A&ARe (Enhanced) tech rules in AA50

  • I think making cursiers faster makes is more realistic than fast destroyers

    also why should we make subs even more useless by removing one of the few techs that help them

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Because submarines won’t be used in combat, they’ll be used for CRD.

    Also, it’s much easier to get the speed of a small destroyer up to 48 knots then it is to get the speed of a battlewagon up to 48 knots.  More realistic to have the smaller ship go faster than the bigger ones.

    Also, I should note, if you are using submarines for naval combat, you are not using them properly in this edition.  They’re really designed for harrying the enemy, which is why the destroyer is so bloody cheap!

    Giving submarines CRD would at least give them a use.

    Now, if you prefer I could make Super Destroyers take precedence instead of Fast Destroyers.  That would make destroyers attack at 3 instead of at 2, which is inline with them taking over the role of cannon fodder naval unit.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Preliminary AA50e Rules, please find holes and refine.

    AA50e : Enhanced
    Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition: Enhanced

    AA50e : Enhanced

    BASE GAME (1941):
    1. 15 Victory Cities
    -Allies start with 12/18 VC, Axis starts with 6/18 VC
    -Allies need 15 VC at the end of a ROUND (ie. US TURN) to win
    -Axis need 15 VC at the end of a ROUND (ie. US TURN) to win

    2. Bilateral Non-Aggression Treaty as Standard
    -Russia and Japan start the game with a Non-Aggression Treaty.
    -If either of the following happen:
    i) Russia attacks an original Orange territory
    ii) Japan attacks an original Red territory
    the treaty is considered “broken”, and the defender places 4 free INF in the territory attacked before resolving combat.

    If multiple territories are attacked, the defender decides which one territory gets the free INF.

    -Alternatively, if any of these happen:
    i) Russia attacks a non-Orange Japan-owned land territory
    ii) Japan attacks a non-Red Russian-owned land territory
    iii) Russia moves any unit into, through or over a US/UK-owned Orange territory
    iv) Japan moves any unit into, through or over a German-owned Red territory
    v) Russia flies Air units over ANY Japan-owned land territory or vice versa, without engaging in combat in that zone
    vi) Russia attacks Japanese Naval Units or vice versa
    vii) Russia conducts economic attacks vs. Japan or vice versa the treaty is considered “void”, and the infringed upon nation immediately places 4 free INF in its capital. The treaty is also void if either Russia or Japan’s capitals are captured, with neither side receiving free INF. If the treaty is void and broken during the same Combat Move Phase, the defender decides whether to place the INF in his capital, or in an attacked territory.
    -Actions not listed do not void or break the treaty. Once void or broken, the treaty is out of play

    3. Order of Play
    -Hire Researchers (You must hire either 4 researchers or 6 researchers on your first attempt at a technology)
    -Roll for Technology (if you roll a 1 you succeed, if you do not roll a one, you may purchase the other two researchers next round and automatically succeed with 6 researchers.)
    -Repair Factories
    -Purchase Units
    -Combat Move
    -Conduct Combat
    -Non-Combat Move
    -Place New Units
    -Technology takes effect
    -Collect Income

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    4. Convoy Raids as Standard
    -Due to their heavier dependence on convoys for shipping, UK, US, and Japan are subject to Convoy Raids (CR). These are economic attacks, conducted by SUBs, close to enemy shipping lanes (ie. near an IC). Russian and German, Russian and Italian ICs are not subject to such attacks.
    -On the UK, US, and Japan Collect Income Phases, for every Enemy SUB within 1 SZ of (ie. directly adjacent to) an IC owned by that respective country, subtract 2IPC from their collected income. For every Enemy SUB within 2 SZ of an IC, subtract 1IPC. If a SUB became submerged during this TURN’s Conduct Combat Phase, it does not do ANY economic damage.
    -Multiple SUBs may affect a single IC, with damage capped at the Territory’s IPC value. Any individual SUB, can only affect one IC/TURN, but may affect multiple ICs/ROUND (eg. a German SUB in SZ 9 cannot affect UK ICs in both UK and Canada on the same TURN. It can however, affect the UK IC on UK’s Collect Income Phase, and then the EUS IC on US’s Collect Income Phase later in the ROUND)
    -The combined total of all economic attacks (CR,SBR,Rockets) on a territory, is limited to double that territory’s IPC value per TURN. Note that Convoy Raid damage occurs on the defender’s TURN, while SBR and Rocket damage occur on the attacker’s TURN
    (Therefore, Germany can theoretically do 16 IPC damage to UK with a combination of SBR and Rockets on G2, followed by another16 IPC damage to UK with Convoy Raids on UK2)

