German "factory crush" strategy with little help from Mini-Me ( Italy)

  • A simple counter/stall against this would be for UK to land in poland breaking up your armor trains. This should be doable easily by UK 2 with there turn 1 income (say build 1 trans 2 cruiser). Also, as early as US 2 Italy should be getting 1 bombing run a turn on it from them, not to mention the UK bomber if it survives. Lastly, I believe Italy ignoring the middle east will result in them being relegated to repairing there IC more often than building any units. Even if the Italian fleet moves north the UK should be able to sink it with air purchased on UK 2.

  • ok uk 2 clearing the Baltic would only bring a few infantry to Poland, but the tanks are moving into east Poland from Germany. Clearing the Baltic is 1 turn ( i assume you would want to have about 3 shore shots) so your going in with just infantry, unless uk buys a carrier. The mistake UK did was land her planes on a territory in reach of east Poland after an invasion and the Soviets cant protect it.

    SO uk needs a carrier and a couple of ships for support depending on how many ships are sunk by Germany on round one.

    I don’t think UK can get an effective wall up before UK3 because of the investment of these naval builds.

    So i would say they could barely take poland in round 2, but obviously the Germans just kick them out and move most of her tanks in NCM right thru into east poland anyway, rendering uk’s invasion useless.

    The Germans have two trys to get the tanks to east poland.

    UK needs to not do this and land and keep retaking karelia instead IMO from baltic, but the Germans push this away AND take Caucasus which the uk player can do nothing about.


    This map explains what im talking about in pictures. see for yourself what happens.

  • How about making Len a dead zone, grabbing Northern Europe, giving up Ind, overpowering the Italian Navy, and stacking inf in Cau?

    For instance:
    R1: purchases: 5 inf 3 arm, combat: 5 inf 1 rtl Len -> Swe (+maybe sub exchange) non-combat: 1 inf Bel -> Arc, 3 inf 1 rtl Mos -> Arc, 2 inf Kaz -> Cau, 2 inf Nov -> Mos, rest inf -> west. reinforcements: 3 arm -> Mos, 1 inf -> Len, 4 inf -> Cau.

    UK1: purchases: 1 AC, 2 DD, 1 trn, 2 inf combat: invade France with 1 arm 1 inf (gain 6IPC+10 NO), kill with air rest of German fleet non-combat: air lands in Swe, 1 ftr from Egy -> CHA (where the AC+DD’s+trn will be build. The Eus ftr will join too), Middle East pulls back to Per (to help defend Cau in round 2)

    Short term: 16 Russians ready to take back what 10 Germans can take in Len at G2, back-up of 4 British land + 4 British air on UK2 in Len to defend vs G3, 10 inf in Cau defending the first wave of German attackers, 7 British land units to defend vs the wave of Italian at Cau, a very strong Brit which will make 40+ IPC’s the next 2/3 turns (without NO’s calculated in)

    Long term: Nwy and Swe will be allied forever (no German fleet), the British fleet is building up to kill the Italian navy, while also keeping control of Northern Europe (cheap DD’s to defend against ftrs, plus a few subs for hits and punch, et voila, arrivederci Mussolini, add some trns + inf and Len is Allied forever). Loss of Africa trying to counter by killing Italian fleet, from that moment, Cau is much safer and Africa ready to reclaim :)

    Of course, Ind is lost, Chi will have a very hard time, and Jpn will grow like hell (though it will take longer than in Revised)… But that’s for the Americans to clean up 8)

    I’m just trying to say: If USSR and UK really want, they can defend both Len and Cau against G2+I2, and probably later too, because after the 5 arm purchase, Ger will lack enough infantry on mid-term, giving some breathing room for Moskva till the Siberian forces arrive.

    What do you think, IL?

    Edit: an alternative to the 2 DD’s are 1 AC, but that leaves Swe a bit more vulnerable, whilst having to keep more ftrs dedicated to fleet service instead of defending Len. The good part is the fleet is completely safe from German Luftwaffe, whilst with 2 DD’s it’s “quite safe”.

