• Ok, Herr Arnulfe, perfect! It doesn’t matter if we get everything right, at this point we just need something approximate to discuss preliminary strategies before we get the game. So:


    Poland+Czech-Hungary+Bulgaria-Roumania= 5 IPCs
    Baltic States+Belorussia+East Ukraine+Ukraine= 5 IPCs

    Soviet Union

    Archangelsk + no Allied units on red areas= 5 IPCs
    Finland+Baltic States+East Poland+Ukraine = 5 IPCs


    Netherlands East Indies+Borneo+Phillipines+no start area lost= 5 IPCs




    No enemy ships in Med sea zones= 5 IPCs
    Libya+Egypt+Italian Africa=10 IPCs


    France = 5 IPCs

  • @Lynxes:


    Poland+Czech-Hungary+Bulgaria-Roumania= 5 IPCs
    Baltic States+Belorussia+East Ukraine+Ukraine= 5 IPCs

    I believe at least one of these is worth 10 bonus IPC (possibly both).

  • I see some pattern. I think each nation has only 2 bonus options: a 5 and 10 IPC bonus for each nation.

  • @Imperious:

    I see some pattern. I think each nation has only 2 bonus options: a 5 and 10 IPC bonus for each nation.

    That would be cool…  :-)

  • @Imperious:

    I see some pattern. I think each nation has only 2 bonus options: a 5 and 10 IPC bonus for each nation.

    I can say with confidence that the average number of conditions per country is around 3, with the US having 5 smaller ones.

  • @Lynxes:

    Poland+Czech-Hungary+Bulgaria-Roumania= 5 IPCs

    No enemy ships in Med sea zones= 5 IPCs

    I think it would be cool, if the bonus territories was connectet by a railroad printet on the map, and the bonus sea-zones was connectet by a ship-lane printet on the map. Then the enemy could denie you the bonus if he placed a plane on the railroad or the shipping lane.

  • Do you get these bonuses if you control the territories at the beginning of your turn or at the end?

  • What you occupy is collected for at the end of your turn, so it does not need to be held…which presents double collection problem. Should have used AARHE rules: collection of IPC done near start of turn, so your only collecting what you hold on too.

  • @Imperious:

    Should have used AARHE rules: collection of IPC done near start of turn, so your only collecting what you hold on too.

    Can we please limit this to what the game rules ARE, not what they should (have) been??

    The damn game is not even out yet and I’ve read several posts from you IL, about how the A&ARHE rules should’ve been used here, or over here….

  • @axis_roll:


    Should have used AARHE rules: collection of IPC done near start of turn, so your only collecting what you hold on too.

    Can we please limit this to what the game rules ARE, not what they should (have) been??

    The damn game is not even out yet and I’ve read several posts from you IL, about how the A&ARHE rules should’ve been used here, or over here….

    Easy there, man. IL is the dean of these sorts of things. Don’t criticize him, because he’s willing to speculate about the rules, even though we don’t know what the rules are yet. :mrgreen:

  • Its ok… I love other passionate people who are hard core AA. Every idea has its time and everybody can have a say about its future. I try not to jab at him when he posts on AARe stuff in unrelated threads. Its all good.

    We want passionate people here. Committed , Hungry, Dedicated!

  • @Imperious:

    Its ok… I love other passionate people who are hard core AA. Every idea has its time and everybody can have a say about its future. I try not to jab at him when he posts on AARe stuff in unrelated threads. Its all good.

    We want passionate people here. Committed , Hungry, Dedicated!

    I did ask nicely, I used the word PLEASE.

  • yes and i used the word LOVE

  • A question about this bonus points…

    If - for example - Italy conquers ukraine - does this count for Germanys bonus or must Germany hold this territory? If Germany must hold it - can Italy hand over this territory to Germany, or is the bonus forever denied to Germany if russia chooses to IGNORE the Italian held Ukarine for the time being (as Germany MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONQUER the Ukraine…

  • Official Q&A

    Most bonuses apply if any member of your alliance holds the required territories.

  • @Krieghund:

    Most bonuses apply if any member of your alliance holds the required territories.

    Did you go to Gen Con? You seem to have alot of concrete answers(the one above is good and makes sense)

  • Official Q&A


    Did you go to Gen Con? You seem to have alot of concrete answers(the one above is good and makes sense)

    No, unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it to GenCon, but I know stuff.  I am the “answer guy”, after all.  :wink:

  • @Krieghund:


    Did you go to Gen Con? You seem to have alot of concrete answers(the one above is good and makes sense)

    No, unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it to GenCon, but I know stuff.   I am the “answer guy”, after all.   :wink:

    I’d wager that Krieghund got to proof-read the rulebook before it went to press.

  • @frimmel:



    Did you go to Gen Con? You seem to have alot of concrete answers(the one above is good and makes sense)

    No, unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it to GenCon, but I know stuff.   I am the “answer guy”, after all.   :wink:

    I’d wager that Krieghund got to proof-read the rulebook before it went to press.

    I’ll second that!

  • @Craig:




    Did you go to Gen Con? You seem to have alot of concrete answers(the one above is good and makes sense)

    No, unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it to GenCon, but I know stuff.   I am the “answer guy”, after all.   :wink:

    I’d wager that Krieghund got to proof-read the rulebook before it went to press.

    You’re getting warmer!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: 8-) :-D


    :-o  :-o  :-o

    Krieghund WROTE the rulebook?

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