• As a fairly new player, I was wondering if there are any threads/discussions on the use of Research and Development or if people would post on this thread if it is appropiate?
    I’m thinking more of the advantages of the techs and which country might benefit more from one particular tech or techs than another. I’ve tried a forum search but couldn’t see anything I thought was relevant.
    I guess I’m curious as for peoples views.

    If I’m in the wrong thread, please move. :-)

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Since I started playing Global in 2008, I haven’t seen anyone actually do R&D.

  • So R+D is a bad thing?

  • '19 '18 '17 '16 '15

    I think it depends….personally I like the variety of strategies R & D brought to the game, on the other side R & D brings more luck factors and it seems to make stronger player even stronger and vice versa.  I forgot the actual rule how token works in G40 but I remember the rule in 50 works pretty well - it’s like you don’t lose all the token if you don’t roll a 6 in 1 turn and you can accumulate which means eventually you would get something out of a research.

    So my suggestion is go with it if both sides agreed to.

  • '20 '19 '18

    I think the biggest issue with R&D in the OOB rules is the randomness. As many have pointed out, how disappointing is it for the Soviet Union to achieve a research breakthrough, only to end up with improved shipyards, for example? With good house rules for directed research, R&D has great potential to upend existing strategies and allow for the creation of new ones (I’m playtesting house rules for R&D right now, and will release them when they’re ready).

    The flawed OOB R&D rules have led many to avoid that element of the game, and it’s a shame. Considering the role technology played in World War II, a conflict which began with many countries utilizing biplanes and horse cavalry and ended with jets and the atomic bomb, playing A&A without it is almost criminal.

  • @innohub:

    I think it depends….personally I like the variety of strategies R & D brought to the game, on the other side R & D brings more luck factors and it seems to make stronger player even stronger and vice versa.� I forgot the actual rule how token works in G40 but I remember the rule in 50 works pretty well - it’s like you don’t lose all the token if you don’t roll a 6 in 1 turn and you can accumulate which means eventually you would get something out of a research.�

    So my suggestion is go with it if both sides agreed to.�

    Yeah I would echo this. Play the game you and your playgroup want to play it. The rules present R&D as an alternative to add some variety into games, but my playgroup has usually had a good mix in players trying new things that it seemed unnecessarily complicated. Additionally the potential to lose tech rolls that you miss instead of accumulating them over time can seriously discourage players from buying tech when the game demands more pieces on the board. Try the 50 rules and try the 40 rules and then determine if you like what Research brings to the game and go from there.

  • I don’t like Research and Development much, as I think it’s not only too random (The USSR could get Advanced Mechanized Infantry or Advanced Artillery, which will help them launch counteroffensives, or they could get Advanced Submarines, which is utterly useless), but favors the Allies, as the US can easily take 5 IPCs a turn for a Research Die. Even if they only get a development every six turns, and the developments are useless ones, it can still add up. What I think would be a more appropriate means of Research and Development is for each nation to have a unique set of potential research developments, which they can pay 5 IPCs for, and have to roll a certain number or less in order to get. This way, the USSR can have Katyusha rockets that attack at a 3 and raise the value of 2 inf/mech inf to a 3 as well, while the British can have advanced radar, allowing them to scramble 5 fighters/tactical bombers at a time (both of those are just thoughts, and I’ve not tried either of them). Also, why can’t China engage in research? They should have their own table, which can be smaller, but still.

  • @scousemart:

    As a fairly new player, I was wondering if there are any threads/discussions on the use of Research and Development or if people would post on this thread if it is appropiate?
    I’m thinking more of the advantages of the techs and which country might benefit more from one particular tech or techs than another. I’ve tried a forum search but couldn’t see anything I thought was relevant.
    I guess I’m curious as for peoples views.

