• '17 '16

    Blockers depends on cheap fodder. As far as I can remember, yours are 6 IPCs. So, 12 IPCs in DDs (or DD+Sub) or a single Cruiser (9 IPCs) or 1 capital ship seems enough. But who wants to block with capital ships?

    How Cruisers can chase Subs?
    They can submerge if no DD is present, no?

  • @Baron:

    Blockers depends on cheap fodder. As far as I can remember, yours are 6 IPCs. So, 12 IPCs in DDs (or DD+Sub) or a single Cruiser (9 IPCs) or 1 capital ship seems enough. But who wants to block with capital ships?

    How Cruisers can chase Subs?
    They can submerge if no DD is present, no?

    Destroyers with them and 1:1 with fig.

  • '17 '16

    These Subs might have a hard time…
    Does it worth the investment to raid Convoy?

  • Depends if theres more than 1 with the cruiser u get that extra punch on Attack plus the M3 next turn. It depends also if u have destroyers in area. At least that M3 can help.

  • '17 '16

    Hi SS,
    here is a file with first sheet which includes the automatic calculations of all your numbers in D12s.
    Just enter them. You will get the Enigma strength on the right columns.

    The other two are D8s.


    You can also change some names, to better fit your units.

    You can write down below the first all special units, and post the file here.
    I might be able to adjust according to your units capabilities.

    SS_YG_Baron_roster_Enigma Vann formula_D6_D8_D12_D10.xls

  • Thanks Baron. When I get some time ill try to get to a list. Should have game finished this weekend I hope.

  • Baron

    Stalins 17 year old great grandson playing Russia and the 28 year old standing in back round waiting for his orders.


  • Got to turn 10. Not looking good for Axis but they have still a slimmer of hope. Germany and Italy have been pushed out of Paris. Axis have 28 points still in game and need 30 points to win. Japan is going after Hawaii (2 VC points) for the 2 points to get to 30. Also there 4 icps short of a 1 point bonus for total Axis income for 31 points total. They will probably lose Oslo so that will still keep them at 30. But now that the US UK landed in Paris on turn 3, that is draining the Axis income buys towards Russia attacks for like 7 turns.
    Russia has made a move and are threating to take back Stalingrad. So now Germany may just buy trannys and inf and dump inf in Stalingrad to hold.
    US UK now has figs finally in Paris for escorts. They just SBR Berlin and Rome. UK took out Italian fleet in med. All the planes in Greenland are planes that are in Paris. Just ran out of room in Paris.
    Japan will get Hawaii this next turn 11 and if they have 30 points at end of turn 11, then they just need to hold the 30 points for a turn to win.


  • Pacific


  • As you can see a bunch of Tech in game but still not over powering.
    The 3 move Cruiser is working out OK. As I said with the Naval base move of 4 NON Combat only base to base, The Cruiser gives you more of a added support or a quicker attack. With the Fig now moving 5 this gives you more support from islands with a air base and with a Cruiser or 2 can pop an attack with fig support. Gives also the option of landing in a convoy box undefended or giving that 1 destroyer some support for German or Japan Sub with a fig.

    Will see how it ends. Theres Japan tanks in Russia and I dont want that in game. But is that going to take away the Axis from getting to 178 total income for 1 point bonus ? If you restrict like tanks buys at a minor factory it will affect all countries.


  • '17 '16

    For this issue, I’m more like making only two way ticket from West to East or East to West with Soviet but only East to West up to Yenisey bassin (or Krasnoyarsk Krai, same zone) but not further west for IJArmy due to Trans Siberian road being blocked by Stalin.

    And China being a dead-end too.

  • I will have in next game  Japan cannot go any further than the last valued Siberian Territory which is Yakut plus territory to the North and make another change for India.
    Japan only aloud to build Inf, Mechs, Art in Calcutta or make Japan tanks only A5 D5 C6 or 7. Japan cannot go any further than India pacific side including not being able to go into Russia from India. Japan will not lose any income still going this route for Japan.
    Plus cannot go into Russia period through China territories.

    Another option that sounds good is to go back and make ea Russian Siberian Territory worth 0 again ( 5 icps ). This still would force Russia (China) to attack Japan because the Ground troops that Japan has in Manchura and area could just get picked up and run down to Calcutta or Islands. Also this would force Japan to get 1 extra Dutch Island to make up the 5 lost icps in Russia. Plus if Allies SBR Japans Oil Refineries in the Dutch Islands they would need to repair them because the damage is deducted from there income.

    Be up to Germany and Italy to get Mideast oil 1 bonus point.

    And by the way if US doesnt take back Hawaii next 2 turns Axis still wins in game. Will have to see if US put to much in Europe side last turn 10.

    Japan : No H. Bomber builds.
                No SPA builds.

    New Japan tank Values.
    A5 D4 M2 C6 = A1.67 D1.33

    Reg Tank
    A6 D6 M2 C6 = A2.00 D2.00

  • '17 '16

    I feel like you are scripting a game for Japan.
    Actually, you VCs points were use to give Japan more options than just Tank Drive to Moscow. Is it possible for Japan to win without helping Germany and Italy to crush Moscow?
    That is a major issue about A&A maps.
    My guess would be to ask Japan player to try to fight UK and US.
    No need to find specific rules which forbid in many ways JTDTM.
    Just try go South and East only for Japan.
    Maybe your map is not truly giving real chance vs USA and UK.
    So, by default, the only viable option remain mostly more or less a JTDTM.

  • @Baron:

    I feel like you are scripting a game for Japan.
    Actually, you VCs points were use to give Japan more options than just Tank Drive to Moscow. Is it possible for Japan to win without helping Germany and Italy to crush Moscow?

