Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Iranians in power have hated us since we helped Iraq stop their invasion.  That’s Reagan’s fault, not Bush’s fault.

    Anyway, Obama’s got a lot of problems.  People are starting to call on him to describe just HOW he plans to bring change to government, not just take him on face value.

    My only hope is that Barry and Hilly don’t join forces in September after the DNC.

  • @JWW:

    Look at who’s doing it.  It’s obvious it’s a low blow

    If you don’t realize that the far right or far left aren’t going to do things such as this you are living in Neverland. Your expectations are whacked.
    I expect it from FOX.  Doesn’t make it tactful, though.  I’m just pointing it out.

    They aren’t doing ANY painting. They are accurately stating his middle name and reminding everyone that he has middle eastern lineage. There is nothing false, wrong or accusatory about this. It is what it is. Now if you are upset that this impact’s some peoples feelings about the candidate then that is another issue.

    Yes they are, because you’ve bought right into it.  How does he have ANY middle eastern “heritage?”
    His mom is American, his dad is Kenyan, and he was born in Hawaii.  He’s clearly an American but you guys are more hung up on his middle name.  That’s a terrible skew if I’ve ever seen one.  I’m just asking why other candidates middle names aren’t mentioned?  That makes the reason clear.  And yes, I pointed out in my FIRST POST that is to elicit a reaction of most people who don’t even know any better.

    if there were any possibility of political gain by either the right or left they certainly would. To believe otherwise is simply naive.

    Like I pointed out, you never hear Slick willie’s middle name because it has a positive connotation.

    Nope, it’s simply politics

    Pathetic, at that.

    And the unfortunate thing is it might actually effect people but that is the America we live in today. Reality bites, huh brother?

    So instead of asking for change, some credibility, and a little bit of critical thinking, you’d rather just roll over and take it?  Now I see why this country is going in the toilet.

    Maybe I should care when I see so much ignorance on these threads.  It’s like you guys are TRYING to be stupid and obtuse.

  • @Jermofoot:

    Yes they are, because you’ve bought right into it.  How does he have ANY middle eastern “heritage?”

    I meant to write Islamic not middle eastern.


    I’m just asking why other candidates middle names aren’t mentioned?

    Because it will not have the same impact as the right saying “Hussein” It’s simple actually and probably effective.


    Like I pointed out, you never hear Slick willie’s middle name because it has a positive connotation.

    So now I’m confused. If you understand it why are you getting all worked up?


    So instead of asking for change, some credibility, and a little bit of critical thinking, you’d rather just roll over and take it?  Now I see why this country is going in the toilet. Maybe I should care when I see so much ignorance on these threads.  It’s like you guys are TRYING to be stupid and obtuse.

    Dude, if you are going to get worked up over something this minuscule you will have quite the hard long slog! There are perhaps, a trillion more important political, cultural, educational etc……issues to work towards positive change. This is simply a 3rd grade playground issue where the big stupid bully is calling a smaller kid names. The majority of the playground children understands who the arse is in this situation.

    I’d get more upset about candidate’s, their surrogates, campaign managers, supporters etc. outright lying to the public versus the above group simply using a persons given name in a few speeches etc…

  • @balungaloaf:

    obama has to get a clue sometime here.

    after saying after he’d withdraw from iraq, he’d go back in to attack al-qaeda(even though al-qaeda is already there :roll:)

    Agreed. This comment on his position is quite absurd. It is obvious he is grasping at straws. And the fact is the USA will be in Iraq for a LONG time. No different than S.Korea, Germany, Japan, Cuba, Balkans, Philippines (did we get out of there yet? I think so)

    Hopefully our presence in Iraq will contribute to this country’s future success and prosperity.

  • unless i’m mistaken, wasn’t it Clinton that made the biggest stinks over his haratage and background?
    Clintons dug up the dirt on his schooling in what is now an extreamist school but may or may not have been at the time of his study there when much younger.
    i think the Clintons also brought up the middle name thing first.
    i’m not saying it was or is right, although the school is a consern because we don’t know if it was readical at the time, it needs some seriouse looking into IMO. any way right and left have used the name, accusing just the right of it is not right.

