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Looking to buy a copy of 1941
Dirt cheap on Amazon… it’s under $13… how much cheaper you want?
I want it to be that cheap in Canada is what I want
I want it to be that cheap in Canada is what I want
Axis and Allies is more expensive in Canada to subsidize your free health care!
I want it to be that cheap in Canada is what I want
How much is it in Canada? I have a ‘special’ (exterior box damage, like I’m buying it for the box :roll:) coming in from Amazon this very minute that I would be willing to ship to you at cost, if it’s more economical than you ordering direct…
I want it to be that cheap in Canada is what I want
Axis and Allies is more expensive in Canada to subsidize your free health care!
You’re funny
I want it to be that cheap in Canada is what I want
How much is it in Canada? I have a ‘special’ (exterior box damage, like I’m buying it for the box :roll:) coming in from Amazon this very minute that I would be willing to ship to you at cost, if it’s more economical than you ordering direct…
Thank you Nate! I would love the pieces out of the box. Maybe the rule book too. Let me know for how much and what shipping would be. Can either PM me for an email address
Looking to buy a copy of 1941
I can sell you my copy of Hungry Hungry Hippos!… it’s more expensive than 1941, but has tons more playability.
Looking to buy a copy of 1941
I can sell you my copy of Hungry Hungry Hippos!… it’s more expensive than 1941, but has tons more playability.
All though that is true, the Tiger tanks sculpts, among others, are pretty badass.
Looking to buy a copy of 1941
I can sell you my copy of Hungry Hungry Hippos!… it’s more expensive than 1941, but has tons more playability.
All though that is true, the Tiger tanks sculpts, among others, are pretty badass.
It’s Hungry Hungry Hippos: Eastern Front edition! Now with German Tiger Is and IIs and Soviet KV-1s and IS-2s! :-D
It’s Hungry Hungry Hippos: Eastern Front edition! Now with German Tiger Is and IIs and Soviet KV-1s and IS-2s! :-D
If it’s “Hungry Hungry Hippos: 1941 edition”; Now with Japanese Tiger-Is and British and American IS-2s.
It’s Hungry Hungry Hippos: Eastern Front edition! Now with German Tiger Is and IIs and Soviet KV-1s and IS-2s! :-D
If it’s “Hungry Hungry Hippos: 1941 edition”; Now with Japanese Tiger-Is and British and American IS-2s.
You say that like it’s a bad thing! :-D I prefer to think of them as Heavy Tanks for all the major powers. Just because the Japanese never built Tigers doesn’t mean that they could have never done so. After all, Japan never conquered India in real life either, but that doesn’t stop Japanese players from doing so on a regular basis.
If it’s “Hungry Hungry Hippos: 1941 edition”; Now with Japanese Tiger-Is and British and American IS-2s.
You say that like it’s a bad thing! :-D I prefer to think of them as Heavy Tanks for all the major powers. Just because the Japanese never built Tigers doesn’t mean that they could have never done so. After all, Japan never conquered India in real life either, but that doesn’t stop Japanese players from doing so on a regular basis.
It is a bad thing. The Japanese didn’t build Tiger tanks, the Germans did… the Americans and British didn’t build IS-2s, the Russians did. Using the wrong equipment for the wrong country is a bad thing… just watch the Iron Eagle movies and tell me how cool Russian F4 Phantom Migs are and tell me its a great movie… bad things are made by people being lazy and loose with history… like Iron Eagle and 1941.
Japanese tanks were terrible from start to finish. When all your tanks make the M4 Sherman look like an overpowered, unstoppable juggernaut, your nation has serious tank-design problems.
Look, I don’t have a problem with alternate history… I don’t have a problem with saying “maybe if the Japanese tried a little harder here, and committed some more forces there, and the British foolishly let their guard down, a different history in Burma or India might occur”… that’s one thing… but to give the Japanese tank industry Tiger tanks? To say America and England just threw up their hands and said “you know what, we’ll just mass produce Russian tanks instead”!!! No thanks.
