• 2007 AAR League

    Wow, I can’t believe it…
    Once we had Greenland…A zero IPC territory, totally surrounded by the Greenland SZ.
    Never landed upon, never invaded. It just sit there, worthless…(see discussion in Revised thread)


    But wait, along comes AA50. All of a sudden we got TWO worthless zero ipc territories in the SAME SZ…  :-o

    ICELAND, of all nation, makes its first apperance in an A&A game (even in AAE it was neutral!). Why oh why??  :?
    How I would love to get an update as to why it was added…

    Hell, why didn’t the Faero Islands get included?? That would have made it THREE zero-ipc islands in SZ2  :-D

    I hope that the whole things is just some terrible misunderstanding from Attila, who put together the Abattlemap tool for AA50, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it  :lol:

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    I don’t see the point of having any territory at zero IPCs.

    If its on the map, it should be worth at least 1

  • Solomon and Gibraltar both were valuable as aircraft bases in Revised, and both were 0 ipcs

  • is Iceland neutral? who owns it?

  • based on the ABattlemap module England owns Iceland

  • @Black_Elk:

    I don’t see the point of having any territory at zero IPCs.

    If its on the map, it should be worth at least 1

    I rather see a lot of spots worth zero IPCs, after all a lot of Africa was not really worth much industrial production at all.  It was more of Italy trying to remake the Roman Empire.

    Honestly I think Africa needs to have over twice the amount of areas and those extra areas should be worthless.  Africa is the second biggest continent, yet I can transport tanks and units accross it very quickly.  I rather see it become more divided, and the sahara removed.  With more zones going south just waste time and be point less unless you are trying to out move your enemy.

  • They included Iceland in AA50 to bolster sales in Iceland. ~ZP

  • IL,, Perry

    this is all my fault.  I was locked into the Deep Abyss of those AA50 Gen Con pictures, three weeks,
    while drawing, the AA50playersAid.  I began to see things.  Like Iceland, yea and then…
    Attila shares my bad dreams with others and now the game is delayed and…
    no more whiskey for me, its all coming apart…

    Black Elk,,_Nuclea_r
    I agree Africa should have more territories.  I think it was Aldertag, who noted, to him Territories represent road and rail systems.  You can move across Europe and USA quickly, fewer territories.
    Places like Africa should be more broken up, additional territories, to represent the longer transit time attempting to cross undeveloped country.
    Black Elk, I think,  posted(other thread) that IPC should be applied to locus points.  It should not represent merely production, but also the importance of the locale, ojectives, if I understood his idea correctly.   Like Hawaii or Egypt, worth more for their positions and transits.  Are you implying the same?

  • 2007 AAR League


    Solomon and Gibraltar both were valuable as aircraft bases in Revised, and both were 0 ipcs

    I’ve got NO problem with the principle of 0 IPC territories or Islands as such.

    But you cannot compare Solomon or Gibraltar with Greenland…! Come on, you’ve never used Greenland for anything useful ,ever, admit it  :-)

    Also, to have two 0-ipc islands within the same worthless SZ  (GRN/SZ2), is just sheer folly…

  • True, I never used Greenland for nothing. I never had to face a G1 Sea Lion with long range tech (USA needs Greenland as base to land their bomber when they free England). I think that Greenland and Iceland are there just for geographical accuracy. Maybe they don’t aid, but also don’t hurt. And true, Sol and Gib are much more valuable than Greenland in this game.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Iceland should either be a 1 IPC territory…
    …or it should be wiped clean off the AA50 map  :-P 8-)

  • I agree, Iceland was a valuable territory in WWII due to its location.  Iceland wanted to be neutral, but UK took control of it to prevent Germany from taking it.  I believe that it should be worth at least 1 IPC, and I would even be willing to give Germany a bonus (perhaps +3 IPCs or a bonus to German ships in Atlantic sea zones such as +1 to Sub attack or defense or something like that) for controlling it.

  • 2007 AAR League


    They included Iceland in AA50 to bolster sales in Iceland. ~ZP

    Since Iceland is on the verge of national bankruptcy, due to the financial crisis, I think that was a bad marketing decision  :-D
    Better add Switzerland!

    Maybe THAT is why they delayed the release from Oct 23 to Nov 18. WOTC wants to lay there hands on those shiny schweizerfrancs  :mrgreen:

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well, we’ve now all had some experience with the actual game.
    Has anyone found any use for Iceland just yet?  :-D

  • what if germany took it?, i’m sure it could be used as an airbase somehow

  • @keplar:

    what if germany took it?, i’m sure it could be used as an airbase somehow

    If germany can take and hold it against an allied pounding, they don’t need it as an airbase because they’ve probably already won.  And even if they could use it as an airbase, how is that different from greenland?

  • 2007 AAR League


    … how is that different from greenland?

    Yeah, that’s kind of my point. In theory it could be useful as an airbase (in theory though!) - but Greenland is already in the very same sz.

    Greenland/Iceland, two zero-ipc allied territories, entirely enclosed within a single SZ; it’s a first, in the history of the A&A Franchise!  :-D

  • @Perry:


    … how is that different from greenland?

    Yeah, that’s kind of my point. In theory it could be useful as an airbase (in theory though!) - but Greenland is already in the very same sz.

    Greenland/Iceland, two zero-ipc allied territories, entirely enclosed within a single SZ; it’s a first, in the history of the A&A Franchise!  :-D

    Perry, you may be horrified by this, I took your objection about Islands not having Territory values and made a AA50 variant map and made all Territory Islands with a Territory value of 1:its found here:In the folder AA50 Variants-AA50Shades of Grey,
    Thanks, for the idea, your credit.
    And yes, it could have been different Sea Zones between Greenland and Iceland.

  • Customizer

    If more sea zones were added to make naval travel more hazardous (I’m an advocate of a much wider Atlantic) then 0 IPC territories would become more important.

    I dislike giving any territory “added” value for historical importance.

    If a territory was economically important then that should be represented in it’s basic IPC level.

    If it was strategically important - as a fueling station for ships, or way point for aircraft - then that should be reflected in the movement of units around the board.

    Another of my rules is that every ship must refuel once per turn at a port.  This can be on any friendly land territory, regardles of IPC value.  Hence, small island territories can become valuable without an artificially inflated IPC value attached to them.

    As long as the Allies can hop across the Atlantic in one turn then Iceland will remain superfluous.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Actually, A44, England does not “own” them.  Iceland is British territory, but it’s not part of England (as in the same territory.)

    The reason for Iceland and Greenland, IMHO, is as a bomber base for long range SBR bombers. (Notice how they are 4 territories from E. USA.)

    Theoretically, if Japan owned Hawaii, you could also bomb W. USA from there or land bombers after bombing W. USA or E. USA there.

    Of course, I hardly see many opportunities for this.

    And one could imagine the day Iceland is used as a staging ground for allied fighters to liberate England one day, seeings as they share a sea zone it would be plausible you could use it to attack England…

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