  • Dude, if you are going to get worked up over something this minuscule you will have quite the hard long slog! There are perhaps, a trillion more important political, cultural, educational etc……issues to work towards positive change. This is simply a 3rd grade playground issue where the big stupid bully is calling a smaller kid names. The majority of the playground children understands who the arse is in this situation

    hes not upset about the names, hes upset about shallow ideas based off of something like name or skin color.  Most Americans need to grow up and not make assumptions about a persons ability to lead the country based off of their name and skin color.  The issue of Obama’s middle name isnt as one dimensional and stupid as it seems, it ties into the far larger issue of racism.

    I actually agree with him: if somebody is going to base their opinion of Obama off of his middle name, then that person is a prejudiced idiot that should stay home on election day.

  • Moderator



    obama has to get a clue sometime here.

    after saying after he’d withdraw from iraq, he’d go back in to attack al-qaeda(even though al-qaeda is already there :roll:)

    Agreed. This comment on his position is quite absurd. It is obvious he is grasping at straws. And the fact is the USA will be in Iraq for a LONG time. No different than S.Korea, Germany, Japan, Cuba, Balkans, Philippines (did we get out of there yet? I think so)

    Hopefully our presence in Iraq will contribute to this country’s future success and prosperity.

    Yeah, of course your forgetting the fact that Al Queida is also in Pakistan, Lybia, Iran, Syria, and Most likely in Saudi Arabia… And some of the best terrorist recruiting grounds are in Indonesia? Did I mention that I am going to get drafted? Or how much it is going to cost us just to prop up other governments to fight home grown terrorism?

    Personally I think none of the major candidates really know what this conflict requires…


  • or people should stay home if they are bassing there vote on color, age, or gender as well. but that would hurt the demacratic party a lot. i hear more “I am going to vote for O/H because they are black/woman” then i hear “I won’t vote for them because of black/woman” although i do hear it and that is sad.
    i don’t care for eather but it’s not because of race or gender. it’s polacy and if we could atleast get people to vote on that alone the whole system would be better.

  • @Cmdr:

    Iranians in power have hated us since we helped Iraq stop their invasion.  That’s Reagan’s fault, not Bush’s fault.

    There was the Shah before that. weve been meddling in the MIddle East long before Reagan.

  • @JWW:


    obama has to get a clue sometime here.

    after saying after he’d withdraw from iraq, he’d go back in to attack al-qaeda(even though al-qaeda is already there :roll:)

    Agreed. This comment on his position is quite absurd. It is obvious he is grasping at straws. And the fact is the USA will be in Iraq for a LONG time. No different than S.Korea, Germany, Japan, Cuba, Balkans, Philippines (did we get out of there yet? I think so)

    Hopefully our presence in Iraq will contribute to this country’s future success and prosperity.

    It’s naive to compare the bloodless benign deployments overseas with the occupation in Iraq. Iraqis will never be happy with a sizeable American force in their country. some may see the necessity of having our troops there (because the alternative is so much weorse), but there will always be plenty others who will view it as an occupation by the “Great Satan” and an affront to Islam.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Smack, the whole Iraq liberation is another topic, so the last thing I’ll say about it is that the vast majority of Iraqis prefer having us there at the moment - but yes, would like us to leave eventually so that they can have their own government take over, when their government is ready.

    Also, Germany, Japan, Korea and Vietnam are not BENIGN deployments!  Germany’s taken 60 years to beat into submission to the point they stopped killing our troops with insurgent tactics after World War II.  They didn’t just roll over and play dead after the war, you know.  Japan did roll over and play dead after the war, but they also have NO MILITARY of their own right now.

    Korea’s still considered a war zone, after 50+ years.  Iraq’s a war zone, but it’s only been 5 years.  Cuba’s considered a war zone after what, like 100 years?

    Back on topic now:

    If people do not want to vote for someone because they are racist, religionists, sexist, whatever, that’s their Governmentally Granted Right as United States Citizens.  There’s nothing you can do about it.

    However, to gag people and slander them just for disseminating the facts about your name, or poking fun at you because your ears are a little larger then normal, or  no one has ever seen you in a skirt, or whatever, is patently unAmerican as it is an abridgment of your freedom of speech and your freedom of the press. (Notice, it’s not freedom of the news media, it’s freedom of the press.)

