I am a rookie AA50 player, and just recently found this forum, and consequently the ABattlemap for use in the forum based games. I am sure all of you who know what you are doing love it and do not need to change a thing, but I found a couple difficulties as a new player.
1. Cross referencing all the territory abbreviations and names is a real pain when trying to transcribe a move log. I doubt those of you who have it memorized care, but I absolutely love the modification that P@ther made to it. Kudos.
2. Running at 1920x1200 resolution, my poor eyes cannot make out the subtle difference in the pieces, especially with the ships. Consequently, I modified the big pieces.bmp to use letter coded abrevs for all ships but the Carrier and Batleship (easy enough to tell them apart). For the life of me I cannot figure out how CA comes from Cruiser, or DD comes from destroyer, but I picked up on it and used those codes, along with S for sub and T for Transport.
If you a poor little rookie like me and are having problems with the naval pieces like I did, I am attaching the modified BigPieces.bmp file for anybody that wants it. Just drop it into your A50 folder after renaming the extension back to .bmp. The majority of you can ignore it, but in case you have bad eyes like I do, feel free to use it.