    5. D-Day Invasion as Standard
    -Once during the game, at the start of UK’s turn, you may declare a D-Day Invasion, a combined attack of UK and US forces which occurs on the US turn. D-Day may only target France, and all attacking land and sea units MUST amphibious assault from SZ 7 (with the rare exception of land units already in Germany, NW Europe or Italy, which can attack France as per regular rules). Air units may come in from any territory provided they have enough movement points.
    -On the UK turn, conduct Combat and NCM as normal for any units you do not anticipate participating in the D-Day invasion. Any units being used on UK’s turn, be it Combat or NCM, cannot be used on the US turn. Newly purchased UK units cannot be used either.
    -On the US turn, the US player uses the remaining eligible UK units in his Combat and NCM together with his own units. US TRNs can transport UK land units and vice versa. Any UK units used MUST be involved in Combat, and in France ONLY. The only exception to this is loaded UK TRNs (and any UK land unit cargo) which can be involved in combat in SZ 7 as part of the amphibious assault. UK BBs and Cruisers not used on UK’s turn can bombard France but only if SZ 7 was empty at the start of the US turn.
    -The UK and US must agree on casualties, otherwise the defender chooses. AAGun fire is rolled separately against each nation. Techs or National Advantages (NAs) still only apply to the units of the power that has them. D-Day may not be called off once declared.
    -If France ever becomes controlled by Allies prior to D-Day, Allies can no longer conduct D-Day

    6. Price Changes, New Units And New Abilities
    -Industrial Complex is now 12IPC
    -Battlecruiser (BC) Cost 14, Attack 4, Defend 4, Bombard 4, they take one hit to sink and do not have anti-aircraft abilities
    -Destroyer is now 8 IPC, Attack 2, Defend 2, Detects Submarines
    -Bomber is now 14IPC
    -Aircraft Carrier is now 14IPC, Attack 0, Defend 3, Carries 2 Fighters
    -Escort Carrier is now 8 IPC, Attack 0, Defend 1, Carries 1 Fighter
    -Battleship is now 20IPC and is equipped with an Anti-Aircraft Gun. (Battleships with Rockets may NOT fire rockets.  Radar tech is applied to battleships.  As per AA Gun rules, only one AA Gun may fire in a territory per combat sequence.)
    -Artillery no longer advances into the area attack, Artillery fires from an adjacent territory in opening fire.  Artillery that fired this round cannot move (similar to AA Guns.)  You may not have more than 10 artillery pieces on the board at any given time. (Per nation.)
    -Submarines can no longer engage enemy submarines without a destroyer first detecting the submarines.

    7. SUB Detection
    A. SUB Detection Rolls and DD-to-detect values
    -All attacking and defending SUBs are “Undetected” at the start of Combat. Each SUB has a DD-to-detect value, which is 3 at baseline, and represents the likelihood of being detected (a higher value means more likely to be detected)
    -Only DDs can “Detect” SUBs. In the first cycle of combat, prior to Opening Fire, EACH DD in the attacking and/or defending force rolls a SUB Detection Roll. If at least ONE SUB Detection Roll is less than or equal to an opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value, that SUB is considered “Detected”. If none of the rolls are less than or equal to a SUB’s DD-to-detect value, that SUB remains “Undetected.” If there are no opposing DDs, then all SUBs would remain “Undetected”.
    B. Detected vs. Undetected SUBs
    -“Detected” SUBs have their special abilities cancelled by opposing DDs as per regular rules and combat resumes as normal.
    -“Undetected” SUBs have 3 major benefits on the first cycle of combat:
    1. Any enemy units hit by “Undetected” SUBs in Opening Fire are removed at the end of Opening Fire, even if an enemy DD is present.
    2. “Undetected” SUBs gain the ability to submerge IMMEDIATELY after Opening Fire and thus avoid further combat. If an
    “Undetected” SUB chooses not to submerge at this time, it now becomes considered “Detected” for the remainder of Combat (including having its special abilities cancelled by opposing DDs). Combat resumes as normal.
    3. “Undetected” SUBs gain the ability to call their shots if they are the only units attacking that sea zone.  If there are ANY other units, aerial or naval, attacking that same sea zone or flying over that sea zone, or sailing through that sea zone, this ability is cancelled. (Reflects the inordinate amount of time submarine captains spent lining up shots on juicy targets.)
    This ability cannot be used to sink escorted transports.

    C. Modifiers for DD-to-detect values
    -The SUB’s baseline DD-to-detect value of 2 can be increased (positive modifier) or decreased (negative modifier) by multiple modifiers
    i) AIR Modifier (+1 to all opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value) - Applies whenever there are any FTRs or BMBRs in the SZ of the same nationality as opposing DDs
    ii) LRA Tech (increases the AIR modifier above to +2) - no effect if no AIR present
    iii) Radar/Sonar (+1 to all opposing SUB’s DD-to-detect value)
    iv) Super Destroyers (+1 to all your Super Subs’ DD-to-detect value)
    v) Improved Shipyards (-1 to all your Subs’ DD-to-detect value)
    -Usually SUB detection will be straightforward, but because of modifiers, there are a couple of situations that can get tricky.

