If it’s “Hungry Hungry Hippos: 1941 edition”; Now with Japanese Tiger-Is and British and American IS-2s.
You say that like it’s a bad thing! :-D I prefer to think of them as Heavy Tanks for all the major powers. Just because the Japanese never built Tigers doesn’t mean that they could have never done so. After all, Japan never conquered India in real life either, but that doesn’t stop Japanese players from doing so on a regular basis.
It is a bad thing. The Japanese didn’t build Tiger tanks, the Germans did… the Americans and British didn’t build IS-2s, the Russians did. Using the wrong equipment for the wrong country is a bad thing… just watch the Iron Eagle movies and tell me how cool Russian F4 Phantom Migs are and tell me its a great movie… bad things are made by people being lazy and loose with history… like Iron Eagle and 1941.
Japanese tanks were terrible from start to finish. When all your tanks make the M4 Sherman look like an overpowered, unstoppable juggernaut, your nation has serious tank-design problems.
Look, I don’t have a problem with alternate history… I don’t have a problem with saying “maybe if the Japanese tried a little harder here, and committed some more forces there, and the British foolishly let their guard down, a different history in Burma or India might occur”… that’s one thing… but to give the Japanese tank industry Tiger tanks? To say America and England just threw up their hands and said “you know what, we’ll just mass produce Russian tanks instead”!!! No thanks.
If I want heavy tanks for the US, England and Japan, i’ll just go to HBG and buy a few of the actual tanks produced by those nations. 1941 has some nice unique sculpts… and I use them for the appropriate nation… American & British IS-2s, Japanese Tiger-Is? I tossed every one of them in my trash can… it was fun hoops practice.
I think we can all agree that it’s within each of our own rights to determine for ourselves where to draw our own ‘accuracy vs. practicality’ line in the sand; for reasons financial, aesthetic, OCD, or otherwise. I’m sure that’s a thing that has been discussed ad nauseum on this forum, of all places.
On the issue of Japanese heavy tanks, for example, I think it’s a little silly to allow the Japanese to “try harder” in one arena (say, committing land and naval resources to the conquest of Alaska) while preventing them from “trying harder” in another arena (say, committing scientific and economic resources to improving their tank manufacturing). Is this a deterministic simulation, or a game?
Sculpt accuracy is also a slippery (and expensive!) slope- and it is ultimately just as arbitrary. Someone could purge their entire setup of all non-native units, but I guarantee they’re still playing with green IS-2s somewhere- in that we all make trade offs between perfect accuracy and practicality, and use our imagination or ignorance to cover the gaps. It’s just a matter of what an individual is or isn’t willing to personally accept to meet their minimum conditions for ‘Secondary Belief.’
If you get the urge to throw any more units in the trash, Nowhere, I have a mailing address for you! :)