  • For instance:
    R1: purchases: 5 inf 3 arm, combat: 5 inf 1 rtl Len -> Swe (+maybe sub exchange) non-combat: 1 inf Bel -> Arc, 3 inf 1 rtl Mos -> Arc, 2 inf Kaz -> Cau, 2 inf Nov -> Mos, rest inf -> west. reinforcements: 3 arm -> Mos, 1 inf -> Len, 4 inf -> Cau.

    UK1: purchases: 1 AC, 2 DD, 1 trn, 2 inf combat: invade France with 1 arm 1 inf (gain 6IPC+10 NO), kill with air rest of German fleet non-combat: air lands in Swe, 1 ftr from Egy -> CHA (where the AC+DD’s+trn will be build. The Eus ftr will join too), Middle East pulls back to Per (to help defend Cau in round 2)

    Short term: 15 Russians ready to take back what 10 Germans can take in Len at G2, back-up of 4 British land + 4 British air on UK2 in Len to defend vs G3, 10 inf in Cau defending the first wave of German attackers, 7 British land units to defend vs the wave of Italian at Cau, a very strong Brit which will make 40+ IPC’s the next 2/3 turns (without NO’s calculated in)

    Caucasus has 6 infantry defending. Its the new weak point. Ill take it with the tanks and stuff in East Poland and Ukraine, plus also take back Karelia but light and for good measure open either Belorussian and/or East Ukraine, so I can then go to Moscow one of 2 ways, and latter have a link to attack Moscow from Caucasus, which forces your Karelia stack to move to Moscow and you have no way to take Caucasus back as Japan lands 3-4 planes from FIC, with Italy scraps top hold up in Caucasus. Your plan is just trading one factory for the other by trying to defend all three. UK cant retake Caucasus and now soon India can even be taken by Germany.

    If your stack moves to Moscow, the Germans builds can now take Karelia.

    I think of it like a mother bear trying to protect 2 cubs a mile away…it cant cover both of them at the same time…one must die by the wolf. If it tried to protect them by staying in the middle the wolf can take both. UK ( played by little orphan annie is too weak to fight a wolf until much latter.

    Long term: Nwy and Swe will be allied forever (no German fleet), the British fleet is building up to kill the Italian navy, while also keeping control of Northern Europe (cheap DD’s to defend against ftrs, plus a few subs for hits and punch, et voila, arrivederci Mussolini, add some trns + inf and Len is Allied forever). Loss of Africa trying to counter by killing Italian fleet, from that moment, Cau is much safer and Africa ready to reclaim Smiley

    Of course, Ind is lost, Chi will have a very hard time, and Jpn will grow like hell (though it will take longer than in Revised)… But that’s for the Americans to clean up Cool

    I’m just trying to say: If USSR and UK really want, they can defend both Len and Cau against G2+I2, and probably later too, because after the 5 arm purchase, Ger will lack enough infantry on mid-term, giving some breathing room for Moskva till the Siberian forces arrive.

    What do you think, IL?

    Edit: an alternative to the 2 DD’s are 1 AC, but that leaves Swe a bit more vulnerable, whilst having to keep more ftrs dedicated to fleet service instead of defending Len. The good part is the fleet is completely safe from German Luftwaffe, whilst with 2 DD’s it’s “quite safe”.

    Yes Germany builds a carrier and cruiser if they want a longer game, but the attacks should be the same except for the Baltic fleet stays in 41 ( less clear in 42)

    I prefer the cruiser so i got a SB each turn for 4 extra IPC and better defense.

    Germany needs the cruiser for both offensive and defensive. For Germany you can get away with a CV build on turn 1, followed by a CA build on the turn where UK builds or moves fleets in range of Baltic, or buys too many air units… so consider it the German fleet installment plan.

  • There is 10 inf in Cauc not 6, because you also start with 4 inf which don’t move.