    • Groups of DDs with different positive modifiers - this can happen when defending with DDs from different nations. Roll each nation’s DDs separately if the values differ (eg. 5 Ger SUBs attack SZ containing 2UK DD, 1US DD, 1US AC, 1 US FTR. Assume US has LRA. UK DDs have no modifiers. US DDs modify enemy SUB DD-to-detect values by +2. In this case, roll their SUB detection rolls separately, ie. 2UK DD @ 3, 1US DD @ 5)
  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    -There are Major and Minor Technologies
    *Major Technologies: Advanced Artillery, Long-Range Aircraft, Increased Factory Production, Heavy Bombers, Mechanized Infantry, Rockets
    *Minor Technologies: Paratroopers, War Bonds, Fast Destroyers, Improved Shipyards, Radar, Jet Fighters
    -Your first technology purchase per technology must be at least 4 dice, but may be all 6 dice.
    -Technology automatically succeeds with 6 dice. (4:2 tech rule)
    -Major technologies cost 5 IPC per die
    -Minor technologies cost 4 IPC per die
    -Shared Technology costs 1 IPC less per die

    1. Advanced Artillery:
    -Your Artillery now fire 2 dice instead of one.  Each artillery unit still hits on a 1 or a 2 only.
    2. Rockets:

    • Your AA Guns may launch Rocket Strikes against enemy ICs. Only 1 AA Gun/territory fires, maximum range is 3, each IC can only be targeted once/TURN, damage is capped at double the territory’s IPC value/TURN.
      3. Paratroopers:
      -Your bombers may now transport your infantry in ONE of the following two ways:
    1. Infantry and Bomber start in the same territory and move together as a unit to attack another unit. (Any bombers loaded with Paratroopers are still subject to AA Gun fire and both units would be shot down together with any hits.)  Bomber may still engage in combat as normal.
    2. Bomber may move in non-combat, pick up an infantry unit, and transport him to any friendly territory within that bomber’s normal movement range.
      4. Increased Factory Production
      -Your factories can now produce +2 units per turn. (Ie, Germany has Increased Factory Production therefore they may now build 12 units in Germany.)
      -Your factories can be repaired for half cost (round up.)
      5. War Bonds:
      -At the end of your turn, during collect income phase, roll 1d6 to determine any extra IPCs from selling war bonds.  In the event you roll a 6, roll again. If you roll a 6 a second time, you do not roll again. (War Bonds increase your income from 1 to 12 IPC.)
      6. Mechanized Infantry:
      -Each armored vehicle or tank may now “transport” one infantry that starts in the same zone as it two spaces WITH the armored vehicle or tank to either combat or non-combat.
      7. Super Destroyers
      -Your Destroyer’s can now attack at 3 (defense remains 2.)  This is in place of Super Submarines and performs exactly the same way.
      -Your Destroyer’s submarine detection abilities increase by +1
      8. Jet Fighters
      -Your JET FTRs attack at 4
      -Enemy AA-to-hit values against your JET FTRs decrease by 1 (ie. to zero, unless they have Radar). This decrease also applies to Battleships.
      -Your JET FTRs gain the ability to “intercept” incoming BMBRs on SBR missions, Rocket Attacks and FTRs on Kamikaze missions. For EACH JET FTR in the territory undergoing SBR, Rocket or Kamikaze Attack, you may roll a single die at 1, to “intercept” (ie. immediately destroy) an incoming SBR BMBR, Rocket or Kamikaze FTR. This occurs in the Conduct Opening Fire phase, after any antiaircraft gun fire, if present. You may only intercept SBR BMBRs, Rockets or Kamikaze FTRs attacking the territory, but not those which are simply flying over. In the case of simultaneous Rocket and SBR attacks, the Attacker chooses casualties. Your FTRs are still able to defend against regular attacks this TURN.
      9. Improved Shipyards
      -You may build your ships at a reduced cost:
    • Battleships >> 17 IPC
    • Aircraft Carriers >> 12 IPC
    • Battlecruisers >> 12 IPC
    • Cruisers >> 10 IPC
    • Escort Carriers >> 7 IPC
    • Destroyers >> 7 IPC
    • Submarines >> 5 IPC
      -Enemy detection of your submarines gets harder, -1 to detection rolls
      10. Radar
      -Your Battleships and AA Guns hit on a 2 or less.
      11. Long Range Aircraft
      -Your Fighters move 6, your Bombers move 8
      -Your submarine detection rate increases from +1 to +2
      -Your LRA FTRs can now “escort” BMBRs on SBR missions. Escorts “neutralize” any enemy “Interceptors” (Enemy FTRs with JP) in the SBR territory on a 1:1 basis (meaning that each “neutralized” Interceptor does not fire it’s @1 shot against an SBR BMBR). If there are more Escorts than Interceptors in an SBR territory, SBR BMBRs gain partial AA protection. For each SBR BMBR that is hit, there is no SBR damage. However, another die must be rolled, with a 1,2 or 3 resulting in destruction of the BMBR, and a 4,5, or 6 allowing the BMBR to retreat. Escorts are not subject to AAGun fire in the SBR territory, though are still subject to any AA they fly over on the way.
      12. Heavy Bombers
      -Your bombers throw two dice instead of one.
      -Your bombers may now transport 2 infantry in Non-Combat Movement if you have unlocked the Paratrooper Technology.

