• This sticky will serve as a quick start index for current information of the new game so new people don’t have to peruse literally hundreds of posts to find out what the game is about.

    A further Thread entitled AA50 Rules Errata will also be added once the official rules are posted to clarify some of the finer points of the game to help new players understand some of the new ideas.

    Please PM me directly for any errors and i will edit this information as we find out more.

  • NEW release date: 11/18/08

    link to Bluestroke’s AA50 PlayersAid Maps;

    1941 map

    1942 map

    Order of play:

    - Germany, Russia, Japan, UK, Italy, US in '41.

    Note: Starting IPC are correct given the fact that each nation have still to play the end of its own turn for having the National Bonus Awarded.

    The IPC values for -41 scenario should be:
    UK 43+5 (bonus)=48 starting IPC.
    America  40+15 (3 bonuses)=55 starting IPC.
    Germany 31  (+ 5 IPC bonus controlled at-start)
    Soviet Union 30 (+ 5 IPC bonus controlled at-start)
    Japan 17 (+5 IPC bonus controlled at-start)
    Italy 10 (+5 IPC bonus controlled at-start)
    China produces 1 free inf for each two Chinese territories controlled at the start of US turn.

    IPC balance (bonuses included, 2 inf worth of China inf):
    Axis: 73, Allies: 129.

    **- Japan, Russia, Germany, UK, Italy, US in '42. **

    '42 scenario:
    Germany 37  (+ 10 IPC bonuses controlled at-start)
    Soviet Union 24 (+ 5 IPC bonus controlled at-start)
    Japan 31 (+10 IPC bonuses controlled at-start)
    UK 31 (+5 IPC bonus controlled at-start)
    Italy 10 (+5 IPC bonus controlled at-start)
    US/China 38 (+ 5 IPC bonus controlled at-start), China produces 1 free inf for each two Chinese territories controlled at the start of US turn.

    IPC balance (bonuses included, 2 inf worth of China inf):
    Axis: 103, Allies: 114.

    Unit changes:
    Submarine: Cannot be shot by planes if there is no opposing destroyer present
    Cost: 6 (new)

    Transport: Are automatically destroyed if no warship present to defend them. Cannot be used to soak damage, they don’t take part in battle.
    Cost: 7

    Cruiser: Shore bombard ( you now need 1 land unit performing amphibious assault for each allowed shore bombardment dice )
    Cost: 12

    Destroyer: detect subs
    Cost: 8

    Cost: 14

    BB: Shore bombard ( you now need 1 land unit performing amphibious assault for each allowed shore bombardment dice ) 2hits
    Cost: 20

    Cost: 12

    AA guns now cost 6 IPCs.  They also now only fire in the territory being attacked.  They no longer fire at planes simply passing over them in either combat or noncombat movement.

    No change so far in other units ( compared from revised).

    Note: Subs can only be hit by planes if there is a friendly destroyer in the battle.  Ships can hit subs anytime.


    Item: The way the new research system works is this: you buy research tokens. For each token you have, you get to roll one die. On a six, you get a research breakthrough. If your die roll misses, you roll again the next round. And the next, and the next, until you finally get a research breakthrough. Once you finally do, all your research tokens go away, and you get a new technology in their place. To determine which technology you get, you choose from one of two charts. (There are six items per chart.) After choosing an item, you roll a die. Whatever number comes up on the die is the technology you get.

    1. Each researcher costs 5 IPCs, each means you get one roll for R&D per turn until you succeed, at which time you must buy new ones. (Not as before where IPCs spent on R&D only bought one roll.)
    2. Once you succeed you choose from one of two charts and then roll a die to determine which tech you actually get (not as in AAR where you research a specific tech).
      Item: The Weapons Development rules are similar to the scheme in 2nd Edition. The development you get is random, and it takes effect immediately.


    Phase 1: Research & Development
    Note: This is an optional rule- players should decide whether or not this phase will be included in their game.

    In this phase, you may attempt to develop improved military technology.  To do so, you buy researchers that give you a chance for a scientific breakthrough.  Each researcher token will grant you one die that provides a chance for a breakthrough.

    Research & Development Sequence
    1. Buy researcher tokens
    2. Roll research dice
    3. Roll breakthrough die
    4. Mark development

    Step 1: Buy Researcher Tokens
    Each researcher token costs 5 IPCs.  Buy as many as you wish, including none.