    Yes But you need to explain this more.
    That is a major issue about A&A maps.
    My guess would be to ask Japan player to try to fight UK and US.
    No need to find specific rules which forbid in many ways JTDTM.
    Just try go South and East only for Japan.
    Maybe your map is not truly giving real chance vs USA and UK.
    So, by default, the only viable option remain mostly more or less a JTDTM.

  • Thinking more on this Im going to leave it all the same for Japan. We really havent had a game yet that US goes mostly Pacific and if they do we still need to see if Japan still needs everything in game.

    Plus as far as tanks are concerned for Japan we will keep them at normal values because if Italy and Germany are defending most of there homelands then Japan would need to go to Mideast to help get oil and also to help to block UK in Africa.

    I just got ahead of myself a bit. If US is going 60 to 90% Pacific Japan is gonna have a fight on there hands with the new changes. Have to play test a PTA game. Japan wont be sending tanks to Mideast.
    Besides its not Japans best interest to go any further in Russia anyway once they get money. I still believe the game is better as far as US splitting sides. Remember there at war at start of game with 79 income.
    I also believe this hurts US in other games out there somewhat if US is delayed to go to war with low income totals. But you could always alter some setups but…
    Maybe thats why games need allies bids.

  • '17 '16

    Maybe it is for US to crush Japan IJN, so Allies can get a real shot at winning.
    IDK, I’m just guessing with what I read about your map and games reports.

  • @Baron:

    Maybe it is for US to crush Japan IJN, so Allies can get a real shot at winning.
    IDK, I’m just guessing with what I read about your map and games reports.

    Could be but as we know when you go one side more or other,  one of the Axis is strong.
    Will test next game. Also still think theres a 30-70 40-60 combo for US either side instead of an all out blitz one side. NAs involved to. Ill just keep playing and see if the Allies ever get to that point helping US. Still think also best option for UK is Leave Cairo(1)and take back Calcutta(2).

    At least theres a lot options in game for both sides. Some games are a bit harder for ea sides sometimes with NAs and Tech. But that is good for game changing options.

  • @SS:





    Med. Bomber
    A 4d12s @2 ground only every round
    A 4d12s @1 naval only every round
    D 2d12s @1
    Dog Fight @1
    SBR 1d8 +1 damage
    AA gun D@2

    H. Bomber
    A 3d12s @3 ground only every round
    A 3d12s @1 naval only every round
    D 2d12s @1
    Dog Fight @2
    SBR 1d10 +1 damage
    AA Gun D@1

    Tac Bomber  : Cannot land on Carriers.
    A7 Can pick target with a return shot. Ground only.
    D5 Can pick target with a return shot. Ground only.
    Dog Fight @1
    SBR 1d8 damage (Air - Naval ports, Train Stations and Oil Derricks)
    AA Gun D@1

    Naval Dive Bomber  : Can land on Carriers and ground.
    A7 Roll 4 or less can pick target with a return shot
    SBR 1d8 damage ( Air - Naval ports, Oil Derricks)
    AA Gun D@1

    Naval Fighter  : Can land anywhere.
    Dog Fight @3
    AA Gun @2

    Dog Fight@3
    AA Gun D@2

    Air Transport
    C10  Can transport 2 Elites or 2 Paratroopers or 1 Elite 1 Paratrooper in combat and any combination of 2 inf or 1 inf 1 art in non combat.

    Elite Inf
    C3    Build 2 only per turn. NA for US-Italy can build 3 a turn

    A2-3  A3 FSR only on AMP ASS
    C3     Paratrooper Tech- Can air transport 3 Paratroopers

    A5  FS

    C15   2 hits



    C14  2 hits

    Japan doesnt receive H. Bombers.

    This has been updated.  April 13,  2018

  • '17 '16

    I like it very much.

    What are your carriers values?

    Med. Bomber
    A 4d12s @2 ground only every round
    A 4d12s @1 naval only every round
    D 2d12s @1
    Dog Fight @1
    SBR 1d8 +1 damage
    AA gun D@2

    H. Bomber
    A 3d12s @3 ground only every round
    A 3d12s @1 naval only every round
    D 2d12s @1
    Dog Fight @2
    SBR 1d10 +1 damage
    AA Gun D@1

    Since you already played with different number of dice according to ground or naval, you might be able to tell how it is different in game-play, and which is easier to handle.
    Here is another alternate way to play with bombers

    Medium Bomber
    A 4d12s @2 ground only every round
    A 2d12s @2 naval only every round
    D 1d12s @2

    Heavy Bomber
    A 3d12s @3 ground only every round
    A 2d12s @3 naval only every round
    D 1d12s @3

    If you try both mechanics, you can tell YG’s team what is most interesting.

  • @SS:

    One other thing so far in game.
    With the Stg. Bombers now A 4d12s @2 every round is averaging about .90  hit per bomber per round of combat. Ave up a bit.

    Finally had a good Stg. Bombing attack in game for Japan.

    Japan had 2 Stg. Bombers attack for 2 rounds and got 16 d12s @2  = 10 hits. That was for taking Calcutta. Otherwise they would of lost maybe 2-4 planes.

    So the reward is there which I was looking for.

    The above quote is from after the last game we played with
    Stg bomber
    A 3 d12s @2
    Ground and naval every round

    H bomber
    A 4 d12s @2
    Ground and naval every round
    Both these values to strong for naval IMO

    So I have done two different sets so far.

    With the stats in quote the ground attack Ave hit up a bit and the naval hit Ave down.

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