• Are there any good games like A&A (or its variants) that take place in other time periods?

  • I don’t think so.  :|

    Did you check at boardgamegeek?

  • Yup, I would love a Vietnam War game in an Axis and Allies style…  :-D

  • Napoleon In Europe is like Axis and Allies with plastic peices and area movement and stuff cept way better

    though its out of print now you can still get it on ebay if you have the cash

    It is way cool especially if you like the napoleonic era

  • Samurai Swords.

  • ImpGames makes a WWIII A&A variant…

  • @Krupp:

    Samurai Swords.

    But with ninjas! :mrgreen:

  • Conquest of the Empire is a good one covering the Roman Civil Wars over who would be emperor.  Board is magnificent and the figures are excellent.

    Attack and Attack Expansion are a near-historical game based on the 1930s, with the option of different government types with differing victory objectives.  It has a full range of units. not quite the same quality as A&A, but additional piece runners are readily available, and the board is HUGE.  The use of random event cards keep it from becoming highly predictable.  An advanced version is supposed to be coming out soon.

    War: Age of Imperialism is one of my favorites and is based on the European grab for colonies during the Victorian period.  It is out of print, but I am working on getting it back in print.  You might be able to find a copy on eBay.  Additional pieces for the game are readily available, and you can have some nice battles between European Powers and Japan as well.

  • Theres something called Lux games. They have demos for free download. Theres “Ancient Empires” that has things like greeks, romans, egypt, ect. Also theres “American History” that goes through all the US wars. It’s like A&A, more of a risk thing though. Still fun.

  • Might be a stretch for what you were looking but there is a game called Twilight Imperium that is suprising A&A-like:

    The theme is space, picture Star Wars, the galactic senate and all.

    It uses the A&A battle mechanic, except with a d10 instead of a d6.

    Intsead of ferrying troops around on ocean-going transports, you ferry them around on space-going transports.  In fact, the game uses a lot of the A&A naval mechanics, from fighters on carriers, transporting troops, bombardment, etc.

    You have planetary defense systems that act like AA Guns and can upgraded to act like A&A-style rockets.

    You have a couple of tech tracks you can advance on by spending on R&D like in most A&A games.

    The game add a deplomacy phase and action cards.

    I have the original 1st and 2nd editions of the game.  They reworked it in the 3rd edition, but I haven’t tried that one yet.

    Its from Fantasy Flight Games, IIRC.


    Nuff Said!!!

  • @Rakeman:

    Yup, I would love a Vietnam War game in an Axis and Allies style…  :-D

    Yeah, but the world would be quite small. :lol:

  • Customizer

    Honestly and not to call anyone out on AA.org, but I think most people in here would probably be happier playing Attack! and it’s expansions. It’s totally balanced and is purpose built to be screwed around with. All the territories are worth the same value and you can do just about anything you want in it. It’s basically Risk meets A&A set in the 30’s.

    It’s allright. I own it but it’s not my fav. If you want everything “Even Steven”, I reccomend it. The games can go as long or short as you want. The map is huge. You can place your capitol anywhere. And you never have the same game twice.

    Last but least I cannot reccomend going to tabletactics.com enough if you want Fortress America style molds you’ll drool “Homer Style” over them.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    Napoleon In Europe is like Axis and Allies with plastic peices and area movement and stuff cept way better

    though its out of print now you can still get it on ebay if you have the cash

    It is way cool especially if you like the napoleonic era

    I have never heard of this game. Is the game worth the cash?

  • I think it is a great game, its not like it is old or anything, i think it was first printed in 2001, its just that eagle games realized that it could make more money doing stupid non-wargames for half-wits, that BigBox wargames

    they had a few other bigbox wargames, but NIE is definetly the best, it is the perfect balance between diplomacy and A&A, very good quality except for ship peices, which are just paper chips, if you get it you will be amazed by  all the crap that they fit into the box

    one prob though, apparently they dont beleave in editing at eagle games, so  the rules dont make sense al lot of the time
    dont worry though, becasue the fourteen people who still own and play this game have a rule set free to download called charge the guns, just google search those three words to find it.
    it is eighty pages long so it takes awhile to read, but i would read that first before you deside if you want it

    I think IL said he bought it but never played it,(he used the control markers from it in his Napolionic A&A game) so I think i am the only one on this forum who has ever played it

    I hope you can get it, if their is enough demand it might come back into print, or they might make a sequel

  • There is a new modern day version of axis & allies called Superpowers that is currently in production, and has an online playable version. check out www.superpowersgame.com

  • wow! this is awesome!

    I will try it out. Looks like IMP games East /West

  • Clicking on the picture of the box cover brings up a window showing the game board and the plastic pieces, but I can’t find any information on how to order the game or contact whoever is producing it.  Does this game have a distributor?

    CWO Marc

  • you cant buy it its only online play

    goto IMP games for the other game’

  • The GameMaster line is a must play for A&A fans who havent heard or played them…

    Conquest of the Empire
    Fortress America

    epic games.

    sadly Fortress America is out of print and had been for some time. used copies go for 100-125, factory sealed can go for 200-250.

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