    If I’m in the wrong thread, please

    You can try 4 options.
    First one I use a 10 tech tree and most tech is from revised game with a few tweaks. Most games we ave 10 to 12 techs a game. Half help half don�t. Plus most countries buy only 2 tokens most. Rest of tokens they get free from event cards a free tech and a spy stills the tech. Once u get tech from token rolls all tokens destroyed.
    Last game we had 16 techs in game but is not over powering.

    2. Give a tech to ea country based on time during the game.
    3. Have ea country pick 1 tech from there 6 types from a chart at start of game.
    4. Setup a tech chart with total points to receive. Ea tech token u buy and have saved from previous turns roll a D6.
    Like Russia what�s rockets. Total points for that is 20. You would need to roll your dice and once u reach 20 points total from dice rolls then u receive tech. I have 3 charts I can post if you want to see them.


  • '18 '17 '16

    Along with the other things that others have pointed out here, the biggest problem with R&D in this game is the way in which it is implemented. You could spend a ridiculous amount of money trying to develop tech and not get anything due to bad rolls, or you could develop a weapon that you aren’t able to use for that particular nation.

    The only way that you will see R&D in a game is if you create your own rules or use rules that others have created. Having lots of tech in the game enhances the game and adds variability to each game. It’s great to see that variability because the game has become scripted for those who have played enough games. It’s a real shame that Larry crapped the bed when it came to inventing these rules.

    If you want some ideas on rule sets that other players have created then check out the House Rules section of the forum down below. There are lots of interesting ways that people have dreamed up in order to better implement R&D into the game.

    I made up my own rules that you can check out in this video if you’re interested;

  • Disciplinary Group Banned

    Me, and my team are developing R&D, making price changes, creating new units, and unique abilities to units in our A&A games. :)

  • '21 '18 '16

    We have our own country specific tech which i would be glad to send you a copy. PM me.

  • @innohub:

    Try the 50 rules and try the 40 rules and then determine if you like what Research brings to the game and go from there.

    Like the sound of this. Will look into it the 50/Anniversary rule. Will have to download the rulebook as I don’t have this game edition.


    I have 3 charts I can post if you want to see them.

    Please, if you could post here or send them to my email (see my profile).


    I made up my own rules that you can check out in this video if you’re interested;

    Great video. Was very informative. Was curious to see that you have something that looks like a custom Global Board, looks like a OOB board but is one piece?

  • '18 '17 '16

    You will find free map file downloads in this thread;

    All you need to do is download the file you want and have it printed at a reputable print shop. Once you use a one-piece map you will never want to go back to using the boards again.

  • @GeneralHandGrenade:

    You will find free map file downloads in this thread;

    All you need to do is download the file you want and have it printed at a reputable print shop. Once you use a one-piece map you will never want to go back to using the boards again.

    Thanks for that.  :-D

  • https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=38459.0;attach=642903

    This is the charts I use. I also give ea country 2 D6 rolls for National Advantages at start of game.

  • @SS:


    This is the charts I use. I also give ea country 2 D6 rolls for National Advantages at start of game.

    Nice. Don’t have the space for what you have but I like the idea.  :-D

  • My group plays every other game a “tech” game. Every turn you can take up to two rolls - the first costs 1 and the second the standard 5. Adds alot of spice to the games. Its a house rule and not my house but i try to adapt, LOL

  • @scousemart:



    This is the charts I use. I also give ea country 2 D6 rolls for National Advantages at start of game.

    Nice. Don’t have the space for what you have but I like the idea.  :-D

    No need for charts. Just showing you some ideas for NAs and Tech.
    Good luck

  • '18 '17

    Yep.  IF a tech roll results in a development AND it is the right thing for a country, it can be a game changer.  But it can also result in nothing or a tech that doesn’t really help.

    In summary, $$ could be spent on a ?? benefit.  Once players start to advance in skill, most will spend their IPCs on units because $$ spent on units can have a calculated benefit of XX.

    It is simply a matter of taking a known result from buying units over a variable outcome from developing tech.

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