I caught this last night and from the reviews I was expecting a serious crap fest and once again this summer I’m not sure these reviewers saw the same movie I saw.
While the film is not without plot holes for the most part unlike JJ Trek they didn’t keep taking me out of the story and at least while watching the movie didn’t feel particularly contrived. Certainly some questionable decisions though.
The film is a little dreary but largely depending on your attachment to Terminator I think most will find it doesn’t blow. Some very nice action sequences and one of them early on was really nice in a “Wow how’d they do that way.”
Mostly it seemed they couldn’t decide what story they wanted to tell or were too worried about setting up a sequel. But the action and actors hold the film together well enough plus there is a nice little nod to the past.
Final verdict is I’m not willing to say it is ‘good’ but it certainly doesn’t suck.
L.A. Confidential, Rear Window, classics– Great
Casino Royale, Last Samurai, Saving Private Ryan, Lethal Weapon, Dark Knight, Goldfinger, From Russia with Love – Good stuff
Transporter flicks, Die Hard (all), Lethal Weapon Sequels, Iron Man, Spider Man, Goldeneye – I really liked them
Punisher War Zone, Star Wars Prequels, Pirates of Carib 1, For Your Eyes Only-- Okay
Wolverine, X-Men 3, Terminator 3, Transformers, Tommorow Never Dies – not willing to say it was good, not willing to say it didn’t suck
Pirates of Carib 2, Matrix Sequels, Die Another Day, JJ Trek – Crap