    And yes, Obama DOES have an Islamic heritage.  He may be a christian, he may be a lip-service christian, he may be a muslim, he may be an atheist, it doesn’t really matter in regards to what his HERITAGE is.  His father was a Muslim.  He was raised with Islamic faith present and active in his home.  Kenyan, American, Antartican, Space Alien - I don’t care.  But let’s not conceal the truth to sugar coat a candidate.  Better to have an informed public then a public who’s been lied too.  And yes, concealing information IS lieing, it’s called a lie of omission.

    And yes, a candidate’s heritage IS important when deciding who to vote for.  So is the candidate’s native tongue, his or her experience, his or her voting records, his or her ability to handle good natured political satyr, etc.  If he cannot handle people using his middle name as a candidate, how is he going to handle it when Iranians burn his image in effigy?  If he cannot handle people poking fun at his facial features, is he going to repeal the First Amendment to stop us from doing it as a President?

    Not saying he WOULD do those things, but you have to wonder.

  • @Cmdr:

    Germany’s taken 60 years to beat into submission to the point they stopped killing our troops with insurgent tactics after World War II. They didn’t just roll over and play dead after the war, you know.

    Serously, what the hell are you talking about?

    Japan did roll over and play dead after the war, but they also have NO MILITARY of their own right now.

    That would be news to the Japense SDF forces who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq with us, and the Jap navy that sunk a N. Korean ship in 2001.

    “Japan’s navy is considered the most formidable of these three branches, and among the most sophisticated in the world.”

    Korea’s still considered a war zone, after 50+ years.  Iraq’s a war zone, but it’s only been 5 years.  Cuba’s considered a war zone after what, like 100 years?

    How many soldiers were killed in Korea and Cuba in the last 10 years?

    However, to gag people and slander them just for disseminating the facts about your name, or poking fun at you because your ears are a little larger then normal, or  no one has ever seen you in a skirt, or whatever, is patently unAmerican as it is an abridgment of your freedom of speech and your freedom of the press. (Notice, it’s not freedom of the news media, it’s freedom of the press.)

    No one is saying they CANT say it. the point is, using barac’s middle name is a clear appeal to bigotry. Theres a reason Mccain apologized. the discourse should be about the issues and not what someon’s name is.

    If he cannot handle people poking fun at his facial features, is he going to repeal the First Amendment to stop us from doing it as a President?

    presidents can’t repeal amendments.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Senators can repeal them, evidentially, since we have Campaign Finance Reform which directly violates the 1st Amendment.  If Senators can, then Presidents can.

    And Japan has police forces with military training.  They do not have a standing army, which is why they use ours.

    How many soldiers died in Korea in the first 10 years?  How does that compare to Iraq?  Yea, thought so.  Please go sit in the corner with the pointy hat now and get back on topic.

  • No one is saying they CANT say it. the point is, using barac’s middle name is a clear appeal to bigotry.

    This pretty much sums up what i have to say.

  • @Cmdr:

    Senators can repeal them, evidentially, since we have Campaign Finance Reform which directly violates the 1st Amendment.  If Senators can, then Presidents can.

    SCOTUS has already ruled on Mccain-feingold in 2007. It’s constiutional. Besides, only members of Congress can sponsor legislation. The president can’t. This is basic civics.

    And Japan has police forces with military training.  They do not have a standing army, which is why they use ours.

    You said Japan has (I quote) “NO MILITARY”. They clearly have an advanced navy, an airforce, and SDF forces that are serving in Afgainistan and Iraq. They also spend about $50 billion a year on their “nonexistent” military.

    How many soldiers died in Korea in the first 10 years?  How does that compare to Iraq?  Yea, thought so.  Please go sit in the corner with the pointy hat now and get back on topic.

    Um, theres a difference with the Korean WAR, and the peaceful occupation that’s gone on for the past 50 years. The point was that Americans have put up with soldiers in Korea because theyre not getting blown up and shot over there. It will be impossible to keep 100,000+ soldiers in Iraq without them getting shot at and blown up. There will always be pressure from the public to get out. the longer it goes on, the more pressure will build up.

    Germany’s taken 60 years to beat into submission to the point they stopped killing our troops with insurgent tactics after World War II. They didn’t just roll over and play dead after the war, you know.