    1. Method of Deployment
    -Each side (the Axis & the Allies) will have a total of 4 NAs Each
    -A National Advantage may only be selected once
    -During the 1st ROUND, each nation declares 1 NA at the start of their TURN. The NA’s effects come into play immediately unless otherwise described.
    -During the 2nd ROUND, any one Axis and any one Allied nation each declare 1 NA at the start of their respective TURNS’. The NA’s effects come into play immediately unless otherwise described. However, a nation also has the option to delay their 2nd NA, meaning they do not declare it at the start of their 2nd TURN, but rather, declare it on the Mobilize Units phase of their 2nd TURN or any of their TURNs thereafter. All benefits from the Delayed National Advantage do not come into effect until the Mobilize Units Phase : All cost discounts, All unit placements, and All Combat or NCM benefits.
    – If you lose your capital, you do not lose your Mobilize Units Phase for NA purposes.
    – A nation’s NAs remain in play, even if its capital is captured.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    1. Russian Winter - Once during the game in your Collect Income phase, you can declare a Severe Winter. From now until the end of your next turn, your INF defend at 3 and attack at 2. The defense benefit applies to Combat in any territory, whereas the attack benefit applies to Combat in Red territories only. When attacking, INF may be matched 1:1 with RTL, & thus attack at 3.
    2. Russian Railway - In the NCM phase, Russian Land Units [Inf, Art, AAGun] may move up to 2 territories per turn ONLY among these territories: [Buryatia, Stanovoj, Yakut, Evenki, Novosibirsk, Kazakh, Rusia, Caucasus, East Ukraine, Belorussia, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Baltic States]. You may move into or through any of the Allied owned listed territories. The Units must begin their turn in a Railway territory.
    3. Russian T-34’s - Your ARM in Red territories defend on a 4.
    4. Lend-Lease - When declared, Russia is given a free 5IPC this turn only.
    -During your Mobilize Units phase, you can convert up to 12IPC worth of Allied units into Russian units if they are in a Red territory. These may be land or air units. Remove the affected units from play and replace them with the same units of your own color. Any Tech or NA benefits from the previous owner are lost. Base costs are used for conversion (ie. Not discounted costs)
    -During your Purchase Units Phase, UK + USA can lend Russia up to 2 IPCs in total sum. The IPCs are removed from the UK/USA income and are available for Russia to spend immediately this turn. The total of Cash Converted + Units Converted this turn must be no more than 12IPC.
    -If you convert all allied units into Russian units in red territories, you may regain the Arkhangelsk National Objective, if you have Arkhangelsk.
    5. Mobile Industry - Place 1 free IC and 1 free INF during the Mobilize Units Phase of this turn only in any Red territory you control. Both units must be placed in the same territory. The IC cannot build until next turn.
    -Your ICs may move 1 territory during NCM (as long as you owned them at turn start). ICs can only move among Red territories. They may produce in territories they just moved to, as long as Russia owned the territory at turn start. Multiple ICs may exist in a single territory, but only 1 remains active (for the purposes of Rocket attacks, SBR and unit production)
    -Your ICs may now build +2 Units than the territory value they are located on. (for instances, an IC in SFE would be able to produce 3 units, one in Russia 8, and so on.)  This ability may be stacked with Improved Factories tech.
    -Your ICs must remain on RED territories.
    6. Siberian Conscripts - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either [Yak, Stanovoj, Soviet Far East, or Buryatia] if you control it.
    -The Non-Aggression Treaty : Russia will receive 6 INF (instead of 4).

