I really see no need for all these constant changes that lead to compatibility issues as far as changing territories around and such on the map.
I agree: it’s not a good idea constantly changing territory shapes… But one has to admit the map isn’t optimal: it is irritating to have so little space in Lib, Alg and Egy whilst wasting a whole Sahara on useless terrain, and also the way the Pacific was organised was strange and inefficiënt. So imho it is recommended to fix these “errors” even though it compromises compatibility. The best way to accomplish this is simply by fixing all the things that will reduce compatibility in one patch, and then continuing to add markers or whatever needed would have no influence on compatibility, thus making it no problem fixing small issues one at a time.
So I think I made a small mistake uploading an uncompatible version without making sure every compatibility issue would be solved this way. As I said: I’m probably gonna adjust the Sahara region, add some places where fleets with fleet markers can be put, add territory names etc. But I’ll make sure this will be the last update that adresses things influencing compatibility. Also, after this update, I think the modules are about as good as they can get, and it’ll probably be the last update I make. Unless ofcourse someone likes to do a photoshop job to make the .bmp files itself less dull :roll:
Don’t worry, no one can keep improving the modules forever, so give it a little more time and the modules will be finished, with a final version posted in this thread. After that, you’ll have hours of joy and happyness with an optimal set of modules which won’t be altered for decennia :wink:
I agree with Tim as far as adding fleet cards and such. It is too easy to overlook what is where. It is not like we are trying to cram physical playing pieces into a territory or move the same about the map and having to worry about pieces falling off of a stack of chips.
I agree again, but adding fleet cards gives people the choice to use them; those who like them use them, those who don’t don’t.
Holkann, I’m sorry, but my red-green color-blind eyes just can’t distinguish between the 2 greens - UK and US.
I’m using the updated module, but I’m still using the older pieces, even though I still have a slight problem distinguishing between the yellow Japs and the yellow-green Americans. At least their ships look different. That helps me a lot.
Since I don’t have a clue on what red-green color-blindness is, I won’t be able to fix this. What I’m trying to do is making these modules as enjoyable as possible for people with normal sight playing on normal resolutions, since I simply can’t do it for other people. However, I’m willing to help you make your own adjusted version of the map and pieces to fit your own needs. It’s very easy to do whilst only using MS Paint (standard on every Windows machine). So if you wish to make your own pieces but you don’t know exactly how, PM me :)