If I want heavy tanks for the US, England and Japan, i’ll just go to HBG and buy a few of the actual tanks produced by those nations. 1941 has some nice unique sculpts… and I use them for the appropriate nation… American & British IS-2s, Japanese Tiger-Is? I tossed every one of them in my trash can… it was fun hoops practice.
If it’s “Hungry Hungry Hippos: 1941 edition”; Now with Japanese Tiger-Is and British and American IS-2s.
You say that like it’s a bad thing! :-D I prefer to think of them as Heavy Tanks for all the major powers. Just because the Japanese never built Tigers doesn’t mean that they could have never done so. After all, Japan never conquered India in real life either, but that doesn’t stop Japanese players from doing so on a regular basis.
It is a bad thing. The Japanese didn’t build Tiger tanks, the Germans did… the Americans and British didn’t build IS-2s, the Russians did. Using the wrong equipment for the wrong country is a bad thing… just watch the Iron Eagle movies and tell me how cool Russian F4 Phantom Migs are and tell me its a great movie… bad things are made by people being lazy and loose with history… like Iron Eagle and 1941.
Japanese tanks were terrible from start to finish. When all your tanks make the M4 Sherman look like an overpowered, unstoppable juggernaut, your nation has serious tank-design problems.
Look, I don’t have a problem with alternate history… I don’t have a problem with saying “maybe if the Japanese tried a little harder here, and committed some more forces there, and the British foolishly let their guard down, a different history in Burma or India might occur”… that’s one thing… but to give the Japanese tank industry Tiger tanks? To say America and England just threw up their hands and said “you know what, we’ll just mass produce Russian tanks instead”!!! No thanks.
If I want heavy tanks for the US, England and Japan, i’ll just go to HBG and buy a few of the actual tanks produced by those nations. 1941 has some nice unique sculpts… and I use them for the appropriate nation… American & British IS-2s, Japanese Tiger-Is? I tossed every one of them in my trash can… it was fun hoops practice.
I think we can all agree that it’s within each of our own rights to determine for ourselves where to draw our own ‘accuracy vs. practicality’ line in the sand; for reasons financial, aesthetic, OCD, or otherwise. I’m sure that’s a thing that has been discussed ad nauseum on this forum, of all places.
On the issue of Japanese heavy tanks, for example, I think it’s a little silly to allow the Japanese to “try harder” in one arena (say, committing land and naval resources to the conquest of Alaska) while preventing them from “trying harder” in another arena (say, committing scientific and economic resources to improving their tank manufacturing). Is this a deterministic simulation, or a game?
Sculpt accuracy is also a slippery (and expensive!) slope- and it is ultimately just as arbitrary. Someone could purge their entire setup of all non-native units, but I guarantee they’re still playing with green IS-2s somewhere- in that we all make trade offs between perfect accuracy and practicality, and use our imagination or ignorance to cover the gaps. It’s just a matter of what an individual is or isn’t willing to personally accept to meet their minimum conditions for ‘Secondary Belief.’
If you get the urge to throw any more units in the trash, Nowhere, I have a mailing address for you! :)
Leave it to Wolfschanze to jack someone elses thread, and get mad at a “GAME” in the process of going off on a tangent. This is a game… not a history book. Same old story with this guy.
Leave it to Wolfschanze to jack someone elses thread and mock the entirety of it, and get mad at a “GAME” in the process.
Which one is Wolfschanze? I don’t see that name anywhere in this thread. :?
You say that like it’s a bad thing! :-D
It is a bad thing.
It’s a thing with no real basis in history. Whether that is a bad thing or not depends on the person watching it.
I love me some HBG sculpts, don’t get me wrong - I’ve sent quite a bit of money to Tulsa as a result. But not everyone can afford to put down a couple hundred American dollars for a complete set of completely accurate sculpts for all 10 powers (USSR, UK, USA, Germany, Japan, ANZAC, France, Italy, China, and Neutrals) available to a player with A&A Europe 1940 and A&A Pacific 1940.