    1. Atlantic Wall - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in France if you control it.
    -During Germany’s Conduct Combat Phase, you may designate 1 RTL in either France or Norway for “Coastal Defense”. The selected RTL must have started its turn in the territory, and cannot move this turn. “Coastal Defense” gives you a single attack at 2 (3 with German 88’s) for the selected RTL against a single enemy sea unit of your choice in any adjacent SZ: 5,6,7 or 13 for France, 3,5 or 6 for Norway (SUBs cannot be targeted). The attack is rolled in Opening Fire and casualties are removed at the end of Opening Fire. The RTL is not subject to counterattack by naval vessels in the SZ.
    -During any Amphibious Assault against France or Norway, all your INF and RTL defend on a 3 on the first cycle of combat only.
    2. German 88’s – Place 1 free RTL for Immediate use this TURN in Poland if you control it.
    -Place an additional free RTL during the Mobilize Units Phase of this TURN in Any Gray territory you control.
    -During the first cycle of combat only, on Attack only, your RTL fire at 3 in the Conduct Opening Fire phase Casualties are removed at the end of Opening Fire. Attacking INF still get RTL support, but fire in the Attacking Units Fire Phase).
    3. Panzerblitz - If your attacking forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving ARM may move 1 territory during NCM. This NCM move applies even if: a) your ARM has already moved 2 spaces in Combat b) you invaded an empty territory c) you invaded a territory containing only an AAGun and/or IC d) your ARM arrived by amphibious assault
    4. Afrika Korps – Place 1 free INF for immediate use this TURN in Libya if you control it.
    -Place an additional free 1INF,1RTL and 1ARM during the Mobilize Units phase of this TURN in Libya if you control it. (These are German Units)
    5. Wolf Packs -When declared, place 1 free SUB in either SZ 5 during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only. You may place the SUB even if the SZ is enemy occupied.
    -Your SUBs attack at 3 if there are at least two of them at the start of the combat cycle. The SUBs may come from different SZs, but must attack the same SZ. When there are less than two SUBs at the start of a combat cycle,
    this ability is lost. The Wolf Packs NA does not improve defending SUBs.
    -Your Convoy Raids do increased damage when there are at least two or more German SUBs in the same SZ. If the group of SUBs is within 2SZ of the enemy IC, the enemy subtracts an additional 1IPC from their collected income. If the group of SUBs is within 1SZ of the enemy IC, the enemy subtracts an additional 2IPC from their collected income.
    -Your submarines detection value decreases by 1.
    6. Luftwaffe Dive-Bombers - During the first cycle of combat, if there are no defending FTRs present, your FTRs hit on a roll of 4 or less (5 With Jet Fighters). In succeeding cycles of combat, the FTRs hit normally. If defending FTRs are present, this ability is cancelled. This NA applies to both Land and Naval Combat. Your FTRs are still subject to any AA Fire.
    -Your FTRs cost 1IPC less
    -Your 1st FTR purchased costs 5IPC less. (Hans-Ulrich Rudel Rule)

    1. Colonial Garrison - Place 1 free IC and 1 free INF during the Mobilize Units Phase of this turn only in either [ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if you control it. Both units must be placed in the same territory. The IC cannot build until next turn.
    2. The Commonwealth - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either [ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if you control it.
    3. The Bitter End –Infantry and artillery defending in England defend at 3 or less.
    4. Royal Navy - Place 1 free Destroyer and 1 free Cruiser off the coast of either [UK, ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if you own the land territory, during the Mobilize Units Phase of this turn only. You may place the DD even if the SZ is enemy-occupied.
    -Your DDs cost 1IPC less.
    5. Royal Air Force - Place 1 free FTR in either [UK, ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if you own it, or on an AC adjacent to these territories, during the Mobilize Units Phase of this turn only.
    -Your FTRs cost 1IPC less.
    6. UK Lend-Lease - When declared, UK is given a free 5IPC this turn only.

    • During your Mobilize Units phase, you can convert up to 12IPC worth of USA units into UK units if they are in any of these territories: [UK, ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus]. These may be land or air units. Naval, air or land units in a SZ adjacent to these territories may also be converted assuming you control the territory. Remove the affected units from play and replace them with the same units of your own color. Any Tech or NA benefits from the previous owner are lost. Base costs are used for conversion (ie. not discounted costs)
      -During your Purchase Units Phase, USA can lend UK up to 2 IPCs. The IPCs are removed from the USA income and are available for UK to spend immediately this turn. The total of Cash Converted + Units Converted this turn must be no more than 12IPC.

    1. Fast Carriers - Your Escort and Normal Aircraft Carriers may move 3.
    -Your 1st Escort Aircraft Carrier purchased costs 2IPC less
    2. Pacific Divisions - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either [Sink, Chi, Kwa, Phi, Alaska, Haw, Mid, Wake or WUS] if you control it.
    3. Marines – Unit placements are for the Mobilize Units Phase of declaration turn only.

    • Place 1 free TN in either the [EUS, or WUS] sea-zone if you control territory.
    • Place 2 free INF in either [EUS, CUS, WUS, Alaska, or Haw] if you control it. The Infantry may be placed in separate territories.
      -During Amphibious Assaults, your INF attack at 2 for the first cycle of combat only. Marines may be matched 1:1 with supporting RTL, and thus attack at 3 on the first cycle of combat
      4. Naval Industry - All your Naval Units (TRN,SUB,DD,AC,BB) cost 1IPC less
      5. Reinforced Carriers - Your ACs require 2 hits to destroy, just like BBs.
      -Your 1st Aircraft Carrier purchased costs 5IPC less
      6. Tech Investment - Your attempts at Tech succeed automatically with 4 rolls instead of 6.
      -When declared, US is given a free 5IPC to spend towards developing Minor Tech. IPCs not spent, or unable to be spent this TURN, may be carried over, but must still be used for Minor Tech.

