• Hey everybody what’s up! I have been playing Global War 1936 for about 9 months now with a few friends and we enjoy the game very much. I am a big of HBG and what they are doing. However, after each match of Global War I play, I am left wanting something more out of the game. After a bit of thinking and some sifting through this forum, I decided to try and make my own alternate version of Global War. Before I get into any details, I would like to state for the record that I was inspired to create this variant by Bud Tarentine and Mike Koffey so they deserve a lot of the credit for what I’ve done here. I read through the thread they created and liked a lot of the ideas they had so I wanted to try and implement some of them into my own version.

    What I’ve done is take the rules of Global War 1936 and just add in some new rules and concepts to make the game a little more realistic, although I am not totally sure if what I’ve come up with is realistic or not. I am not looking to totally change the game because I really like a lot of what HBG has done with GW1936. I already have some rules put down on a document that I am willing to share if anyone is interested, but I have not been able to play test them just yet so I do not know how these ideas will play out. I am also looking for some input and other suggestions, whether it is constructive criticism or whatever, from the community on some new ideas to help make this variant a little more realistic. All of this is a work in progress and I will be looking to smooth out the rough edges once I get to play test this. Hope some of you find some use out of this! Please let me know if you have any interest, comments, or questions!

    I should also mention that I am using a D20 for this variant for various reasons, this means unit combat values will be different. I have reworked the reference sheets for each nation, I have added/taken/modified things, and I have also created unit charts for each nation because I have introduced a measure that changes how units are taken as casualties in combat.
    GW Varaint New RulesModifications.pages.zip

  • This should go in other variants and games thread like the rest of the 36 questions.

  • In this case everything HBG Global 36’ stays here, not house rules

  • '17

    I’m busy working on my own national sheet changes adding the units from extra sets and income changes, haven’t had time to read through it yet.
    But variety is the spice of life. Nice to see you also tweaking the game. I’ve found it better to test as we go on this. Lots of little surprises pop up in play testing. I’ve done most of mine alone first,  then get the group to try if interested after the obvious flaws are corrected. Usually best to make changes bit by bit to fully understand if it doesn’t work how to fix it. Then add them in a few at a time,  which can show conflicting issues you need to adjust.
    Don’t be discouraged if this happens, just talk it out with your group especially the goal of the changes. Everyone else will see it slightly different from you and either find fixes or breaks in you house rules. This has worked well for our group. This goes faster too!

  • @Imperious:

    In this case everything HBG Global 36’ stays here, not house rules

    This should go to house rules when there talking of adding house rules to game.


  • Alright then, I will post this under the house rules forum and see what people say. In response to Rank Carcass, it will be interesting to see how this works out, I will be modifying and testing as I go. I have changed the setups for each nation and added in some abilities for a handful of nations. I have also taken away all bonus wartime income except for what Germany receives from a neutral/aligned Sweden. Then I went ahead and added in expansions sets and other add-ons like Oil Wars, supplies, partisans, POW camps, and I even made an attempt to add in weather. I’ve got a lot to look out for when I play test this so I’ll see how it goes.

  • '17

    Dont :-o my house rule topic for 1936 was moved to here. That is only for official AnA games house rules.
    It will only be moved back as per moderator when I asked whats up.

  • Gotcha, I will avoid doing that then, thanks for the heads up!

  • '17

    Im redoing the reference sheets for every nation. Adding most units from expansions etc. Also removed all wartime bonus except for molotov ribbentrop pact. And increased all income as per eliminating zero income thread.
    Comintern is not Allies and is a true 3rd Alliance that can attack both or by both axis n allies anytime. The berlin must fall rule is removed.

    Wanted to get them done and polished before asking for feedback.

    Have not changed the setup units at all yet to reflect either errata or expansions don’t use them every time. But I got tired of waiting for HBG so im doing it myself. Its a real mess having all these different rule sheets stacked up.

    Pm me if you want a sneak peak may save you some time

  • I was considering adding in units like the tank destroyer and SP Artillery, and even some nation-specific units like the Fairey Swordfish tac bomber, but I ended up not adding them because I was the only one in my group who really used them.

    I decided to go ahead and create my own setup, mainly to better accompany the new rules I have put in and to also maybe better reflect what nations had and where they had them in September 1939. I did, however, use the current GW setup charts as a reference for my new setups.

  • Due to the Expansion system, you almost have to make your own reference cards.
    I combine everything for each alliance in one sheet - printed on both sides. The content is chosen so players have everything they need at their findertips - we almost never look at the OOB. This saves a lot of time.

    (I’ve made my own set-up charts as well - save more than 1 hour of setup time)


  • I like what you have done here Munck with combining everything into a couple sheets. It definitely makes it easier for all players to look up what they need and it takes up less space because you have less paper floating around. I might have mentioned it already, but I have made my own setup chart and recreated the reference sheets to include some of the expansions. I am not able to combine purchasing charts for each nation because of the different combat values I’ve given for different nations. I would put up some of my setup, reference, and unit charts if I knew how to add additional links.

  • @SS:


    In this case everything HBG Global 36’ stays here, not house rules

    This should go to house rules when there talking of adding house rules to game.


    Don’t forget to donate next year to help keep this forum going. Help us keep HBG questions here where they belong.

  • '17

    Excellent work munck
    I may need to change mine again, the combination of nations on 1 card is ingenious. If  our new players need the notes on unit abilities I could just add an optional generic page for the new guys.

  • @Whitshadw:

    Don’t forget to donate next year to help keep this forum going. Help us keep HBG questions here where they belong.

    Piss Off  El Cheapo !!!

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