    Step 2: Roll Research Dice
    For each researcher you have, roll one die.

    -Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have successfully made a technological breakthrough.  Discard all your researcher tokens and continue to step 3.

    -Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed.  Keep all your    researcher tokens and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn.

    Step 3: Roll Breakthrough Die
    If you rolled a “6” on any research die, choose one of the two breakthrough charts and roll a die to see which technological advance you get.  You can only receive one advance each turn.  If you have already received the same result on a previous turn, reroll until you get a new technological advance.  Once you have received all the advances on a chart, you cannot gain any more advances from that chart.

    Step 4: Mark Development
    If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers inside the appropriate advancement box on the research & development chart.  Your development becomes effective immediately.

    Any number of powers may develop the same technology, but powers cannot share their technology.


    1) Improved artillery- each art may now support 2 inf to attack at 2

    2) Rockets- Your antiaircraft guns are now rocket launchers. In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within 3 spaces of it. This attack does 1d6 damage to that complex.

    3) Paratroopers
    Each of your bombers can act as a transport for up to one infantry, but it must stop in the first hostile territory it enters during a turn and drop off the infantry, ending its combat movement. The bomber may still attack during the Conduct Combat phase, but it cannot make a strategic bombing run in a turn that transports an infantry unit. The infantry unit may retreat normally to a friendly adjacent space during combat.

    4) Increased Factory Production
    Each of your industrial complexes can produce two additional units beyond its listed IPC value. For example, Germany with 10 IPCs can now produce 12 units. Also, when repairing a damaged industrial complex (removing damage markers), you can remove two damage markers at a time for the cost of 1 IPC (half price).

    5) War Bonds
    During your income phase, roll 1d6 and collect that many additional IPCs.

    6) Mechanized Infantry
    Each infantry that is matched up with a tank can move two spaces along with the tank.

    Air/ Naval

    Radar- Your antiaircraft gun fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.

    Long-Range Aircraft
    Your fighters are now long-range fighters and your bombers are now long-range bombers. Your fighters’ range increases from 4 to 6. Your bombers’ range increases from 6 to 8.

    Heavy Bombers
    Your bombers are now heavy bombers. You roll two dice for each bomber when you attack or make a strategic bombing raid. On defense, your bombers still roll only a single die.

    Shipyards- cheaper naval costs (minus one SS, TRS, DD, minus two CA, CV, BB)

    Improved Shipyards
    Your sea units are now cheaper to build. Use these revised costs.

    Aircraft Carrier…11

    Super subs- The attack value of your submarine is now 3 instead of 2. The defense value of your submarines remains at 1.

    Jet fighters- The attack value of your fighters is now 4 instead of 3.

    AA50 1941 Scenario Victory City list:
    Cities under the country that controls them in '41. Capitals in bold.




    Hong Kong


    San Francisco

    Victory in either scenario: control of 15 VC

  • IPC Bonus for AA50:

    Note: you only get the bonus if you control the proper territories at the END of your round.


    • Axis control of France+Northwestern Europe+Germany+Poland+Czechoslovakia/Hungary+Roumania/Bulgaria = 5 IPCs
    • Axis control of at least three out of: Baltic States+East Poland+Belorussia+East Ukraine+Ukraine= 5 IPCs
    • Axis control of either of: Karelia S.S.R. or Caucasus = 5 IPCs

    Soviet Union

    • Allied control of Archangelsk + no UK or US units on Soviet-controlled territories= 5 IPCs
    • Allied control of at least three of the following: Norway, Finland, Poland, Bulgaria/Romania, Czechoslovakia/Hungary and/or Balkans= 10 IPCs.


    • Axis control of Manchuria+Kiangsu [Shanghai region]+French Indo-China/Thailand=5 IPCs
    • Axis control of at least four out of: Kwang-tung [Hong-kong region], Netherlands East Indies, Borneo, Phillippine Islands, New Guinea and/or Solomon Islands= 5 IPCs
    • Axis control of at least one of: Hawaiian Islands, Australia or India =5 IPCs


    • Allied control of any Japanese 1941 at-start territory [Manchuria & Kiangsu are Japanese-controlled Chinese territories]= 5 IPCs.
    • Allied control of Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Gibraltar, Egypt, Australia and Union of South Africa= 5 IPCs.
    • Allied control of one of: France and/or Balkans=5 IPCs.


