I like the damaged factory vs using flags
The bombers and a few other pcs look to modern and not WWII
I also like the pcs of nations to be different when possible
The problem is trying to make any real differentiation in such a tiny space. the pieces themselves are only 10 x 15 pixels, and 2 rows and 2 columns are used up putting in the shading to make them look beveled/raised. (Actually I cheated and use a little of this border space for the ends of the BB and CV so they can be a little longer.) That leaves a space of only 8 x13 pixels to work with.
The driving force behind these images was that many of the default pieces that came with battlemap when I started playing AAR were completely indistinguishable. I could never tell a bomber from a fighter or a destroyer from a battleship and in general the pieces were very hard to identify. Therefore I played around with them until I developed images that were at least a little more life-like, distinguishable from each other, and would be immediately recognizable to me. It appears HolKann used those as the basis for AAR and I’ve just put a little more of my personal flavor into these files.
Historical accuracy was definitely secondary to “usability” of the image, although I did try to get some general ideas for the shapes of the respective boats and planes. the fighter is roughly shaped like an overhead view of a Zero or even some of the other figs of the time. It’s pretty generic. You could definitely look at the bomber design and think it implies a more modern design (the wings are too angled), although you could say it’s got touches of a B29, but the most important factor in the way I drew it was that it had to look completely different from the fighter so I could tell them apart.
For me, I am not that “in to” the hardware of the war, and playability was my biggest concern, so making all units look the same across nations is actually a plus. As far as the game mechanics are concerned, a fig is a fig and the easier they are to spot both on my side and the other side, the easier it is for me to play.
If someone else can design better pieces that are more realistic, but still recognizable, then more power to you. I’d be interested in seeing them and potentially using them. In the mean time, I just find them to be a slight improvement over what was provided and thought I’d share with others around here.