And this completely overlooks the things that A&A 1941 does give to us that we did not have before: a true UK-inspired Transport, a true USSR-inspired Carrier (while the need to actually do this was likely very weak, it was still a short fall in the sculpt inventory), US P-40 Warhawks (great for the China “Flying Tigers” fighter or for putting something other than a P-38 Lightning on a Carrier), a Japanese Carrier (Akagi) from before the war started - one that actually fought in the war, and a set of WWI Battlecruisers that were still active into WWII - UK’s Hood and Japan’s Kongo class.
The full list of what you do get in a copy of 1941, with my commentary, is below:
- Tank
German Tiger I (This is a great piece to have - Tiger tanks are an iconic part of the Wehrmacht)
USSR IS-2 Stalin (This is another great piece to have. And other than Germany and USSR, who else is going to be building heavy tanks most of the time?) - Fighter
German Fw-190 (The two great WWII piston-engined German fighters were the Bf-109 and the Fw-190. Now we have both.)
USA P-40 Warhawk (Again, this is great for both the “China Fighter” and for putting something besides P-38s on Carriers. Plus, the P-40 was widely passed around to both the UK and the USSR in Lend-Lease - making it entirely appropriate to be seen in UK Tan and USSR Maroon.) - Bomber
German He-111 (Again, there were two great WWII multi-piston-engined bombers used by Germany throughout the war - the Ju-88 and the He-111. Now we have both.)
UK Lancaster (Another iconic UK Heavy Bomber like the Halifax - and the only aircraft, other than the US B-29, considered by the US Manhattan Project for delivering The Bomb when it was ready.) - Submarine
Japanese Kaichu type
UK U or Undine Class
(These were both second class, light submarines. While they might be usefully considered for a role as a “Coastal Submarine”, I think that in actual use players would have a hard time telling them apart from the other sub designs on the board.) - Transport
Japanese Yamazuki Maru (This adds a little spice for Japan’s transport navy.)
UK/Can Fort Class (Mentioned above, this give the UK a Transport that the Empire built, as opposed to being limited to American Liberty Ships.) - Destroyer
Japanese Akizuki
USA Sumner Class
(These are both designs from later in the war, with changes made to the previous design to make them better at the roles their navies had in mind for them. Again, while they might be considered useful for a different role, I think that in actual use players would have a hard time telling them apart from the other destroyer designs on the board). - Carrier
Japanese Akagi (Mentioned above, having these corrects the historical atrocity of having Shinanos as Japan’s only carrier option.)
USSR Kostromitinova (Also mentioned above. Russia gets its own Carrier sculpt. Like the last sculpt, UK Illustrious class Carriers in Russian maroon, these will likely sit and gather dust in the Russian player’s pile. Which is also historically accurate, as this design was never built in real life.) - Battlecruiser / Fast Battleship
Japanese Kongo
UK Hood
(Mentioned above, the Kongos and the Hood started life as Battlecruisers during or very shortly after WWI. The Kongos were rebuilt into fast battleships between the wars. The Royal Navy wanted to do the same with the Hood, but never got around to it before WWII started. Having battlecruisers for the Allies and the Axis makes for interesting possibilities. Anybody want to buy a battleship that has a move of 3, but can not take a hit before sinking?)
Are there place for criticism on this list? Sure! But I think the incessant drumbeat of negativity regarding the historical mis-matches (including Japanese Tigers and American IS-2s) tends to drown out the good things that we did get from 1941.
My 2 IPCs
P.S. Edit to fix spelling
- Tank
If I want heavy tanks for the US, England and Japan, i’ll just go to HBG and buy a few of the actual tanks produced by those nations. 1941 has some nice unique sculpts… and I use them for the appropriate nation… American & British IS-2s, Japanese Tiger-Is? I tossed every one of them in my trash can… it was fun hoops practice.
I’ll PM you my address if you want to ship those pieces you shot in the hoops.
I can always paint them for the right countries.Woffie left the site do to much drama.
Pops, lol. Nowhere Man. That one. Sorry, just got used to having wolf do that to everyone
I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t mean to upset anyone… everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I was just voicing mine, and I understand not everyone shares the same opinion. Sorry to go off-topic.
Back on topic, if I find a copy of 1941 cheap in Canada, i’ll be happy to post it here. :-D