    • Axis control of at least three out of: Egypt, Trans-Jordan, France and/or Gibraltar=5 IPCs.
    • Axis control of Italy+Balkans+Morocco/Algeria+Libya+No enemy ships in Med sea zones, sz 13,14,15 [transports and submarines do not count]= 5 IPCs.

    *Allied control of France = 5 IPCs
    *Allied control of Phillippine Islands=5 IPCs
    *Allied control of West US+Central US+East US= 5 IPCs
    *Allied control of at least 3 of the following territories: Midway, Wake Island, Hawaiian Islands and/or Solomon Islands= 5 IPCs.

    fixed and current

    • D6 combat system similar to that used in Revised Ed., though Larry has left open the possibility of minor tweaks including the use of “special dice”

    • The new turn sequence is: Germany, Soviet Union, Japan, UK, Italy, USA.

    • Two setup scenario options: Spring 1941 and Spring 1942. The board graphics show 1941 ownership of territories.

    • The Victory City concept has been maintained from Revised Ed. and will play an even larger role. Victory cities have been added, particularly in the Pacific, to make it more difficult for the Allies to ignore Japan. New victory cities include Warsaw, Ottawa, Honolulu, Hong Kong, and Sydney.

    • New national objectives which award each nation an amount of bonus IPC for controlling a certain set of territories. These national objectives will encourage certain historical actions by nations, such as Italy trying to conquer Egypt or Japan attacking into the South Pacific rather than Russia.

    • Technology has been revisited. Nations can now purchase “researchers” which assist them in rolling for technologies. There will be 12 technologies available.

    • Strategic boming now functions drastically differently. Every strategic bombing “hit” reduces the unit production capacity of that industrial complex by 1. Once the damage to an industrial complex equals the value of the territory it is in, that industrial complex can no longer produce units. (i.e. if an industrial complex in Germany is bombed for 6 damage, it can only produce 4 units a turn until repaired). Damage to industrial complexes can be repaired for 1 IPC per damage point.

    The maximum number of damage points an IC can sustain is twice the IPC value of the territory it’s in.  The number of damage points inflicted on the IC is subtracted from its production capacity.

    If an IC in India is bombed for 4 points of damage, the owner must repair 2 of the damage points in order to produce one unit there.  The owner must repair all four points for full production.

    • The Pacific theater has been significantly re-balanced with the addition of China as a more active entity (controlled by the US player) and additional land and sea zones.

    China and how its played:

    • China as a minor power controlled by the USA player with its own Infantry sculpt. China has been broken up into 7 territories, each worth 1 IPC. China itself does not earn any IPC but gets one free infantry per turn per  two Chinese territories that it controls.
    1. The US player controls China, but it is treated as a separate power. It’s similar to one player controlling both Germany and Japan in Revised. In this case, though, the US player has a little more flexibility.

    First, weapons development is done for the US. Next, “purchasing” is done for both powers simultaneously (the US purchases units normally, while China gets one infantry for each two territories it controls).

    He must choose :
    option 1: do Chinese combat movement, then Chinese combat resolution, then American combat movement, then American combat resolution, or
    option 2: American combat movement and resolution first, then Chinese combat movement and combat resolution.

    1. The fighter that starts in China is considered to be Chinese for movement and attack purposes. Once it’s gone, it can’t be replaced.

    2. one Chinese infantry appearing for every two territories China controls. (there are Qty (9) Chinese territories-7+2 controlled by Japan.)

    Any number of new Chinese infantry can be placed in any Chinese territory. However, they can’t be placed in territories that already contain three or more Chinese units.

    Note: But as far as potential builds they are limited to one new infantry BUILD per territory under control.

    China collects at 0 IPC. There is no Industrial Center in China in the starting set up.  Also, apparently, the US may not build an Industrial Center in China.

    There is no rule preventing Allied units from entering or overflying the Soviet Union, except of course the Chinese, who can’t leave China.

    • Indochina has been effectively split into 3 zones, with a Burma zone (2 IPC) between French Indochina and India, and a Hong Kong zone (1 IPC and victory city) between French Indochina and Kwangtung. Both of these zones start UK controlled.

