So I’ve heard people talk about a strategy where Italy supports the Germans in Russia instead of focusing on it’s NO’s. I was wondering if someone could explain how exactly can openers work, and how and why they are useful.

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Italian Can Openers
Latest posts made by LincolnsTopHat
RE: Beginner's Strategy Handouts?
For a while, 1941 was the first and only game of A&A I owned, and I tried going deep into it with strategies, variant setups and all that stuff. It really doesn’t work with this game, the mechanics are just too small. Sure you can have basic stuff like “Russia should occupy West Russia and buy Infantry,” or “Germany shouldn’t do Sea Lion,” strategies, but if you play it for the chess like strategies, then you’ll quickly get bored. And once you figure out that Japan’s only purpose in the game is to maybe take Moscow, the Pacific becomes extraordinarily boring.
1941 is a fun game by its own terms; definitely offers a more realistic play time, and far easier to teach. However, if you’re looking for the type of game you can write strategy guides for, look into Anniversary Edition or 1942 Sec Edition if you haven’t already (or if you’re crazy like me, 1940 Global). 1942.2 is interesting because it’s a lot like this map (especially in Eastern Europe, the West Russia strategy holds true) except more detailed, but I’d say the Anniversary Edition is the superior of the two.
Also, I have no idea where I found it, but I stumbled across a 1942 variant for this game if you’re interested. -
RE: Subjective Complaints about AAZ (Zombies are stupid thread)
I think people are overeacting to this.
At it’s worst, it’s a hilariously out of touch bid to increase the game’s fanbase by WOTC (seriously, the zombie theme is roughly a decade old). From what we’ve seen, it looks like an updated version of 1941 with more playability (the inclusion of cruisers and artillery is welcome), and the awkward addition of Zombies. Having played '41, I doubt the game itself will be that interesting, but it’s compatability with 1942 2nd Edition is definitely promising should the zombie thing actually work. I’m waiting on feedback before I invest.
As for it’s ‘disrespect towards ww2 veterans’, I’ll risk riling people up by saying that’s nonsense. It’s obviously not done in any air of disrespect, and will undoubtedly get some kids otherwise uninterested in history an unconventional, but still informative look at the war. I’ve taught a few history lectures, and I always try and find ways of packaging the material in a way that will resonate with the targeted audience, whether it be maps, videos, memes, etc. Heck, even the government during the war got it, look at their partnership with the rapidly growing comic book industry, which created some truly bizarre stories involving Superheroes and villains fighting on the front lines. If you think the zombies thing is new… well, check out DC Comic’s biography on Adolph Hitler’s fictional history, it basically implies he was tricked into starting the Second World War by a supervillain looking to create zombies.
That aside, I’m definitely hoping this is a one time thing, and the creative heads at WOTC look towards different time periods for variety instead. I mean, come on, I would play A&A: 1861 to death.
Excellent History Podcast on ww2 Japan
Hey Guys,
I don’t know how many of you guys are familiar with Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast, but it’s basically a lengthy series of episodes some 4-6 hours long describing historical events or subjects. He previously did a series devoted to the Eastern Front of ww2 (not currently available for free), and his series on the first World War _Blueprint For Armageddon_was what really got me hooked on that period.
Anyway, I came back from a vacation and found he’s just started a series on Japan in the Second World War called Supernova in the East. Started listening to the first episode, and so far would heavily recommend it. Yeah they’re long, but he’s an excellent storyteller and they’re pretty engaging, check it out.
[Global 1940] Operation Unthinkable
I was wondering if anyone’s ever tried creating a setup for war in 1945, or what it might look like.
Italian Can Openers
So I’ve heard people talk about a strategy where Italy supports the Germans in Russia instead of focusing on it’s NO’s. I was wondering if someone could explain how exactly can openers work, and how and why they are useful.
RE: Answers about Axis & Allies and Zombies
In addition, there will be rules and a separate deck of cards you can use as an expansion for your Axis & Allies 1942 games.
Sounds interesting, though I guess that means I have to go buy 1942 SE. I wonder if there’ll be a way to put them in G40.
Happy to hear they have plans for more down the road, just hope we’ll see more 20th century (or better yet, 19th century) conflicts than undead horrors.
And for the record, nukes are cooler than chainsaw tanks.
RE: Questions about AAZ
60 to 180 minute runtime?? :x An insult to the brand
RE: Questions about AAZ
Still can’t believe this is a thing, but here goes:
What role will sea units play? Is there any way for Zombies to cross bodies of Water?
Will there be a Pacific Theatre, or just Europe?
Will there be nuclear weapons?
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies is REAL
The upside is that a younger generation might see this game and become interested in the regular Axis & Allies game as well as WWII history.
Precisely. This is the reason that Larry created A&A in the first place.
This may be controversial, but anything that gets new players interested is a good thing.
Speaking as a member of the “younger generation,” it doesn’t matter if you’re selling nazi’s, zombies, nazi zombies, star wars, or superheroes. A 6+ hour game is a 6+ hour game, and unless you dumb it down to the level of 1941, it’ll always be a game for hardcore gamers.
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies is REAL
I mean, sure, why not, but I’d seriously rather have an American Civil War A&A, or maybe Korea/Vietnam games. I’m just saying this seems like they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel with this, while there are still plenty of good ideas out there. Still, looks intriguing.