    I don’t see how much you can bring with Germany, but I seriously doubt you have good odds against those 10 on G2.  :wink:

  • @Imperious:

    Caucasus has 6 infantry defending. Its the new weak point. Ill take it with the tanks and stuff in East Poland and Ukraine, plus also take back Karelia but light and for good measure open either Belorussian and/or East Ukraine, so I can then go to Moscow one of 2 ways, and latter have a link to attack Moscow from Caucasus, which forces your Karelia stack to move to Moscow and you have no way to take Caucasus back as Japan lands 3-4 planes from FIC, with Italy scraps top hold up in Caucasus. Your plan is just trading one factory for the other by trying to defend all three. UK cant retake Caucasus and now soon India can even be taken by Germany.

    No, it has 10 defending (4 from start who didn’t move, 2 from Kazakhstan, 4 build there) If needed, add the British ftr from Egy, and place 1 ftr less in Swe. Next turn 7 Brits+4 inf are coming to Cau (if needed). The 5 extra arm from Ger won’t hurt it :)

    The plan to add Mos as a third by claiming Euk and Bel is interesting, but I think that with 10 extra inf on R2, Mos is safe, even if Bel and Euk aren’t reconquered. In the worst case, abandon Kar alltogether at R2, conquer Nwy with Swe armies, and prepare the British to strike back (buy 7 land units + 3 trns, + 4 units from UK2 landing in Swe.

    If your stack moves to Moscow, the Germans builds can now take Karelia.

    I think of it like a mother bear trying to protect 2 cubs a mile away…it cant cover both of them at the same time…one must die by the wolf. If it tried to protect them by staying in the middle the wolf can take both. UK ( played by little orphan annie is too weak to fight a wolf until much latter.

    UK is income-wise stronger than Germany! But it is true the tank-pivot in Epl is very annoying to say the least. But once you conquer Kar, Cau is safe (the arms are out of their pivot-position), and the British are coming from Swe! The wolf can only take one cub, the other cub is safe with it’s mother then. And UK/father bear will be very angry with the wolf :D Remember that UK can bring on 8 units each turn to Kar, whilst it’s a long way for Ger to go to Kar.

    However, I do think this is the best option for Ger, and with good play, both players will get an enjoyable game out of this strat. It will make the game more dynamic then the territory-trading we saw in Revised, whilst still giving both parties a chance to win.

    Yes Germany builds a carrier and cruiser if they want a longer game, but the attacks should be the same except for the Baltic fleet stays in 41 ( less clear in 42)

    I prefer the cruiser so i got a SB each turn for 4 extra IPC and better defense.

    Germany needs the cruiser for both offensive and defensive. For Germany you can get away with a CV build on turn 1, followed by a CA build on the turn where UK builds or moves fleets in range of Baltic, or buys too many air units… so consider it the German fleet installment plan.

    So 1 AC G1? That’s 3 arm less in Epl! Russians, rejoice! + most probably the ftr and DD kill eachother, which is another ftr gone… Add to that that 2 ftr have to go to Morocco, 1 ftr + bmr to Nwy (they haven’t got enough moves left to get to Bal). => the Baltic is underdefended: 2 ftr 1 bmr vs 1 AC 1 Cru 1 trn 1 sub (if lucky 1 ftr)…
    You will need another DD or Cru (which is almost 90% of G1 purchases, so Mos will be safer). But then UK simply goes for a massive UK1 navy build-up, whit 2 AC, 2 subs, and total war upon the baltic fleet  :evil:

    I don’t think Ger can go navy, except for a sub armada (which leaves no room for coastal BB’s or transports). Anyhow, if it does, then Russia will have much less to worry about…

  • UK is income-wise stronger than Germany!

    only on turn 1, by Their turn 2, they lose 10-15 IPC thanks to Japan. leaving them at 28-33

    SWE= sweden…which is not possible.

    I guess if you hole up in Caucasus, i take Karelia with force to preclude any counter and reposition the tanks so they can strike at either Moscow or Caucasus…when you run back to Moscow to cover the Karelia threat. I either wait one turn and take all the other stuff, or take Caucasus.