    1. Banzai Attacks -When declared, place 1 free INF in either [Man, Kwa, or FIC] if you control it, during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only.
    -Your INF attack at 2 for the first cycle of combat only. There are no restrictions on what units may accompany your Banzais.
    Banzai INF may be matched 1:1 with supporting RTL, and thus attack at 3 on the first cycle of combat.
    2. Tokyo Express - Your Destroyers and Cruisers gain limited transport capability. Maximum carrying capacity is 2INF per ship. Each ship can be used during either Combat or NCM, but not
    i) COMBAT - Your ships can load and/or unload only 1 INF during Combat. As per LHTR rules, a unit loaded in Combat must be unloaded in Combat on the same TURN (unless ship is sunk or forced to retreat). If the SZ is hostile, your ship must first participate in Naval Combat (at full strength). If your ship survives, it may then unload 1INF into the Amphibious Assault.
    ii) NON-COMBAT - Your ships not participating in Combat can load and/or unload 1 INF during NCM. INF loaded during NCM do not need to be unloaded the same TURN, and may remain aboard the ship. A loaded ship does not suffer any combat penalties
    3. Yamato Class Battleships - Your BBs attack, defend, and bombard on a 5.
    -Your 1st Battleship purchased costs 5IPC less.
    4. Tech Advantage - When declared, Japan is given a free 16IPC which must ALL be used towards developing Minor Tech. IPCs not spent, or unable to be spent this TURN, may be carried over, but must still be used for Minor Tech.
    5. Kaiten Torpedoes -When declared, place 1 free SUB in either SZ 60 or SZ 61 during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only. You may place the SUB even if the SZ is enemy-occupied.
    -Japan may designate up to 2 SUBs/TURN as Kaitens. Kaitens can only be used for attack.
    -At the start of Combat, Japan must declare a “primary target” if using just 1 Kaiten in a SZ, and a “primary and secondary target” if using 2 Kaitens in a SZ (Enemy SUBs cannot be targeted). Enemy BBs still require 2 hits, and would thus need to be targeted twice.
    -Kaitens are subject to detection but their DD-to-detect values decrease by 1 (Kaitens and regular SUBs will have different DD-to-detect values, so it’s possible for defending DDs to detect regular SUBs, but not Kaitens).
    -If “undetected”, Kaitens roll against their primary target first, and only move on to the secondary target (with a 2nd Kaiten) if the primary is destroyed.
    -If “detected”, Kaitens must roll against an enemy DD first, and only move on to the primary target (with a 2nd Kaiten) if the DD is destroyed.
    -Kaitens hit in the first cycle of combat on Opening Fire on a 3 or less (4 with Super Subs). Kaitens cannot be hit by enemy units. Instead, they die automatically at the end of Opening Fire, whether they have hit or not. Kaiten casualties are also removed at the end of Opening Fire, regardless of whether the Kaiten was detected or not.
    -Your SUBs cost 1IPC less.
    6. Kamikaze Attacks - Japan may designate up to 2 FTRs/TURN as Kamikazes. Kamis can only be used for attack against naval units and may use their full range of movement to reach the SZ without needing a friendly territory to land.
    -At the start of Combat, Japan must declare a “primary target” if using just 1 Kami in a SZ, and a “primary and secondary target” if using 2 Kamis in a SZ (Enemy SUBs cannot be targeted). Enemy BBs still require 2 hits, and would thus need to be targeted twice. If Kamis and Kaitens are used together, you would declare up to 4 targets in total. The Kaitens would roll first, with the Kamis continuing in sequence. Kamis do not have to kill an enemy DD first if the Kaitens are detected and fail to hit the DD.
    -Kamis are subject to any AA Fire (land-based AAGuns or BBs with Combined Arms), or “intercepting” FTRs (ie. with UK Radar or Jet Fighters) and are removed IMMEDIATELY if hit. If Japan has Jet Fighters, they may lower enemy AA-to-hit values (but not “intercept” values)
    -Kamis hit in the first cycle of combat on Opening Fire on a 4 or less. Kamis cannot be hit by enemy units (except AA and interceptors). Instead, they die automatically at the end of Opening Fire, whether they have hit or not. Kami casualties are also removed at the end of Opening Fire.
    -Your FTRs cost 1IPC less.
    -Your 1st FTR purchased costs 5IPC less.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Almost all those rules are identical to AARe with the exception that I added:

    Battlecruisers (1 hit battleships basically)
    Battleships now have AA Guns automatically (can be upgraded to radar)
    New technologies incorporated and split into Major/Minor groupings
    National Advantages altered as needed to replace advantages that are now technologies
    Artillery no longer enter into combat, they now act like AA Guns firing in opening fire and remain in their original territory unless they want to move in NCM
    Price of bombers went back to 14

    And some other changes here and there, I can’t remember them all and I don’t know if I changed something in one place and not in another.

    I tried to take in the house rules and the enhanced house rules all into this and obviously, somethings were discussed here and not there and there and not here.

    A note about submarines and destroyers.

    It is my opinion that Submarines are not ships of the line.  They are not designed to be grouped with ships of the line nor are they meant to be more than a single shot and retreat unit.  I feel history supports this position as well as changes Larry made when he released the game.

    That in mind, I’ve decided that submarines should have the ability to take called shots (target the unit they want) unless detected by an enemy destroyer (reward for having destroyers!) in which case they fire and the defender can chose what is hit if anything.

    Further, as they were primarily convoy pirates/privateers, they have their CRD back.

