New Star Wars board strategy game

  • I picked up a copy of this, and it’s absolutely amazing!!!  If you’re even remotely interested, go get it!

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    The biggest impression I got from reviews was the length of the game, but even if players get bored the pieces just look so damn cool! I’m definitely getting this.

    I also like the appropriate victory conditions for the Rebels and the Empire, and the game apparently does reflect the daunting military superiority of the Empire (one issue with the PC game is that the two factions are relatively equal, and in hard more the Empire can get outgunned quickly).

  • The game does clock in at about 3 hours (even with experienced players).  However for me, the hours just fly by!  For us A&A players, the game length is insignificant for the most part.

  • I’ve played a three games of this now and it is long but it doesn’t feel so. Players alternating on doing things during turns. At this point it feels a bit skewed to the Rebels as they’ve won all the games. The Imperials feel like they are chasing their tails. But I think that it is mostly not quite latching on to how to play Imperials yet. The game seems well balanced.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I have to agree with the refrain I’ve read about a clumsy rule book, but it’s not the only game to ever have that problem. I think the game is balanced, since there are enough restrictions for establishing and relocating the base, and the Imperial player has a lot of fun building big, bad Super Star Destroyers and Death Stars. The real fun is the cat and mouse game of using and saving leaders for attempting and foiling missions.

  • Those suckers take 3 turns to build!

  • @General:

    I have to agree with the refrain I’ve read about a clumsy rule book, but it’s not the only game to ever have that problem. I think the game is balanced, since there are enough restrictions for establishing and relocating the base, and the Imperial player has a lot of fun building big, bad Super Star Destroyers and Death Stars. The real fun is the cat and mouse game of using and saving leaders for attempting and foiling missions.

    The game is in need of FAQ sheet.

    The biggest problem I think for the Imperials is drawing “dead” probe cards.

    I pulled off the Homing Beacon mission and narrowed down the region of the base. Guessed wrong on a Veers action card that let me just drop units on a planet and moved into the system at the only available space adjacent to my other units which I knew wasn’t where the base was (gut feeling knew.) I then pull my probe cards and drew both of the systems I just landed in. And of course the Rebels used their move the base mission that turn as well.

    So I’m more or less back at square one with hunting down the base and I’m pulling probe cards for systems I’ve got units standing on.

    I agree the game is all in the mission assignments, choosing the right systems for them, opposing or not, and doing your movements and missions in the right order.

  • I think this game is pretty well balanced.  But I’ve noticed that with any async games, people always say one side or the other is better.

    Personally, I have a played 4 games myself.  I have won twice with imperials and have won once and lost once as rebels.  I’ve seen a pretty good 50/50 win ration between both sides.

    The key with imperials is to either torture captives to find the base quickly, dragnet with your forces to find the base quickly, or to turbo out those probe cards to find the base quickly.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    Those suckers take 3 turns to build!

    At the very least you have to do enough R&D to get a Superlaser Online in the event you stumble upon the Rebel base stacked with ion cannons and shield generators. A second Death Star isn’t worth the hassle of babysitting it in most games, since by the time that’s on the board the Rebel player will certainly have a Death Star Plans.

    Regarding SSDs, I’ve found in most of my games so far the Rebel player makes a beeline for Mon Calamari and winds up stacking Cruisers either near the base or as a threat to my fleet (for the space battle victory objective) that winds up being a very tough nut to crack, even with a big enough force of Star Destroyers and TIEs. In my experience a SSD would have been a handy tiebreaker.

    Have to say I’m loving the game so far.

  • '17 '16

    I know I’m a little late here, but here is the “Official” game video about Star Wars Rebellion

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