    This is a problem mostly about how the map is drawn than the pieces. remember 7 threes ( tanks) each turn require the Soviets to build a similar number of defensive units…but it cant do this at 24 IPC-8 infantry… each turn i gain 5 attack points in strength over you and with karelia is my hands because you left it a dead zone, UK will not try to come up to Archangel or they die. Also, we have not added in Italy which is bringing in 4 inf ( plus her 2 tanks and fighter and 3 shore shots) to follow up a German success.

  • Ok I have a new idea for how to (possibly) slow this tactic down.

    UK1 Build 3 bomb (36) 1 trans (or other unit or save).

    UK2 Destroy med fleet with 4 bomb, and 1 fig, landing in Egypt or Caucasus. Have Egypt forces push forward.

    With any luck if UK builds up some extra fleet on UK2 the US may be able to drop 1 trans in France on there second turn, followed by major invasions UK3/US3.  I’d probably go for an AC or two if needed(using US fighters if you lost any) plus a cruiser or two if the funds are available.

    Also, with the remaining bombers, plus the US bombers you can reduce Italy to one inf per turn and begin picking on Germany.

    At some point, probably turn 5 you should take Italy from France unless Germany begins coming after you, and even then you should be able to overpower Germany at some point.

  • If you dont buy a fleet on UK1 that transport is alone with 1 DD for protection. That means to dont even get to land anywhere till turn 3 and if you do your fleet is sunk by German fighters.

    I may also take Egypt on G2, which deprives you of killing potentially the Italian fleet. I would do it if i saw you build the planes and have both Italy and Germany take both spots ( Egypt and jordan)

    BY turn UK 3 you are making your first attacks to support the Soviets and they are strong in air support, but weak in total land units because of the builds going to air. I think you will bomb Italy, but lose the plot in Soviet Union. The race to kill Moscow is unmolested by uk land invasions.

    I do agree that UK should built more bombers, but first the fleet needs to be established. fleet then air force other wise you cant use the few naval units you got and your not using all the units correctly. You have to find jobs for all your units so they do something everyturn, but your creating a new job position and not supporting your starting or leftover units.

  • Actually I would be able to land in France on UK2 as my fleet would be deployed at the end of my turn.

    Secondly I could use the planes for bombing runs, keep them in the UK, and just wait for you to hit the black sea to sink the fleet. (moving the fig to turkey with the retreating India forces or into Russia).

    Lastly, the US could land on turn 1 if they wanted to bringing 1 inf, 1 art, 1 bomb on Algeria vs 1 inf and 1 - 2 figs.  IF the US wins there is no German air within range to strike back (granted just taking down 2 figs is a victory in its own as it allows the UK to build a much smaller fleet), now that I think about it UK could hit there turn 1 as well with 1 inf, 1 arm, 1 fig and 1 bomb.  Granted, you could leave more units in Algeria, but that would allow the UK to crush Libya on turn 1, which would not be a big deal other than if the Italians counter the fleet does not move and the UK air sends it to the bottom of the sea on the next turn since SZ 15 is the only safe location for the fleet without Egypt and Trans-Jordan as landing sites.

    I personally feel that it is very dangerous for the Germans not to take Egypt on turn 1 as any loss in that area puts Italy in a very bad position which the allies can easily do with UK using a 3 bomber turn 1 build, but hey I’m just bored waiting to play this version on Triple A.  :-D

  • Actually I would be able to land in France on UK2 as my fleet would be deployed at the end of my turn.

    Yes you could that would be brushed aside from Italian troops. ON UK 1 you want to buy those bombers. thats your UK 1 build. ON UK two you start with the fleet…but you only got 1 transport left from G1 naval attacks. I understand your builds go in the same SZ as the invasion…thats fine, but 2 land units is hardly a bother. We are just trading 6 IPC back and forth while Moscow is dying. I am keeping UK from helping the Soviets directly, because you choose to buy lots of bombers rather than transports and infantry on UK 1.

    Secondly I could use the planes for bombing runs, keep them in the UK, and just wait for you to hit the black sea to sink the fleet. (moving the fig to turkey with the retreating India forces or into Russia).

