Well, I know my proposed naval purchases on G1 might give Russia a tactical advantage for a round, but it will also seriously set the Allies back. For one thing, England has to worry about Sea Lion. That will mean no landings in Africa, and with no landings in Africa, the Ameircans will also not land in Africa. + income for Germany
Germany does not have a real Sea Lion threat with only 2 transports. I agree that Germany will hold Africa longer, which will contribute to the German income. However, Germany will not necessarily dominate Africa for very long.
Check it, I said to build 2 Submarines, Transport, Aircraft Carrier. That could easily be 3 transports and an aircraft carrier, but I like the added punch of 2 submarines. That would give Germany a total of 3 transports, 6 fighters, a battleship and a bomber for Sea Lion on Germany 2. Enough of a force that England/America have to consider it at least.
Also, with a fleet of that size, I do not think the allies can stop a fleet unification on G2. That’s a pretty sizable fleet and if the allies do manage to over power it, they can move into the Med if they want.
I assume by “overpower” you don’t mean defeat in combat, but instead refer to outnumbering the German navy, forcing the retreat. Yes, the German fleet can move to the Med. However, the Allies can then establish their transport fleet from E. Canada to London, and from London to Archangel. This almost directly reinforces Russia. The Germans will have the Caucasus, but I don’t see Russia falling. Even so, I think that’s the BEST case scenario for the Axis. The other option for the Allies is simply to KJF, rendering most of that German spending moot…
No, I mean sink it. Once the allies get enough to sink it, then Germany can retreat, thus rendering all that allied warship spending moot. By this point, Russia should be pressed hard by Japan and Germany.
If the allies go KJF, all the better! Germany has plenty of navy to land troops in W. Indies, Panama, Brazil, Madagascar, India, etc.
Also, Russia’s only up 7 for W. Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia. That’s Germany with 44 IPC on G1 and Russia with 31 IPC on R2. You don’t think 44 IPC can push back against Russia when Germany starts with 100 IPC more in land units then Russia?
Frankly, no, I don’t. It’s hardly as simple as that; the UK and US can reinforce Russia and attack Germany. You can’t just ignore the UK and US.
Yes you can ignore them, because they are building fleet to sink the Germans or force them to surrender. Thus, they do not have the capability to reinforce anything. If they do go transports, Germany has plenty of ability to sink them, regardless of where they are built. So yea, Germany will be earning a lot, Russia not so much, and the two axis powers should have 3 or 4 turns at least with no Allied assistance to Russia.
Anyway, I think the trick here would be to resist the temptation to build any more fleet with Germany. Yes, you’ll get pushed away or destroyed by England and America. But not until Germany 3 or 4 probably, maybe as late as 6 or 7. Meanwhile, Japan and Germany have been whittling away at the Russians and the English and Americans have been dedicating vast resources to Navy and Airforce to secure the Atlantic.
Of course, the Allies COULD go KJF in response to that German expenditure. But even if the Allies DO go KGF, the Allies should have quite a surplus of fighters. Those surplus fighters not only threaten the German fleet; when the Allied airforce hits critical mass, BOTH Axis powers’ navies are in danger, and further, those fighters can help reinforce Russia. Normally fighter reinforcement is not terribly effective, but considering that Russia should have more infantry (because of having more territory), and considering that the Axis spent a lot of IPCs on navy, I don’t see that the Axis would have any decisive ADVANTAGE in purchasing lots of navy on G1. Were I forced to express an opinion, I would actually say that the Axis would have a considerable DISADVANTAGE were they to purchase lots of navy on G1.
Honestly, that’s what I’m hoping for. I’m hoping the British and the Americans focus on aircraft. Aircraft cannot take land. Aircraft cannot attack infantry/armor stacks with any kind of financial feasibility unless they support other units, other units they are not building while they get aircraft.
Furthermore, those aircraft are not protecting Moscow because if they were, they couldn’t threaten the German fleet.
And, of course, the ability of Germany to give up on the Atlantic and move into the Med later, if they want too. (Though, honestly, I might retrieve my fighters and let you sink the navy at that point. Depending what my africa and my russia look like.)
As for “ambitious” the most ambitious thing I’ve seen is Russia attacking Ukraine, W. Russia and E. Europe on Russia 1 and winning all three. To me, that’s almost a death blow to Germany. Germany’s down 33% of her fighters and Russia has 32 income to recover from.
That’s horribly risky for Russia as well, though. The odds that ALL battles are successful is not high.
Nope, but the funny thing is, I see it succeed more often then I see it fail. Of course, Russia’s pretty spent at that point.