    • Europe has been extensively redrawn. There is now a new Northwestern Europe zone (2 IPC) between France and Germany bordering the North Sea giving the Western Allies a new zone to invade and providing for maneuver warfare on the Western Front.

    • Eastern Europe and the Western area of the Soviet Union have a completely new layout to better represent the situation in the 1941 scenario and give more depth to the 1942 scenario, with a number of new and redrawn zones.

    • The Scandinavian territory has been split into a Finland territory (2 IPC) and a Norway territory (2 IPC?).

    • Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad now all have industrial complexes and are all victory cities.

    • The naval units have been heavily rebalanced with the addition of the cruiser unit.

    • New Cruiser Unit, which will have 3/3 combat stats and cost 12 IC. Cruisers have the shore bombard ability.

    • The rules for shore bombardment has been revised. The number of ships engaging in a shore bombardment cannot exceed the number of ground units conducting the invasion, i.e. if 2 ground units are conducting an invasion a maximum of 2 ships could conduct shore bombardment.

    • The Destroyer now costs 8 and has 2/2 combat stats in addition to its ASW powers

    • The submarine now costs 6 and has 2/1 combat stats. Submarines can no longer be attacked by aircraft unless there is also an attacking destroyer in that same zone.

    • Transports now have no combat ability and are automatically destroyed if ever present alone with enemy units, including air units just flying through their zone. Destroying unescorted transports requires a dedicated combat action.  Simply flying over them isn’t enough.
      How Transports work:
      Transports have no attack or defense value.  They can only be taken last as casualties, when there are no other eligible units.  In effect, this means that once all the defenders capable of firing are gone, defending transports are “sitting ducks”, and are automatically removed if the attacker presses the attack.  In your example, the transports would survive, because both the attacker and the defender are wiped out.

    Attacking transports are a little different.  They still can only be taken last as casualties, so they can’t act as cannon fodder.  However, they can almost always retreat, so they are rarely defenseless.  For example, say a fighter, a cruiser and 2 transports attack 3 destroyers while attempting an amphibious assault.  If the fighter and cruiser both hit and all 3 destroyers hit, the defender loses 2 DDs, and the attacker loses the fighter, the cruiser and one transport.  Since there’s no reason to stick around, the attacker retreats with the 2 remaining transports.  If for some reason the attacker couldn’t retreat, the transports would be considered defenseless and eliminated also.

    Their cost may also have been changed (not certain yet).

    • Italy as a new Major Power with its own unique sculpts. Italy begins with Southern Europe, the Balkans, and Libya worth a total of 10 IPC.

    • Italian pieces will a brownish color, barely differentiated from Soviet and Japanese pieces

    • German pieces will be a dark shade of gray

    • German fighters now use the ME-109 sculpt from “AA:Battle of the Bulge”

    • The Black Sea will continue to be a freely accesible sea zone, with no restrictions on passage through the Dardanelles

    • No convoy zones

    • 24"x46" game board with over 65% more area than Revised Ed. and a substantial number of new zones

    • The board will come in three pieces that will be joined to create the playing surface

    • The land surfaces are now topographically rendered, with starting control for the 1941 scenario designated using light shading and national icons. Thus the 1942 scenario is set up with some territories already being occupied.

    • The oceans are a lighter shade of blue than the dark shade used in the Revised Edition, but still slightly darker than the original Axis and Allies

    • Over 600 plastic pieces, 60% more than Revised Ed.

    • Paper money similar to the previous editions

    • 48 page Rulebook

    • Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price of $100.00 (though note online stores are selling it much cheaper, in the $70 range)

    • Larry confirmed on April 25 that the game is finished and locked, no further changes will be made.

  • I want you posters to know that I take your information and edit the fact sheet as new information arrives. I delete your post so as to make the shortest possible thread so people don’t have to read all kinds of comments on Swedish military capabilities in a thread ONLY concerned with FACTS for AA50 and for Squirecam its “AAAv”…

  • From Larry Harris site:

    So what’s new? Not all that much. If you know how to play Axis & Allies you will pretty much know how to play this special edition. Here’s a list of what’s new in Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition when compared to regular Axis & Allies:

    Game Board: The differences here will be strikingly obvious. Not only is the game board larger but there are far more territories. This new edition has 97 territories represented on the map. Regular Axis & Allies has 79 territories. They both have about the same number of sea zones.