    This REALLY needs to be clarified. What the hell were you talking about?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Oh yea, the Korean war was NEVER DECLARED.  Guess that IS a difference….you know, the ILLEGAL invasion of a sovereign nation with a PERMANENT garrison.

    What was I thinking?  At least Iraq was approved by Congress BEFORE we invaded.

    And the SDF is NOT a military.  It is a department of their law enforcement.  Just because they have fighters and bombers and tanks does NOT mean it is a standing military.  Under their constitution they are not PERMITTED to have a military.  Thus, they have the worlds BEST police department.

    And, for the record, the United States President CAN push legislation.  And thus, it IS important to know the heritage and culture and political affinities of those running for United States President precisely because they CAN push legislation through Congress and the House.  All they need is a single patsy and they can write any bill or law they want too.

    How do you think No Child Left Behind came into being?  How do you think the Department of Homeland Security came into being?  How do you think the Transit Security Administration came into being?  Hell, how do you think NAFTA happened?  Some president wrote the bill, found a moron to sponsor it and them pushed it through congress with an iron rod.

    If you are so deluded as to actually think that the President is an impotent geriatric sitting behind a mahogony desk waiting and praying that legislation is written and sponsored without interacting what-so-ever in the process (because that’s the way YOU, as an individual, see the executive branch) does not make it so.  It just makes YOU uninformed as to how the process REALLY works.

    Maybe you need to go back and take a civics class?  I mean, I assume, of course, you actually DID take one at some point in your life…or were you one of the kids that were not “left behind” and socially promoted in public high screwl?

    Hmm…makes you wonder…saying there is a HUGE Japanese military complete with Samuri and all…not even knowing that their constitution strictly forbids them to have a standing military at all.  Not even knowing that Korea is a war zone that we’ve been in for at least 10 times as long as Iraq and that the President invaded long before Congress approved of it.  Not even knowing that there were German resistance cells in Germany after World War II and some even exist to this day.  Not even knowing that Gitmo was CONQUERED and STOLEN from the Spanish and Cuba and we’ve been an occupying force for almost a century at least, maybe longer.

    Hmm, guess instead of civics, you should take a few American history courses - then you can take a civics class.  The scary thing is, you probably get to vote!

  • @Cmdr:

    And the SDF is NOT a military.  It is a department of their law enforcement.  Just because they have fighters and bombers and tanks does NOT mean it is a standing military.  Under their constitution they are not PERMITTED to have a military.  Thus, they have the worlds BEST police department.

    A police department serving in a foreign country?  That sounds an awful lot like a military to me.  No matter how much everyone calls a duck a swan, it doesnt make it any less of a duck.

    And, for the record, the United States President CAN push legislation.  And thus, it IS important to know the heritage and culture and political affinities of those running for United States President precisely because they CAN push legislation through Congress and the House.  All they need is a single patsy and they can write any bill or law they want too.

    How do you think No Child Left Behind came into being?  How do you think the Department of Homeland Security came into being?  How do you think the Transit Security Administration came into being?  Hell, how do you think NAFTA happened?  Some president wrote the bill, found a moron to sponsor it and them pushed it through congress with an iron rod.


    Maybe you need to go back and take a civics class?  I mean, I assume, of course, you actually DID take one at some point in your life…or were you one of the kids that were not “left behind” and socially promoted in public high screwl?

    I dont even think my high school has civics.  At least one should be required, up there with mathematics.

    Not even knowing that Korea is a war zone that we’ve been in for at least 10 times as long as Iraq and that the President invaded long before Congress approved of it.  Not even knowing that there were German resistance cells in Germany after World War II and some even exist to this day.  Not even knowing that Gitmo was CONQUERED and STOLEN from the Spanish and Cuba and we’ve been an occupying force for almost a century at least, maybe longer.

    I think he knows that Korea was a warzone and that we conquered Guantanamo Bay, its just that calling them warzones now is a bit silly.  We are indeed occupying them, and there was indeed conflict there at some point, and they may very well be dubbed and labeled as ‘warzones’, but again: no matter how much everyone calls a duck a swan, it doesnt make it any less of a duck.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    What was that line again?

    “I stand 40 yards away from someone who is trained to kill me.”  Or something like that in A Few Good Men out of the Mouth of Jack Nicholson?

