Without the ability to roll for heavy bombers directly, heavies aren’t anything like what they are in Revised.
I totally disagree. It is impossible to get partroop-equipped heavies in Revised. Also, bombers only cost 12 in this one.
But what I find frustrating, and the reason I prefer to play without tech, is that if a player hits a good tech like heavies, then the opponent has no way of countering this lucky fortune.
I totally disagree. I thought you played a lot of AA50. Improved shipyards help counter. Improved industry helps counter. Super subs helps counter (subs can’t be hit by bombers without destroyers) Radar helps counter.
Unlike in Revised, I can’t spend a bunch of money rolling for heavies and have decent odds of hitting it, because I could buy 5 tech tokens, and hit super subs! So in this sense, tech is more uneven and chance-driven than in Revised.
No, I think it’s more even, because you have tokens and so more countries get more techs, evening things out. The old “flush your tech money down the toilet” rule was pretty extreme.
Immediate tech is also a problem. If USA hits LRA or heavies Round 1, then we might as well pack up the game….it’s a waste of time to continue playing.
Zhuk, you’re making an awful lot of absolute statements about a grand strategy game involving tons of possibilities and dice rolls. What if you’re better than your allied opponent? I am playing an opponent who is quite competent, and he got USA LRA for 10 in round 1. It’s around round 6 or 8, and I still have a chance. Taking over England G2 helped some (was at the price of several aircraft). What if the Axis get a couple of powerful tech in round 1 or 2? USA getting LRA or heavies in round 1 is hardly a game ender.
When I play a game with tech, I’m always worried the game will be ruined by something like this.
Nonsense, my friend. Again, there are many possibilities. I haven’t had many games wrecked by tech. More often, the effect of tech is to provide wonderful variety and unpredictability to games - testing the adaptability of the players.