    Submarines: Subs still have that powerful first strike ability. Destroyers are still a subs primary nemesis. So what’s new? Well to begin with subs can now pass through enemy occupied sea zones. At the same time your ships can pass through (ignore) an enemy sea zone containing only enemy submarines and lowly transports. The fact is, if you want to conduct an amphibious assault and the enemy has subs and or transports in the sea zone, you don’t have to attack them! Use those big battleships and cruisers to bombard the territory instead of having to clear the sea zone first.

    Transports: Remember these words – “Chosen Last.” Transport may only be chosen as a casualty if there are no other eligible units. Transports now have no defense (0/0). We’re not going to see our precious bombers or battleships being sunk by those occasional nasty little transports. Only when there is no other target to take a hit will a transport be removed as a casualty. There goes your cannon fodder. At the same time, you better not leave your transports unprotected. Send in something with an attack value (aircraft or warship) and there is no limit to number of transports that can be automatically eliminated. They now cost 7, down from 8.

    Two Scenarios: Actually with two new setup arrangements the game is really two games in one. The ’41 scenario starts off with a bang. The Germans launch operation Barberosa, the invasion of Russia. This is quickly followed by Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. The ’42 scenario places the players at the Axis’s high-water mark of the war. Where it goes from there is up the players themselves.

    Italian Power: This is a big deal! Italy is now the 3rd Axis power. It is suddenly a very big fish in a very small pond. Protected from the North by German, the Italian player can concentrate on the Mediterranean region, Africa, the Middle East and even contribute to the war in Russia. Don’t make the mistake of under estimating this new Axis power.

    China: With China now having 10 dedicated territories (up from 4 in regular Axis & Allies) the war in Asia takes on another dimension. Japan must constantly focus and keep in check this ever growing threat. China still remains under the U.S. player’s control but with its own dedicated infantry piece and unique ability to produce more and more infantry units Japan will have its hands full. This provides an entirely new look and feel to that part of the world.

    National Objectives: This system is totally new to the game. Now each player has an objective related to its historic objectives. These objectives, if achieved will grant bonus income to the players achieving his stated objectives.

    Paper Money or IPCs: For the first time ever, Anniversary has new set of ones, fives and ten industrial production certificates.

    Reference Charts: Graphically they are completely different. Another noticeable difference is that the Anniversary Edition Reference charts are two sided. Each has a 1941 and a 1942 setup presentation. Also listed on these charts are each powers National Objectives.

    Victory Cities: There are now 6 new victory cities. Actually 7, Los Angeles has been replaced by San Francisco. The new victory cites are: Hong Kong, Honolulu, Ottawa, Stalingrad, Sydney and Warsaw. With 3 new victory cities in the Pacific there is a guarantee that things are going to heat up between Japan and the allies. No more can America ignore Japan and focus all its power on Germany first.

    How to win the game: Now your side wins if your side collectively holds 15 victory city tokens at the end of a complete round of play. Players can opt for a longer game requiring 18 victory cities or a shorter game of 13. Regular Axis & Allies also has 3 optional numbers – 8, 10 or 12.

    Weapons Development:
    Marshaling Circles and Cards: These cards did not make it to the Anniversary Edition. It was felt that they were not necessary.

    Storage Trays: In the Anniversary Edition there each power has its own dedicated storage tray. There are also 2 utility trays for a total of 8 storage trays complete with box covers.

    Unit Piece Count: The first number in the following list represents the regular Axis & Allies game’s unit piece count. The second number is the Anniversary Edition piece count. Dice 12/14, artillery 40/64, infantry 75/160, tanks 50/ 64, bombers 16/38, fighters 50/66, aircraft carriers 13/22, battleships 14/22, destroyers 26/52, submarines 33/52, transports 29/48, industrial complexes 12/24, antiaircraft guns 12/24.

    Weapons Development: Based on popular demand, Weapons Development (now called Research and Development) has been changed a bit. Jet fighters are still there. Rockets, Super Subs, Long Range Aircraft and Heavy Bombers are also unchanged. Combined Bombardment has been dropped from the list however. So what’s new? How about, Advanced Artillery – one artillery can now support two infantry. Paratroopers – a bomber can now transport an infantry unit. Increased Factory Production – each territory can build two more units than its listed IPC value. War bonds – collect additional IPCs per based on a die roll. Mechanized Infantry – match up an infantry unit with a tank move them both two spaces. Improved shipyards – Sea units are now cheaper to buy. Radar – AA guns can now hit with a die roll of 2 or less. That’s right, there are now 12 possible weapons development possibilities. Oh, and by the way… now you roll a die to see what weapons development you get. You no longer choose a development. You can narrow your possibilities by selecting which one of two groups you want to focus on. Basically one is land and the other is air and navy.