    Yea.  It’s a war zone.  If you cannot bring your wife and children to your duty station because it’s hostile, then it’s a warzone.

    And I don’t care if we send the New York Police Department to invade Toronto.  They’re STILL the police and not the army.  Sure, they have M-16s and Tanks (or whatever those armored cars are with the battering ram, it’s a tank IMHO.)  They’re still POLICE, not ARMY.  And it DOES make a difference.  Japan has no ARMY.  That’s why OUR Army works for THEIR defense for free.

    Anyway, I’m done with Smacktard.  Shoot, anyone who sees himself as a smacktard really shouldn’t be taken seriously enough to argue with.  Especially when they’re trolling and driving the topic on a tangent.

    The real issue is, can we trust Obama to use nuclear weapons to defend this nation or not?  If he won’t even man up enough to absorb some good honest ribbing about his ears or even to answer some straight forward questions about his past, can we really expect him to do his duty?

    The other issue is, last time the Clintons were in the white house, the national guards went on strike.  (Washington State and Montana.)  Considering most of the forces deployed in Iraq (at least while I was there) were rent-a-soldiers (national guard) can we trust them to do their duty under the Clintons, or will they go AWOL like the last time we had the Clintons in the White House?

    Finally, can we trust McCain to nominate the right judges so as to over turn some of the bench legislation that’s been rammed down our throats unconstitutionally - to secure our borders with NO PROSPECT WHATSOEVER of an amnesty - to push for the tax cuts he REFUSED TO SIGN TWICE - to protect our civil liberties (which he has actively worked to repeal at every turn he gets) and to protect American business from eco-terrorists and the Useless Nations?

    Those are the real questions.  Unfortunately, I think the best option we have is Hillary Clinton with a Republican Congress and Senate, like we had in the '90s.

    You know, last time we heard “hope” and “change” from the democrats it was 2006.  They said they’d bring the country in a “new direction” and they did.  We went from an economy that was growing steadily (slow, but steady) to an economy that’s been crushed and is dwindling.  Ever since they stole the reigns of power in Washington and got our spineless little twit of a Republican president (who was always a liberal while he was in the White House, if you look at what legislation he passed, what he vetoed) to be even more liberal.

    Before the Democrats we had 14,000 DJIA.  After them we have 12,000 DJIA.  A net change of -15%.

    If we get more change by only getting another unchecked liberal, does that mean we’ll see ANOTHER -15% in the economy!?!?  Will we return to Carter Era Economics with lines for gas, unemployment pushing double digits, home values plummeting, businesses going out of business faster then employees can get to unemployment lines?

    After all, we have three liberals running for the White House:

    Obama - Ultra Liberal and very secretive about his past and his affiliations
    Clinton - Not as Ultra Liberal, but still VERY liberal.
    McCain - The most liberal republican on the face of God’s green Earth.  (AKA, Moderate-Liberal.)

  • I guess I hit a nerve there somewhere  :?

    let me summarize my poistion: There is zero chance Barac will repeal the 1st amendment. He can’t do it himself, no congressman in their right mind would be his “patsy” on that, and there would be zero support for it. If you like, we can bet on it, I’ll give you 1,000,000,000-1 odds, and gladly take your money if Barac’s inaugaurated.

    Japan: as Cobert says, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, its a duck, no matter what you call it. When your “police” have one of the most high-tech navies in the world, destory other country’s boats, and are deployed OUTSIDE your country, its kind of silly to still call it “the police”. What’s next, talking about the meaning of “is”?

    Korea and Germany: these were once warzones, many years ago. Now they’re not and havent been for many decades. Iraq has been a warzone for five years. It will continue to be a warzone as long as we have any significant force in Iraq. This is unavoidable. Thats not to say we should pull out, but McCain is delusional if he thinks we’ll ever have a peaceful presence in Iraq, like we do Germany, Japan, or Korea.

    The idea that we’ve been fighting a German “insurgency” for SIXTY years is a product of insanity. You cant possibly beleive that, but I have no clue why you would throw that out there.

  • FYI, the stock market in Nov. 2006 was 12250. In Jan. of 2007 (new Congress sworn in), it was at 12,500. It didn’t hit 14,000 until June, 2007.

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