Well, it seems like Topmat has vanished from the forum. Too bad. Our second game was just underway and could have become interesting.
I do hope everything is alright for my former chess opponent.
Civil war games
can anyone tell me of a good civil war strategy game that is still in print or easy to find?
stratego is a pretty good one
There is a Civil War Stratego game: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/29286/civil-war-stratego
I know because I own it. As far as recommending a Civil War game, try Conquest Gaming. They have a game that plays similar to an A&A style game. http://conquestgaming.com/divided/ -
stratgeo isnt a civil war game? aww the pieces look like they are from that time period…
BattleCry is no longer in print
Yeah Stratego I believe is Napoleonic , same time period (pretty much) but different continents.
BTW Battle Cry is being reprinted. It is expected to be released at the end of November.
Really? I remember wanting that game and then I couldn’t find it for the life of me when I could actually buy it.
stratgeo isnt a civil war game? aww the pieces look like they are from that time period…
Stratego is Spanish…
Stratego is Spanish…
I’m sorry, but this is incorrect. Stratego is actually of French origin
Is it? Ive always been told it was Spanish… oh well :|
I have never found a U.S. CIVIL WAR game that has a decent map. I have a game called THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR that has good looking sculpts and has an interesting battle system but the map is absolutly terrible. I guess it is out of print so you would have to search on E-Bay or yard sales. I had hopes of finding a decent map someday.
I actually use the pieces from this old Eagle Games title in my Battle Cry game for special units or just to add some color to the board.
Lol I’d love to play a good Civil War game. But my state has no history. Missouri didn’t join the South and there were like 3 battles here. AND HAlF OF THEM WERN"T CAUSE OF THE WAR! grrrr <grumble>dumb rednecks….</grumble>
I am still looking for a really good Civil War map file. Does anyone have any leads?