@squirecam does this mean the axis player(s) get to place 3-5 IPCs worth of units, or that the allies get 3-5 IPCs worth?
Updated AABattlemap Map
Does anyone have an updated AABattlemap map for the 42 scenerio like the one we are using for the 41 scenario?
I am not really sure what you are looking for EM. The latest Battlemap download has the same territory outlines as '41. As far as the visual appearance of the map I am not sure what is used as I use my own modified from one of the original maps (all solid colors, no graphics or territory names). If you want the latest pastel colored map from '41 just copy the map bitmap from the A50.gim folder within battlemap and paste it over the one in the A51.gim folder.
The only difference between the 41 and the 42 scenario maps is the different turn sequence that is represented in the “nation overview” and in the toolpieces/bigpieces.bmp
You will find everything you need here:
If you prefer another visual appearance download the ABAttlepack to be found in the same post.
HTH :-)
Thanks Guys. Got what I needed. Did a quick job with paint on the Icons, used the map from AA50-41 that has all the goodies at the bottom (Cash, Res, Turn section; Tech section; etc.).
Thanks Guys. Got what I needed. Did a quick job with paint on the Icons, used the map from AA50-41 that has all the goodies at the bottom (Cash, Res, Turn section; Tech section; etc.).
It wasn’t quite as successful as i hoped. Does anyone have the 42 module that will work with the attached map.
EM I can Email you my map, and the underling file(can’t recall the name) that has the same colors and is compatible with the other '42 maps.
The reason I say underling file was that some of the territories such as the ones in North Africa were changed slightly in size. If the underlying file is the old one the territories will not correspond to the new boundaries on the map. Or if you have the latest Abbattlemap version and only changed the map all you will need is the map.
EM I can Email you my map, and the underling file(can’t recall the name) that has the same colors and is compatible with the other '42 maps.
Does it have the the bottom section for game turn, Tech…etc?
Yes. The map is the same as the 41 map except Germany and Japan are swapped in the turn order. What I have is compatible with the current latest battlemap AA50-42 module. My map colors are the same as yours and I have the original small or regular pieces. It might be easiest if you hit me with a PM and I email you the 42 .gim folder. That way you will have everything you need.