• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    This was offered as a really original idea by Adlertag ad HGD:

    Commander as new unit

    Hi Larry

    Guess what man, I have playtestet the new Leader-unit. Now each nation should have 5 leaders each. One admiral, three generals and one air-marshall, all in nation specific plastic.

    Leaders work like this:

    If you attack with 5 inf and 2 tanks and a bomber the traditional way, first you roll 5 dice for inf and look for 1’s. Then you roll 2 dice for tanks and look for 3’s and at last one die and look for a 4.

    Now if a Commander was in charge of this attack, you would roll all the 8 dice at once, and assign the 1’s to the infantry and the 2’s and 3’s to the tanks and one 4 or less for the bomber. Now this combat system will statistically favour the force that have a Commander, but not so much that it will break the game.

    And the rational behind the idea, is that a competent and skilled Commander will coordinate the effort of the different weapons. The force of infantry, artillery, tanks and aircrafts will act as Combined Arms.

    And of course the same system goes for naval units too. If a fleet of destroyers and cruisers and battleships are led by a skilled Commander, you roll all the dice in one big roll and assign the lower dice to destroyers and the higest dice to battleships and so on.

    Maybe UK start the game with 2 admirals and 1 general, Germany start with 3 generals, 1 air marshall and 1 admiral, and Russia with 1 general. Then you have to develope new Commanders the same way you develope new weapons.

    I kinda like the idea, and would love to play test it with you in a more regular game, IL.  However, may I make an observation from the side lines?

    Perhaps we should limit it more.

    Russia: 1 General
    Germany: 1 General, 1 Air Marshal
    England: 1 Air Marshal
    Japan: 1 Air Marshal, 1 Admiral
    America: 1 General, 1 Admiral

    This gives each alliance 4 officers.

    Admirals are limited to ONLY naval battles
    Air Marshals may be used in either Naval or Land Battles, but not for Economic Attacks
    Generals are limited to only land battles.

    As previously stated, each officer would allow the attacker or defender to allocate each thrown dice to the unit of choice.  Air marshals, being dual purpose, would only allow you to dictate what dice were fighters and what bombers so as to keep them from being too powerful.

  • Moderator

    I would give UK an Admiral before a Air Officer

  • I would not. Hugh Dowding was the guy who organized the efficient system of air patrol that integrated the RAF and German bombing raids.  UK had no corresponding Naval officer that had commensurate skills. In ww1 it was different.

    For all Jenns ideas thats the list i would use as well.

    Except you need further limitations on total number of dice that can be rolled in this manner. for land i think about 12 max, on sea and air 6 max?

  • Good news, Tamiya made the plastic generals in 5 different molds, I ordered 3 copyes today

  • well…. enjoy gluing on all the appendages. I am quite sure each figure has 20 pieces.

    I got a much better idea… ill find the link and post


  • Those Commander graphics are great.

    But  - -  Quisling?!?

    Funny, he could work as a Diplomatic Commander, delivering 2(6) hits (that is, from 2 to 12) of economic damage to Allies on a single Germany turn.

  • Yes, he was Norway’s best War-Acadamy cadet when he graduated in 1911, and served many years in the army as an officer, and even was Minister of Defence 1931-1933.

  • Quisling is a word for hero in Norway for the kind of man who made a stand when the Germans came. He was rewarded for his efforts after the war with many memories. The epitome of 5th column organization of the 1940’s

  • Take it easy IL, politics are no-go in this forum, you’ll get banned faster than you can say “cookie”

  • I’m bumping this ancient thread because I really like what I read. This is a great formula to introduce Leaders into game play. Let me know if anyone has tried this out before in game play.

  • I have 17 Generals and 10 Admirals in my game. But after reading this may give the home fleet Admiral an air Marshall instead.

  • Remember this is for one battle per leader, but it is a decent idea. Aldertag has the starting disposition correct and it contains all types of commanders.

    Russia: 1 General
    Germany: 1 General, 1 Air Marshal
    England: 1 Air Marshal
    Japan: 1 Air Marshal, 1 Admiral
    America: 1 General, 1 Admiral

    Now if you add Italy, they have 1 general ( Rommel)

    Give UK one General
    If you add anzacs they get nothing

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