    Escort carriers are also making a presence.  I have a toolpieces chart that we can use for these as well as a refined map.  The escort carriers are almost nothing more than a floating runway.

    Carriers have had their defense restored to 3 or less, but they cannot attack any longer. (They can still enter combat and be taken as casualties, they just have an attack rating of 0.)  Honestly, you look back at any naval engagement and you see the carriers cowering and sending their fighters out to attack.  However, the carriers are bristling with AA Guns from stem to stern and, I think, if they coulda figured out ways to float them over the decks in hot air balloons, they woulda put them there as well.

    Despite my strong desire, I was talked into giving up the armored attack vehicles.  Likewise, special forces units were dropped from the current list.


    Enhanced is not about adding new pieces or adding entirely new rules to the game (NAs??!!)
    The permise is to minimal tweak rules to enable more strategic decisions to be part of the game.


    Present viable counters to specific strategies.  A key example is to enable a defender to send up fighters to stop SBRs:
    enabling a counter to a strategic move.

    If you want to create a rules set with the above proposed changes, I think you should call it something other than Enhanced.  Or at least get Cousin_Joes approval.  Your changes are extensive, and (dare I say), not needed at this time.

  • 2 things…

    The dreadnought idea is horrible. A dreadnought is a supreme ship like the Yamato its greater than any Battleship and was meant to superceed the battleship in WW1. The name was dropped in WW2, but the term still carries to describe only the biggest baddest ship… a Super Battleship"

    Battlecruiser is an actual term for a lighter armor plated ship but with the firepower of a Battleship. They go by “BC”

    Escort carriers are also making a presence.  I have a toolpieces chart that we can use for these as well as a refined map.  The escort carriers are almost nothing more than a floating runway.

    it seems like you like how they work, Have you played with all the new pieces? I have but i dont have stats from other groups, so if you have used them please let me know how they worked for you in your games.

    I think the new pieces are the best part of your idea.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Well, first off, I don’t see the changes as “dramatic” or draconian.  Almost everything done was a direct copy/paste from the original enhanced rules with some minor tweaking to account for units introduced in Anniversary we didn’t have before and technologies introduced that we didn’t have before.

    And I mean MINOR tweaking.


    Escort carriers have been a very nice addition so far.  Only played three test games, but they have been very good units for defending transports out on solo missions. (Instead of a Carrier and 2 Fighters with the transport to pick up islands, now an Escort Carrier and Fighter.  Normally you only need the 1 fighter anyway to take out a 1 Infantry island and the two units deter attacks from solitary bombers.)

    Third:  The title of the heavy cruiser/light battleship can be changed.  Dreadnaught just felt fun.  I don’t care if we call it a super tugboat, having a cheapo unit that hits and defends at 4 is kinda nice, since many players, even iwth reduced prices, don’t want to build a full scale BB.

    Though this unit has not seen a lot of action. (We toyed with removing the BB in SZ 53 (Pearl) and replacing it with 2 of these and then getting rid of the transport/destroyer in SZ 56 altogether to reblance it.)

    The hardest part was adapting the National Advantages to AA50.  Since some of them are now available as technologies, new ones had to be invented.

    Well, let me say “borrowed” since the new ones come from LHTR 2.0 and adjusted to be of at least similar power to the others.

    If I had to chose one change that was major, it would be giving all Battleships AA Gun abilities.  It’s always been a feeling of mine that you shouldn’t just get them when you find a technology.  Battleships and Aircraft Carriers were floating AA Gun batteries, seriously, I think some of these ships had more Flak power than entire cities did.

    The most minor change was altering the NAs from AARe so they worked in AA50e.  Remember, I’m not adding new rules here, I am only adapting already existing ones to work under the new global rules of the game.

    Oh yea, and most important change:  Submarines now serve a purpose. (Though the Super Submarine tech has been replaced iwth Super Destroyers which I feel more appropriate given the new role of Destroyers and Submarines. )

  • 2007 AAR League

    My initial reaction was “whoa…too many changes”, however I do like the thought of having CRD for subs, right now they seem completely useless.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Guys, I seriously didn’t make too many changes at all from AARe to AA50e.

    If there’s a specific change in AA50e that’s a problem, let me know.  I’ve dropped a few ideas I had and I’ve altered others based on feedback already, I have no problem doing more.  Just keep in mind, I’m trying to retain as much as possible from AARe into AA50e, to that end, nearly 90-95% of the rules listed above are copy/pasted form AARe.

    Also, keep in mind, the thread is for AARe ==> AA50e.  Not really just a house rules thread.

    I’m editing the post above to change the name from Dreadnaught to Battlecruiser (BC)

  • @Cmdr:

    Also, keep in mind, the thread is for AARe ==> AA50e.  Not really just a house rules thread.

    Well, no, this thread was for the Tech modification that might be used in an AA50e rules set.

    I do not think adding NA’s (not in AA50 rules) or additional new pieces would be a part of any “Enhanced” Rules Set.

