• @Krieghund:

    Since Squirecam has again “spilled the beans”, I’ll give another “bonus” update.


    It has been said that these 2 Techs are actually 1 tech together.

    IC repair- (one IPC removes two points of IC damage)

    Improved production- each IC may now produce two more units per turn

    If that is so then we are missing 1 tech. What could it be?

    Squirecam reported this in Imperious Leader’s collected information thread, but the post was deleted.  I’ll confirm that these two developments are actually one.  This, of course, makes perfect sense.

    Now where did I put that missing tech?   :evil:

    Well, to be correct, I did not spill anything. IL apparently already had the techs. I just told him they were together. For some strange reason, that post got deleted…

  • Official Q&A


    I just told him they were together.

    That’s what I was referring to.  :-)

  • I’m geussing the ‘paratrooper’ will be extremle simple.
    -Each bomber may carry one paratrooper (infanteri)

    Without having the details, I’m starting to image how it is for US to have BOTH partrooper AND heavy bombers at the same time…

    And WHY no heavy tanks.  A tech giving tanks +1 ofensive WOULD by no means be overpowered and would have been a lot more fitting than the paratrooper. I just imagine USA taking ALL island in the pacific using only partroopers…

    But i’ll give them that all land techs are atleast usefull for almost all nations for almost all situations.  And that the system of getting them is far supperior to the one in revised.

  • @Krieghund:

    Well, that didn’t take long!

    I would’ve replied sooner, but I was in England on vacation.

  • @Greand:

    I’m geussing the ‘paratrooper’ will be extremle simple.
    -Each bomber may carry one paratrooper (infanteri)

    Without having the details, I’m starting to image how it is for US to have BOTH partrooper AND heavy bombers at the same time…

    Except that Paratroopers are in the land/production tech tree and HB in the air/naval tree.

    You cannot “accidentally” get paratroopers on the way to getting HB. You can get long range air, though, which helps HB…

  • Paratroopers???!!

    Give me a break. Terrible.

    I’ll just think of a Heavy Tank teck and wipe Paratroopers from my board.

  • Well, to be correct, I did not spill anything. IL apparently already had the techs. I just told him they were together. For some strange reason, that post got deleted…

    Only in the interest of maintaining a VERY quick, short, and concise reference. Each post thats added gets edited into the original format to correct and present the most current information possible.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Is it me, or does it seem kind of funny that the Paratrooper tech is in the Land tree while the Radar tech is in the Air tree? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate if they were switched?

    And it also seems like Radar should have the secondary effect of allowing aircraft to detect subs without the assistance of destroyers and that the Super Subs tech would negate that effect.

  • Well, at last we’re almost there!  :-) Just need specifics corrected on what I put in parenthesis.

    History-wise, making Rockets a part of the Land chart makes sense since Germany would be more likely to get it. However, it could be argued that it is quite close to Jet technology. Why I put Radar in land techs from the start was because I thought that they needed two techs on the same chart to counter HBMBs. On the other hand, now Improved Production is a strong technology to get and could go a long way against a SBR offensive. And Germany could opt for Air/Naval techs and still be able to get Radar and protect vs. SBR, although some of the other ones on that list aren’t really of that much use for the Jerries (Shipyards, Super Subs).

  • Paratroopers???!!

    Give me a break. Terrible.

    I’ll just think of a Heavy Tank teck and wipe Paratroopers from my board.

    I’ll second that.

    I love the new tech system but I hate paratroopers allready before I know how they work.

    Lets get a brain stroming to replace it with the lost tech ‘heavy tanks’! 
    I suggest simply Heavy tanks: tanks attack at 4! or defend at 4 or both.

  • If you want house rules post them in the House rule section.

  • Wizards in now starting to post techs on the following thread.


    They are giving one new tech every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  So far, they have confirmed that Advanced Artillery and Rockets are on the same chart, listed as chart 1.  This means by Sept. 22, we will know all of the techs on the first chart.  By the beginning of October, we will know all of the techs.

  • They are only confirming .0005% of what we already know. That place is Molasses as far as information. BY the time they post the rest of only the techs, the game would be out. What a waste of time. Reading the appointed mouthpiece regurgitate information is like listening to Lord Haw Haw report on Germany winning the war in 1944.

  • @Imperious:

    They are only confirming .0005% of what we already know. That place is Molasses as far as information. BY the time they post the rest of only the techs, the game would be out. What a waste of time. Reading the appointed mouthpiece regurgitate information is like listening to Lord Haw Haw report on Germany winning the war in 1944.

    What we have presently is mostly speculation and a single report from individuals who played the game once at GenCon.  Some of the techs have been confirmed by Krieghund.  By my calculations, all of the techs will be posted and listed by chart by October 6, close of business.  We have nowhere near a complete list of the National Objectives, since it was just indicated that the UK receives a 5 IPC bonus for the capture of Zero IPC pre-war Japanese Islands.  I would prefer that Wizards give us more information and post a complete set of rules, but since that does not appear likely I will take whatever official information that I can get.

  • They wont be posting them ( national objectives) any time soon. The techs are basically confirmed already sake the scripting as per Krieghunds confirmation. BY the time October 6th comes this site will have even more information figured out. To compare the value of what they post and even make a comparison of two sentences posted over a week to the volume of work compiled by the minds here is no comparison at all. WE got them beat hands down.

    The only official thing they will do as usual is wait till a week before and post a few articles they should have posted 6 months earlier when it was Molasses season.

    Right now time is running out and hardly anybody from that site barely knows a game is coming out, let alone be compelled to buy a product costing $100 bucks or less because they didnt give anybody a reason to make a buying decision with free advertisement on their site.

    Its incredulous to think that you only need to post one sentence of text every 2-3 days AS the prima facie marketing direction for a large company. I should send them a bag of Kibbles and bits for that effort.

  • Official Q&A

    Tech update:


    Paratroopers- (each bomber may now carry one infantry instead of attacking or performing SBR, and that infantry attacks at a ‘2’.)

    Each bomber may carry one infantry to a combat, and it may also still participate in the conventional attack in that territory, but not do an SBR.  When doing this, it must attack the first hostile territory that it enters on its flight path.  Paratroopers may retreat normally during combat, as long as other attacking land units are in the battle that are eligible to retreat.

  • Great Krieghund,

    Thanks for the info on the Paratroopers.  The bomber being able to hit during the attack will definitely add punch to a combined Para drop.

  • I just wanted to check one item. The summary post states that with jet fighter technology, fighters “attack” at 5. I was wondering if this should be “defend” at 5, since attack at 5 (I would think) would generate more discussion than I have seen around here.

  • /Krieghund

    Thanks for the Paratroopers update! I thought it would include some boost for the attacking infantry, and this is quite a powerful tech now. The restriction of not flying over an enemy territory and attacking behind the line is reasonable and prevents some strange strategies, this is still a powerful tech which especially Germany and UK will be really glad to get hold of.


    No, attack is correct. I think they wanted to boost Jet fighters compared to other techs, and this is a good change since you normally use fighters offensively until a “last-ditch” defence when you don’t mind losing your fighters. Maybe it also has something to do with avoiding naval stalemates, as Jet fighters on carriers defending on a ‘5’ would be almost impregnable. Transport defending at ‘0’, subs at ‘1’ and carriers at ‘2’ all goes towards a more balanced naval battlefield, very well thought by Larry et al.

  • @Krieghund:

    When doing this, it must attack the first hostile territory that it enters on its flight path.

    I like this… no far flung dropping over an enemy line.

    Does sea zones count as ‘hostile’?

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