn. If he skips the transport or the bomber in the attack it is not a fun attack to make. Loosing Cau is not so terrible as the Germans will have their NO anyway (as he can just walk or ship units into Kar) and you can always spend your money on tanks.

    If he attacks Cau he can’t take out your tanks in E Ukr. To do this safely he needs all available land troops and planes. Even if this is the case the IPC loss is quite even (35-36) and again it is quite likely he will have a plane destroyed.

    If he attacks Cau he also has the option to attack Bel with one tank, one art and 5 inf. This attack will have your 4 inf killed taking 3 inf with them on average. He can ofc decide only to attack Bel with full force leaving (again on average) 3 inf, 1 art and 3 tanks there or just commit minimum of forces to kill you (4 inf and a plane), an attack with forces left will (on average) result in an exchange where the Russians comes out 5 IPC ahead (assuming both commit all they can w is np for you but might be annoying for Germany as it does not allow him to take Arc).

    If he committed his bomber against you (a must if he wants to attack Cau and needed if he does not want the attack on E Ukr to be an (on average) IPC loss he has a 50 % chance to take out the UK BB and even a lower chance to take out the TRS. He can try and take out the 2 other fleets, moving the 2 subs to Canada and attacking the ships at Gib with 2-3 fighters (one might be committed in E Ukr). This means risking even more planes. The safe thing is to go for only the gib fleet with subs and planes. If he uses his bomber and the fighter from Ger he can to more dmg to the UK fleet but on the other side his attacks against you will be weaker and he will either just have hit you in E Ukr (on average net loss for him) and losing a plane if he wants to take it or killing you in Belo.

    Germanys builds and non combats will ofc differ. He will move and/or ships into Kar (an attack) and move up his forces against the eastern front. I would say a likely position would be:

    If E Ukr was attacked:

    Kar: 1 tank, 3 inf
    Ukr: 1 inf
    E ukr: 1 tank
    Bal: 1 inf
    E Pol: 6 inf,
    Pol: 3 tanks, 2 fig, 5 inf

    If Cau and Bel was attacked:

    Kar: 1 tank, 3 inf
    Ukr: 1 inf
    Cau: 1-2 tank
    Bel: 3 inf, 1 art
    E Pol: 4 inf
    Pol: 3 tanks, 5 inf
    Bul/Rum: 2 fig, 1 bomb

    If Bel was attacked low:

    Kar: 1 tank, 3 inf
    Ukr: 1 inf
    Bel: 1 inf
    E Pol: 6 inf, 5 tanks, 1 art
    Pol: 2 tanks, 5 inf, 2 fig

    There will also be a bunch of newly build units in Germany.

    This will match up against your:

    Ural: 1 inf
    Bel: 4 inf (might be dead)
    E Ukr: 3 inf, 2 art, 4 tanks (might be dead)
    Cau: 5 inf, 1 art, 1 fig (might be dead)
    Russia: 3 inf, 2 art
    Novo: 1 bomb
    Eve: 1 inf

    Might look grim but remember you get to build units be4 he gets to move again.

    In UK 1 he might have a lot of options. If Germany went after you and did not make optimal attacks in his first turn he might only have lost the destroyer. In this case he can go after a lot of prices. Attacking the Italian fleet with 1 bomb, 1 fig, 2 DD and 1 CA is an 98 % attack where both planes are not unlikely to survive. This will put an end to all the Allies problems in Africa. They can also kill the fleet in Bal making Finland and Norway hard to reinforce and forcing the German land troops to march all the way to Kar. On top of this they can put 4 land units supported by 2 bombardments into Norway or even France.

    If one of the fleets was sunk by the Germans only one of these options might be open but still it’s a good first turn for the UK. If both fleet where destroyed the UK can’t do much but you are on the other hand in a very good position.

    There are more forces that can be committed against you, inf in Norway can move to Finland and Italy can ship in more units and start rolling tanks against you. If Germany and Italy goes all out againt you ofc you will be in trouble but that is the case even if you did not go on the offensive and take some risks. You will need the UK and US to bail you out either by opening a second front in western europe or by covering your northern front. Such an hardcore attack on you from the western axis makes life easy for your allies and it should not be long before 12-18 tan and green units start assaulting Europe every turn.

    Anyhow in your turn 2 you can hit what ever needs to be hit.

    If E Ukr was hit you hit the tank there with a few bel and a bomber. You should also hit Ukr w the inf and art you need to take it. Leave one inf in Bel and move one into Arc.

    If Cau and Bel was hit you hit Ukr and Bel with what you need to destroy them and move the rest into Cau.

    If only Bel was hit your action depends on if the German tanks joined the attack and how many units got in. If you need to commit big to kill them, do so, on average you will come out ahead of the exchange and your reinforcements arrive quicker. If you don’t need to put your tanks in to take it back don’t. Save them for later.

    You might also want to attack the Japanese in Man but that depends on their builds and moves and is not of great importance to this strat.

    After R2 you will still produce 31. Have a buffer zone around Russia and Cau and be capable of dead zoning these for a while.

    Sorry for poor spelling and grammar, its not my strongest suite.

    Best regards

  • I never have anything for China, but that’s probably just greed.

    I go 2 INF 2 ART 2 tanks, and hit:
    Belorussia: 3 inf and fighter from Karelia, 3 inf and tank from archangel, art from russia
    East Ukraine: 3 inf, 2 tanks and bomber from Russia, 3 inf and tank from Caucasus

    Move up to reinforce Caucasus, take AA guns from Karelia and Russia to Belorussia and East Ukraine for support. Place in Caucasus and land fighter there to make it tough to take.

    This strategy leaves the Germans able to take Karelia but nothing else (unless the dice Gods hate me).

  • This strategy is a little risky that Im going to propose but its become a staple for me and a friend when we play on a team together. We both like to gamble a bit. I don’t have a board in front of me so sorry if there is some confusion.  Oh we do not play with any optional rules or national advantages.

    Turn 1 we take the Russian bomber and fighter and attack the German navy to kill everything but the sub. Then attack the two German owned countries bordering Moscow. You will have to give up Karelia easily turn 1 to Germany. But thats a good trade off to get rid of the German northern navy and get a buffer for Moscow. This will allow GB to land troops on the Scandinavian countries as early as turn one with out a threat of Germany killing the GB navy.

  • Don’t know whether it has been posted or not, but here is MY opening. I buy 2 inf 2 art 2 arm.

    3 inf Kar to Bel
    3 inf Arc to Bel
    2 inf 1 fig Cau to Ukr
    1 bom Rus to Ukr
    1 inf 1 art 1 arm Cau to Euk
    3 inf 1 art 2 arm Rus to Euk
    1 arm Arc to Euk

    If I have a bid greater than 5, I throw 1 inf Egy, and 1 inf (or more) into either Cau or Rus. Those units attack Euk as well. I place 2 inf 2 arm in Cau, 2 art in Rus, with 2 inf Nov coming into Russia. Bomber and Fighter of Ukr for Cau.

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