Call Congress, tell them you support Net Neutrality

  • Official Q&A

    Google “net neutrality”.  You’ll find everything you need to know.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    So basically this Ajit guy wants to remove the legal protections for net neutrality to stay in place?

  • '17 '16 '15

    yea not a fan of this. If it’s not broke why fix it ? Have friends on both sides of the fence and have yet to hear anyone in favor of this.

  • '18 '17 '16

    This is what money in politics does. Even though it is against everyone’s best interests, corporations like Verizon can “lobby” the government to change the freedom of the internet so they can extort money from websites. Those who can afford to pay can stay while those who can’t, disappear. The only way you can stop this from happening is to contact your representatives and let them know that their job is in jeopardy if they allow this to happen. This is government corruption pure and simple.

    Most people don’t know how serious this is or how much it is going to affect their lives. Don’t let the corporations rob you of your freedom to surf the web and line their pockets with even more of your money. Your current government has a very short shelf life and they know that. They are trying to steal as much as they can before they get tossed out. Don’t let them!!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    So guys…

    after reading more about this issue / I don’t see  what the big deal is ?

    Whilst I support net neutrality in principle  and regulations protecting it ;  I do not see cause for alarm.

    I’ve been a member of for 17+ years.  For 15 of those years  there was no legal net neutrality legislation in place; it’s never been an issue for this site or other sites i visit.  The sky has not fallen with the repeal of this.

    Thank you for keeping everyone informed , please do not be alarmed. :)

  • '18 '17 '16

    It’s clear that you really don’t understand the issue then. The implications are far more reaching than this site. The corporate world took over our governments and now they are taking over the internet. Dig a little deeper if you want to understand what this means for all of us. One day people will wake up and realize that while they were sleeping their freedoms were stolen from them. But who cares, right? As long as we don’t notice it doesn’t mean anything.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    It’s clear that you really don’t understand the issue then. The implications are far more reaching than this site. The corporate world took over our governments and now they are taking over the internet. Dig a little deeper if you want to understand what this means for all of us. One day people will wake up and realize that while they were sleeping their freedoms were stolen from them. But who cares, right? As long as we don’t notice it doesn’t mean anything.

    No offense GHG, but until Obama brought in the regulations in 2015 NOTHING was in place; and the world didn’t end; and there wasn’t an issue.  The competitive corporate nature is what made net neutrality defacto in the first place.

    Don’t get me wrong - I’m not for the changes that have occurred - but all they really mean when you get into it is that the internet has returned to the regulatory state it existed in from 2001 to 2015 (within the United States).  BFD.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Actually in 2010 the FCC issued the Open Internet Order and yes there were issues with it but everybody played by those rules. Only when it was challenged in court were the regulations put in place to classify broadband as a utility in 2015.

    The 2015 argument is actually what a lot of Net Neutrality deniers use in their arguments but truth is that it started in 2010.

    Net Neutrality wasn’t needed in the 90s because there as competition for internet access, broadband wasn’t really a thing yet. But as dialup died and broadband came to more homes and mobile phones, the natural monopolies formed. Infrastructure is expensive and it is basically impossible to create a nationwide competitor to the current big players. In many ways (like our 3-tiered alcohol system) Net Neutrality is an anti-trust regulation.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    2010 or not;  Most internet uses had broadband from 2001+.  Still 10 years of never a problem.

    Sucks that the rules have been changed - but nothing to sweat about I don’t think.  Just imagine the villains that broadband “monopolies” would be played out as in the media and the public, the moment they started pushing more cash for access schemes/blocking etc.  Great way to end a large business.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    We’re going to see changes on mobile carries first and relatively immediately. The want to sink in their fangs ASAP so that when it goes to court or Congress, they’ll cry about how expensive it will be to roll back all these changes.

    The first change on mobile will be to shut down VPN access in order to sell you a business package. The next change will be what we’re seeing in Portugal, lower tiers of internet access that doesn’t give you the entire internet.

    You’ll see this after the New Year within 2-3 months.

  • New here, but I thought I read somewhere that political posts like this weren’t allowed on A&A forums. Not trying to be a jerk, but there’s really no good reason for this to be here.

  • It’s not really political in a way. Has to do with changes that may happen to Internet in a few years.

    Big D the site creator will chime in to let u know.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    New here, but I thought I read somewhere that political posts like this weren’t allowed on A&A forums. Not trying to be a jerk, but there’s really no good reason for this to be here.

    You’re right it’s against the rules - if we expect us peasants to be treated equally with the king around here. :)

    This is Djensens site and his thread.  So No matter how hard you try we won’t win that argument :)

  • @SS:

    It’s not really political in a way. Has to do with changes that may happen to Internet in a few years.

    The title of this post is asking people to call their local Congressmen and ask them to halt the repeal of FCC regulations, sending us back to the internet dark ages of 2 years ago. That’s the definition of political, and then some.


    This is Djensens site and his thread.  So No matter how hard you try we won’t win that argument :)

    I didn’t see this was posted by the owner of the site. Darn, I hate it when mod’s don’t read their own rules.

  • Sponsor

    < grabs bag of popcorn and leans back in chair.

  • He has a very good point…calling a politician to voice concerns about an agenda is political.
    Suggesting what to say is lobbying.

  • @LincolnsTopHat:


    It’s not really political in a way. Has to do with changes that may happen to Internet in a few years.

    The title of this post is asking people to call their local Congressmen and ask them to halt the repeal of FCC regulations, sending us back to the internet dark ages of 2 years ago. That’s the definition of political, and then some.


    This is Djensens site and his thread.  So No matter how hard you try we won’t win that argument :)

    I didn’t see this was posted by the owner of the site. Darn, I hate it when mod’s don’t read their own rules.

    Ya like I said your right in away but he’s just letting you know what may happen to site. So then from now on He is not allowed to bring it up and when the cost goes up and or site disappears then you will not get any warning due to being political post.

    Just lettin you know what may happen. Fine Bye.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The rule isn’t what’s important to remember and enforce.  The spirit behind the rule is.

    The reason political discussions were forbidden was because of the explosive forum wars they would cause over items that quite frankly couldn’t be resolved at A& and almost never had anything to do with the site.  We used to have a political/open subsection and every imaginable issue was discussed in extreme flame there.  The battles would then seep into all of the other areas of the forum and cause chaos.

    That is why such discussions were stopped; and similar to the reasons replicants were outlawed in 2017.

  • Then I request the Mods or creator to remove it .

  • @Gargantua:

    The rule isn’t what’s important to remember and enforce.  The spirit behind the rule is.

    I agree, but then where does one draw the line on exceptions? Better to kiss

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