Airbases with 3 or more damage are not operational. Presumably this applies to rockets too.
I also read that they fire independently.
You are correct on both issues.
Dear All-
My son love AA Global 1940 2nd Edition and are on our fifth game (4-0 daddy…)
We have a series of growing questions
1 - Is an airbase operative immediately. Say Germany buys an airbase in Holland at the end of the turn 1 and landed 3 fighters in that territory, if on the next turn the UK attacks the German navy in SZ110 can the 3 fighters scramble. We think YES
2 - Can unit being transported move its move value and then load onto a transport. A tank moves from western USA and then boards in Eastern USA. We think YES
3 - Can a transport pick up one man each from two territories. Say, move from SZ 6, pick up in Okinawa, then pick up in Formosa and then drop off in Kwangsi (so travels 3 SZ’s per naval base). We think YES
4 - In the combat phase, an aircraft carrier (AC) can’t move two spaces and then launch fighters that move 4 spaces that enter combat unless the AC is part of the/a combat. Said differently, we think that moving an AC with entering combat is not possible in the combat stage so you can’t do this extended range trick. We think YES
5 - If USA is not at war by turn 3 it can declare war during the collect income phase. Therefore, does it complete its national objective at the end of turn 3 and therefore has an additional 20 IPCs to spend at the beginning of turn 4. We think YES
6 - If there is no J1 and ANAZ declares on Japan during its combat phase it can claims both its National Objectives (same for UK Asia). Also ANAZ does have to attack to declare war. We think YES to both
7 - Canals/Straights - you need to control for an entire turn before you can use it. For example, if USA takes over Denmark the UK can’t use on its next turn as the USA has to control for a full turn first. We think YES
Hope this clear. Thanks in Advance!
@Ekumpy1 Welcome to the forum :smiley:
I have moved your topic to the “Global 1940” - forum, as you had accidentally posted in the Revised-forum.
A small addition to
@Panther additional question: Where can i verify that the USA unprovoked attack one time bonus of 30 IPCs is only if you are playing just pacific? thanks!!
@Aaron_the_Warmonger There are two sources:
@Panther OOOOO sweet! Thank you so much!
Yes, panther is our go-to guy regarding these citations. Go Panther!
@taamvan i’ve got the best rules knowledge of my group, but here i am, on 2 recent issues, somehow not knowing the rules! I feel like a noob!
you are the man, many thanks!
If USA declares war in turn 3’s income phase, the bonus is +25. +20 is if they don’t hold the Philippines.