World War II in Europe turn by turn
The first post shows the starting set up. This game starts in fall 1939. There is a spring 1941 and summer 1943 set up as well, but this game is the fall 1939 set up. Germany started with 2 subs with 3 more in the build boxes.
Please explain the convoy train idea and do you need those pointed sticks and where do you get them? I just bought the vinyl map
@jim010 said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:
The first post shows the starting set up. This game starts in fall 1939. There is a spring 1941 and summer 1943 set up as well, but this game is the fall 1939 set up. Germany started with 2 subs with 3 more in the build boxes.
Is the 41 setup on HBG site ?
Check a few posts up, IL, as I tried to explain the convoys there.
Both set - ups HBG should have, but I don’t think they have the latest revision of the rules or set-ups. I have them, though. You can get them from me. I also don’t think HBG has the revised maps, but there isn’t too much difference, if at all.
As for the convoy markers, I am using wood painted white. I bought a dollhouse white picket fence set from Michael’s, so what you are seeing is the wooden fence strewn out all over my map, lol!
Summer 1942. Germans reclaimed what I took back from them, but this advance is not as stellar. I definitely now believe they lost too much in France and attacked Russia too late. Italy is building up in Syria. It was a mistake for me to relocate the Egyptian fleet to Gibraltar. I have no way of intercepting Italian convoys. However, I am making progress in French north Africa. The Italians will have to split their attention soon. Americans are building full crank, but slow to get stuff over.
Ok thanks Jim. Just don’t think there’s enough Ger subs in game. Not knocking game but seems not enough of them in all games to represent convoy raiding.
Germans started the real war with less subs than the Italians had. And only 24 could go into the Atlantic for operations, so the set-up is quite accurate in that regard.
Up to the German player to decide if he wants to invest in a sub fleet.
Also, do you have issues with items like the Battleship taking 8 turns to build, Carriers and Cruisers also taking pretty many turns. One might think once they are gone it becomes a matter of the enemy staying nearby ready to pounce. Also, i would think Germany should build alot more subs and remove the threat of landings with huge stacks of cheap subs and planes in France, keeping any Allied ships away…
Reminds me of Xeno’s War in Europe
You definelty have to plan ahead if you want the big ships. If you don’t lay them down right away, they’ll enter the war too late to make a difference.
That would be a good comparison. Think more Rise and Decline of the Third Reich but with Axis pieces.
@Imperious-Leader said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:
Also, do you have issues with items like the Battleship taking 8 turns to build, Carriers and Cruisers also taking pretty many turns. One might think once they are gone it becomes a matter of the enemy staying nearby ready to pounce. Also, i would think Germany should build alot more subs and remove the threat of landings with huge stacks of cheap subs and planes in France, keeping any Allied ships away…
Problem is units are much more expensive and take time to build. And subs are crap for attacking regular navy. Much more suited in this game for convoy attacks. But I have seen 1 guy try that.
@jim010 said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:
Germans started the real war with less subs than the Italians had. And only 24 could go into the Atlantic for operations, so the set-up is quite accurate in that regard.
Up to the German player to decide if he wants to invest in a sub fleet.
Ya I get that but there’s never any battle of the Atlantic going on in games. From my info most Italian subs in Atlantic was 15 off coast of France beginning of 42.
Be cool to have sub builds starting in 39
OK I’m out of discussion. Had my say.
Good luck. -
Germans had few subs but these were good long range ones. Italian ones could not even leave the parking lot of the Pizzeria, let alone the Atlantic …Italians had “coastal submarines”
Yep. Didn’t do much. Still no battle of the Atlantic in any games
And by 1940 the German subs went up dramatically. I would already have a number of ships in the queue in various stages of building to start the game, as well as various planes, etc.
There has been here. I guess it just isn’t showing up as I am only posting what the board looks like at the end of each turn. He’s been going after my convoys to Africa and the Middle East and Algeria. Algeria in particular has been a problem since everytime he kills the transport, my army there is out of supply and can’t be used until resupplied. I’ve lost several transports, and he’s lost a little less in subs. I have played this for a while, so to keep my convoys going, I am always buying a few transports every turn to keep replenishing my convoys. I am stuffing more destroyers into them now that I have them to protect my transports in those convoys.
Beginning of 42 peak time for Ger convoy raiding
No problems, SS-Gen. Not your cup of tea. That’s ok!
@jim010 said in World War II in Europe turn by turn:
No problems, SS-Gen. Not your cup of tea. That’s ok!