    Make up your own name for your house rules (or get Cousin_Joe’s approval/blessing).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    But you do agree that the NAs are currently in the AARe rule set, so I’m not really “adding” them I’m just adapting what’s already there to work inside the AA50 rules.

    And the new pieces (for people who don’t want to read ALL of that, those are Heavy Cruisers which are just 1 hit battleships and Escort Carriers which are basically half Aircraft Carriers) really are not that extensive, they make play a bit more exciting since now you can break your fleet up a bit.

    The idea behind those two pieces are to end the cat and mouse of naval warfare.  usually you have two big fleets and a transport or two and they’re advancing and retreating and eventually one side accidentally gets in range of the other and there’s a battle.

    With the other two units, it could well be one major fleet and two minor fleets and the minor fleets get into it and can actually turn the tide of battle.

    (Hey, who knows, a destroyer, escort carrier, fighter and transport can take out islands, that means the enemy might attack with four or five fighters and a bomber or two and you never know, the defender could win that!)

  • Though this unit has not seen a lot of action. (We toyed with removing the BB in SZ 53 (Pearl) and replacing it with 2 of these and then getting rid of the transport/destroyer in SZ 56 altogether to reblance it.)

    I really like the first part of that. The old US BB in Hawaii should actually be 2 BC, because these are old BB’s

    The Japanese may also replace a BB with BC, but add a CA in 42

    UK should get one BC with the BB and Germany should get a BC in Baltic

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I think those would be achievable.

    I also think in 1942 the American Bomber should be replaced with an American Fighter in England.  Just a personal feeling on that.

    As for the BC finding a lot of action, I think it’s because getting a cruiser is just more efficient, same with the destroyer.  (Especially since you need to kill those frazzin submarines and the only things that can are destroyers now that submarines cannot target each other.)

  • The first American bombing raid over Germany was not until jan 43… I think UK should have just one US infantry unit ( 82 airborne) for 42.

    I think US has too many bombers in 42, one extra fighter perhaps best.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It was my understanding that England had something similar to China, a volunteer American Fighter unit.  That’s the only reason I mentioned that change.

    From a game play standpoint, the Fighter would do well for defending England from Sea Lion (which I believe was why it was there to begin with) while also not giving America 3 frazzin bombers at the start of the game to use for mayhem and utter destruction which I think could, in the right hands, be unfairly over powering.

    Just a thought on the matter.

  • well American pilots did serve in the RAF, but this was limited. No American planes in UK. The first US force to land officially was 82nd airborne in 1942.

    They have a movie called Yank in the RAF. Its not bad.

    I would just add a fighter and remove a bomber in 42. Id put fighter with the carrier

  • @axis_roll:

    Enhanced  (AARe) utilized a 4:2 system of tech in Revised:
    4 dice were the minimum number of tech dice you could buy. 
    You then rolled to see if you achieved the targetted tech.

    If you failed, you had to invest in only 2 more dice the next turn and
    you would be guarenteed of having the targetted tech.

    This maintained an element of luck as well as strategy
    as you could buy 6 dice and guarentee the tech on one turn if you wanted.
    How to incorporate in AA50 both the element of luck and the ‘strategy’ of tech that was achieved in AARe?

    Two modifications to the AA50 tech system:

    Keeping with the “6 dice give you a tech” concept:

    Whenever you have achieved at least 6 researcher rolls (cumulatively), you get a tech.

    This could be over 6 rounds if you only invested in 1 researcher.
    or could be as short as one round if you purchase 6 researchers in one round.

    Another example is to spend $10 on two researchers.  Roll the dice. 
    If you fail to get a 6, wait until the next round and roll 2 more dice.
    If you again fail, the next round, you will have accumulated 6 researcher rolls,
    thus guarenteeing a tech development.

    Keeping with the “‘directed’ aspect”, thereby allowing more strategy in tech
    other than a one in six chance (random)

    A player can buy off up to two tech outcomes if they so desire.  Eliminating an unwanted tech costs
    $3 for each one (up to $6).  You must allocate these dollars as part of your tech development costs,
    but if you fail to achieve a tech, you do not forfeit this money: these dollars that were to buy off
    a tech outcome is then saved until next turn.

    You do pay a penalty for ‘directed’ tech. 
    The tech you end up achieving is not affective until the end of your turn.

    You may still opt to not buy off any sides, (risk the super subs) and get an instantaneous tech.

    Please feel free to comment offering any solutions or suggestions.

    Enhanced was built with an ‘open source’ concept where a group built a great rules set.  We can begin that same level of greatness with a AA50e rules set.

    I think Tech is the first thing to fix.  Other things will be added over time.


    and Good Gaming!

    Hey axis_roll,

    Definitely agree with your line of thinking here
    Any adjustments for AA50 Enhanced should be very small
    Basically just little tweaks, that increase the overall strategic aspect of the game

    With that said, I definitely think Random Techs has got to go
    They have no place at all in a game of strategy
    I would also suggest Tech doesn’t come into play until the end of your turn
    This pretty much goes hand-in-hand with Directed Techs

    I’ve given this some thought and should have some ideas shortly…

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