@Ritterkrieg That would be great, you can email me at fcovell@hotmail.com
Anyone interested in a full 1940's (2nd Edition) global game? - With extra pieces, accessories, foldable Lt. Dan's Custom G40 Map and more?
I am a very happy owner of a full global, 1940 2nd edition A&A game. Played many games with many groups. Unfortunately, we have moved on to War Room, and the A&A game is collecting dust.
I hope to make someone else happy with the collection for a decent price.If anyone is interested or has more questions, please mail me at: saw.verberkt@gmail.com
(If there is anything that I am doing wrong on A&A.org, please let me know. I am simply here to find more people who would be interested in my collection, I have never been on A&A.org before.)