    I dont care if my fleet dies…this is a race to Moscow … on land. my tanks are not effected by your bombers sinking my fleet, while getting chewed up because you didn’t send any naval for soakers…that takes UK out for a turn while my Panzer rollers and killing Soviet infantry. Also you cant move into Turkey you cant even fly over it.

    Thats the whole point of buying just tanks because i give up a proper attack for a long game… i want a short game and i am prepared to sac my fleets…for you to be bothered by it, while Panzers kill.

    Lastly, the US could land on turn 1 if they wanted to bringing 1 inf, 1 art, 1 bomb on Algeria vs 1 inf and 1 - 2 figs.  IF the US wins there is no German air within range to strike back (granted just taking down 2 figs is a victory in its own as it allows the UK to build a much smaller fleet), now that I think about it UK could hit there turn 1 as well with 1 inf, 1 arm, 1 fig and 1 bomb.  Granted, you could leave more units in Algeria, but that would allow the UK to crush Libya on turn 1, which would not be a big deal other than if the Italians counter the fleet does not move and the UK air sends it to the bottom of the sea on the next turn since SZ 15 is the only safe location for the fleet without Egypt and Trans-Jordan as landing sites.

    You cant take Morocco on turn 1. I got 2 fighters and 2 land units in it. look at my 1941 strategy map. I got Norway covered as well with similar placements. USA can just build some bombers and naval and build up.

    I personally feel that it is very dangerous for the Germans not to take Egypt on turn 1 as any loss in that area puts Italy in a very bad position which the allies can easily do with UK using a 3 bomber turn 1 build, but hey I’m just bored waiting to play this version on Triple A.  grin

    AS i said if i saw your UK bombers being placed…on G2 i would consider taking egypt. I don’t think Germany should take EGY on G1, but only on turn 2, because Germany needs its planes to sink UK naval assets on G1.

    Look at the 41 strategy map, adjust for the lost UK and Soviet units, and make those builds for UK and THEN see what Germany can do. I suspect you will immediately find a solution for your allied counters. You will also see the trouble the Soviets are facing in 41. Even if you do all you say you have not stopped the germans in Russia… your going after the sideshows and not facing the problem directly IMO.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I don’t think Germany should take Egypt at all.  That’s a plum target for Italy.  You KNOW England’s buggering out of there ASAP if they are not killed by Germany to avoid those 3 Shore Shots (and I like to build a 4th for Italy on round 1 as well).

    I do like reinforcing Morrocco.  You have that useless transport already positioned there, may as well!  It annoys England and America and protects Italy’s flanks a bit.

  • I understand what you are saying and I could be mistaken, I just feel that the threat in the south is greatly reduced by sinking the med fleet allowing the Soviets to focus on the northern front to stall once you remove the threat of landings.  I could be mistaken.

  • If Italy built a 2 DD on I2 or I1 if playing with the NO’s…do you think uk can rid her fleet on UK3?

    It would be 2 cruisers 1 Battleship, 2 destroyers against 3 bombers, 1-2 fighters?

    14 vs. 15-18 and 6 hits vs. 5. that’s pretty close.

    If i saw UK building bombers, id start 1 DD a turn and take Jordan on I1 and Egypt on I2

  • @Cmdr:

    I don’t think Germany should take Egypt at all.  That’s a plum target for Italy.  You KNOW England’s buggering out of there ASAP if they are not killed by Germany to avoid those 3 Shore Shots (and I like to build a 4th for Italy on round 1 as well).

    Italy only has 10 IPCs on turn 1, because you don’t collect the NO bonus until end of turn, so no 4th Shore Shot on turn 1.

    I do like reinforcing Morrocco.  You have that useless transport already positioned there, may as well!  It annoys England and America and protects Italy’s flanks a bit.

    I feel that taking Gibralter is more important than reinforcing Morocco-Algeria if Germany isn’t going after Egypt, because this instantly takes 5 IPCs of NO bonus away from UK, and it takes a potential landing zone awy from the Allies.

