Gonna play test this soon with my group and wanted to get any input or suggestions. My group on analizing this scenario feel it’s probably in Axis favor, but like it still the same, as it makes for new strategies, without being too out there in new alliances.
Name: Iron Bear
Bid: Yes, Allied preplacement bid
Setup: 1941 setup
Teams: (allies Japan, UK and USA) (axis Russia, Germany and Italy)
National Objectives: No
Tech: Yes
Turn Order: Germany, Japan, Russia, UK, Italy , USA
Special rules: If non Japanese allied take back a territory historically owned by China it will be given back to China. Japan on the other hand can claim Chinese territorys only if taking it back from Axis powers.
Victory conditions: Axis win if all Europe, Asia and africa lands are owned by Axis powers (mainlands only) Allies win if axis hasn’t won by turn X (10 turns? till allies give up, not sure really.).
German Background: It’s just prior to spring 1941. Hitler has just been assasinated, thus changing the future coarse of the war. Hitlers replacement, though a fascist also, doesn’t share in Hitlers goal of eliminating Jews and defeating Russia. Instead, He Enters into a even stronger alliance with Russia. An alliance that promosis Russia all of asia with nothing to stand in there way. “The Iron Bear of Europe”.
"Germany with its new brother in arms will unite all their lands under the protective umbrella of the motherland". -New German leader
Japan Background: Japan never being consulted on this new alliance gets a hold of the terms and are pissed to find that this new alliance gives Russia rights to asia and marginalizes Japan. Plans for an attack on the US pacific fleet is cancelled and instead a diplomatic envoy is sent to the US detailing the Iron Bear alliance and its future goals. knowing a war with Russsia and USA would be near impossible to win they ask USA for a alliance.
" At this moment it would behove us to revaluate our future expansion plans." -The Emperor
Russia Background: Seduced by the dark side of power Russia eagerly joins with Germany in hopes of creating a new empire.
“Did someone just say “We’re getting a Navy”?” -Uncredited Russian Officer"
UK Background: though sceptical of Japan joining with the alliance, it agrees to it, knowing that without peace, their intrests in the pacific will undoubtabley fall.
" I question the repurcusions it will bring us, allying with those overarmed south seas pirates" -Winston Churchill
Italy Background: It’s along for the ride and they’ve been promised Africa.
“Call me crazy, but I swear we haven’t been getting the love since Russia came into the picture.” -Italian Conscript
USA Background: As Pearl Harber never happened there isn’t a major anti Japanese sentiment and among the American population this new alliance is seen as a good thing. China on the other hand is pissed at Japan for taking its land. Not wanting to lose it’s new ally USA allows Japan to keep it’s current Chinese teritorys on the promise it wont take any more and that at the end of the war it gives back a majority of it.
“I assure you sir, a total “kill Germany first” tactic will not work for us here” - Cpt Matthew Thompson advisor
Granted the Japan as a American ally thing is far fetched but this scenario would be ridiculas without it. The cool thing about this scenario is that russia and Germany can dust off those ships it never buys and put them to good use. Japan is nerfed but that just makes them kinda like the allies mini-me. Their only chance for extra IPC is through russia. UK will most likly be in a constant fight for its life trying to stop Germany from storming in. USA will have to split its forces knowing that ignoring one front will be costly. Germany and Russia will now only have one front to defend which makes their positions stronger than ever.