    Strategic Bombing Raids: The total rolled on the dice is the number of damage markers that are placed under the attacked industrial complex. An industrial complex can only produce as many units as the territory generates IPCs. Each damage marker subtracts one productions worth of IPCs. Damage markers can be removed by paying 1 IPC per marker.

    Cruisers: This unit, although seen in Axis & Allies Guadalcanal, will make its first appearance in a global game in this anniversary game. It will cost 12 IPCs. Attack and defense numbers are 3/3 and it moves 2. It can also participate in offshore bombardment.

    Cost changes: Hey, destroyers now cost 8 and they attack/defend at 2/2. There are other such changes as well… Bombers now cost 12, they used to be 15. Antiaircraft guns now cost 6 instead of 5. By the way, AA guns can only fire at aircraft that attack the territory they are on. There are no longer any taking pop shots at over flying aircraft. Battleships now cost 20, down from 24. Carriers are now down too. They cost 14. They used to cost 16. Transports have been reduced as well. They now cost 7, one less than before. Their attack/numbers have changed from 0/1 to 0/0. There is a big change in subs as far as cost. They went from 8 to 6. Their attack/defense numbers have changed from 2/2 to 2/1.

  • though Larry has left open the possibility of minor tweaks including the use of “special dice”

    What about this special dice, were they established? Couldn’t find further informations.

  • Official Q&A

    They’re on the cutting room floor.

  • They’re on the cutting room floor.

    sweep them up and take pictures. :mrgreen:

  • Can someone tell me what National Objectives are and what the do? I’m not sure about them. And maybe pointing me toward a thread with the explanation might help too. tHanks.

  • these are optional rules for either scenario.

    If a nation takes the listed territories it receives additional IPC at the end of the turn to be used to buy stuff the next turn.

    The income can be cumulative  and in some cases its really easy to get the money. In 1941 this is a huge imbalance for the Axis and in 1942 its more equal due to the setup.

    If you get the listed territories you receive the IPC even if on your opponents turn he may take it back. This forces you to take more historical based strategies and discourage weird ideas in the game.

  • What are all the unit sculpts? Ex. - British Fighter = Spitfire. Thanks!

  • we should get a list with all the pieces, and then what they represent

    so …

    british fighter - spitfire
    german fighter - bf109
    italian fighter - bf109
    russian fighter - yak
    japanese fighter - zero
    usa fighter - hellcat

    british bomber - halifax
    german bomber - ju-88
    italian bomber - betty
    russian bomber - pe-8
    japanese bomber - betty
    usa bomber - b17

    someone else continue  :-P

  • '16 '15 '10

    I once found the entire rules online in pdf format…now I can’t.

    Does anyone have this file and some means of posting it online?

  • Official Q&A

    It’s on the Avalon Hill AA50 product page.

  • '16 '15 '10

    You mean here?

    That’s what I’m saying–it isn’t there anymore.  I remember finding it there before though.

  • it is located on the Avalon Hill AA50 product page on Krieghund’s link  not the download page that you listed.


  • '16 '15 '10

    Gotcha.  Thanks Krieghund.

  • Can someone please tell me the EXACT order for the Techs as noted in the official rules booklet that came with the game? I am a little confused/worried about what I am rolling for when I do manage to get a tech. To be honest, I don’t know if what is listed in this thread is in the exact order. Is it? I don’t have the rule booklet with me right now, so any help would be great.

  • Breakthrough Chart #1
    #1 Advanced Artillery
    #2 Rockets
    #3 Paratroopers
    #4 Increased Factory Production
    #5 War Bonds
    #6 Mechanized Infantry

    Breakthrough Chart #2
    #1 Super Submarines
    #2 Jet Fighters
    #3 Improved Shipyards
    #4 Radar
    #5 Long-Range Aircraft
    #6 Heavy Bombers

    On ABattleMap think of the top row as Chart #1 and the bottom roll as Chart #2.

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