  • @Imperious:

    If Italy built a 2 DD on I2 or I1 if playing with the NO’s…do you think uk can rid her fleet on UK3?

    It would be 2 cruisers 1 Battleship, 2 destroyers against 3 bombers, 1-2 fighters?

    14 vs. 15-18 and 6 hits vs. 5. that’s pretty close.

    If i saw UK building bombers, id start 1 DD a turn and take Jordan on I1 and Egypt on I2

    Where are you getting the IPCs from?  If UK builds 3 Bombers on UK1, then the only thing Italy can do with his 10 IPCs is build a DD and leave his fleet in SZ#14 to keep it together, which means that Italy will not be taking either Egypt or Trans-Jordan.

    Also, you said earlier, that if you saw UK build 3 Bombers on UK1, that you would want to take both Egypt and Trans-Jordan to nullify the landing zone, but that still leaves Caucaus available.

    I agree that the longer UK waits, of course, the bigger Italy’s navy can get, but one must remember that for every ship Italy buys, he has fewer and fewer land units to use.

  • Do we need to land a unit to capture Gibraltar? I am still a bit unfamiliar with it, thanks. :wink:

  • Yes UK will always be able to sink the med fleet regardless of how many ships are built provided they have a landing zone, UK makes more money even after Japan starts taking territory than Italy and even if they do not hit the fleet they can always use the bombers for bombing runs which is very damaging to Italy.

    At the end of UK1 they should collect around 30 IPC, plus 5 for the Gibraltar NO,  plus an additional 11 if they take France.  That is a potential 46+ to spend UK2, or another 2-3 bombers plus other units.

    Lastly, depending on what your going for with US and if you going mainly air with UK to start dropping off two inf on Gibraltar (either US or UK) will allow you to land your fighters there to help against the med fleet.

    Another possibility is to build 2 AC on UK1, letting the US land a fig and landing your 3 UK figs on it turn 1 (they can all reach SZ 27) along with whatever else you choose to build with 15 IPCs (1 bomb would be my choice, or a trans).  This will allow you to hit SZ 14 on UK2 with 3 figs plus your bombers, or protecting any/all landings on France allowing the US to begin the shuck fun, or simply moving into SZ 13 to deny Italy one of there NOs or SZ 12 allowing you to strike anywhere within the med on your next turn and cover US troops in Africa, or any other number of options.  If you really focus on Italy with US/UK they should fall by the end of turn 3 or 4 without strong German aid.  Use a similar method from revised, UK clears the sea providing escort and US lands the troops.

  • Where are you getting the IPCs from?  If UK builds 3 Bombers on UK1, then the only thing Italy can do with his 10 IPCs is build a DD and leave his fleet in SZ#14 to keep it together, which means that Italy will not  be taking either Egypt or Trans-Jordan.

    Italy plays after UK. They take Jordan on I1, and Germans take Egypt on G2, before UK bombers arrive. ON I1 Italy builds a destroyer. ON turn UK2 the bombers have no place to land. now your talking another turn.

    Also, you said earlier, that if you saw UK build 3 Bombers on UK1, that you would want to take both Egypt and Trans-Jordan to nullify the landing zone, but that still leaves Caucasus available.

    UK bombers based on UK cant land in Caucasus from attacks in SZ #15. Thats the point. You got to wait another turn and on turn 3 i will place huge pressure on Caucasus and the bombers will all die in that’s battle as you take them off as combat allocations. 4 bombers and fighter for the Italian navy is a great trade for averting your bombers going against Germany. Plus i got 2 turns of free invasions, while the German medd. transport may have 3 turns

    I agree that the longer UK waits, of course, the bigger Italy’s navy can get, but one must remember that for every ship Italy buys, he has fewer and fewer land units to use.

    Yes right, but at least i focus the attack not on Russia, but on Italian fleet, which is a plus because uk is NOT helping Russia directly.

    The Panzer rollers are killing the Soviets and the UK bombers are fighting Italian cruisers. Thats a nice diversion for UK strength. MY plan is to sacrifice everything for decision in Russia with overwhelming force of armor.

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