Gee, Cyan, why not just say “I’m a democrat and all Republicans are evil.” I try to take a non-partisan look at things.
Yes, all these guys actually got a few good things out of their administration.
TDR implemented health inspectors - though those inspectors were primarily corrupt because they were employees of the food conglomerates, but let’s just forget about that, eh? He also created the national park reserves.
As far as FDR’s new deal, it did nothing. It was underfunded at best. It was not retroactive. Basically, we were already in the worst possible situation we were ever going to be in, even without the new deal, we were going uphill from that point on anyway. The new deal was just a scam to bilk the people out of what little money they did have left to prop up the democratic bourgousie which is why FDR’s own mother refused (and was almost jailed for) to pay the new taxes. She was saved by her son who paid the bill quietly behind her back. Not to mention, FDR was married to his cousin. Go figure, if your family tree looks like a telephone pole, you might be a redneck or a Roosevelt!
Taft did nothing but continue TDR’s anti-trust policies and get incredibly drunk all the time. He’s also known as the largest (read fatest) President in American History…guess that’s an achievement too.
The Truman doctrin and marshal plan, along with NSC 68 CAUSED the Cold War. What do you mean stopped it from spreading? Uhm, Cuba? Nicoragua? Korea? China? We saw a massive spread of communism during the Truman and Eisenhower years. Nearly half the world geographically and over half the world population wise was either a communist nation or allied primarily with communist nations. You know, that whole Warsaw Pact thing?
Clinton: Gee, he permantized a family leave act that was already on the books but about to sunset. Whoopitty do dah. He did allow gays into the military, though saying that’s good or bad is still a hotly debated topic. Earned income tax credit is basically a child deduction, we’ve had those for decades. He did not wipe out national debt, we had trillions in debt the day he left office, his projections were that we would have zero debt in 20 years if we put 0 dollars into the united states armed services and there was no inflation. However, he did make it impossible to get a college education without going massively in debt, made it impossible to bankrupt out of debt, made it so bad on doctors that we have negative growth in the medical fields because it’s so easy to sue doctors now, he did legalize the murder of helpless children, and saw the largest spread of aids in the history of the nation. That, and he blew up a hospital and a nunnery!
Kennedy did not stop communism from spreading to the Americas. He guarenteed that there would be a communist state 70 miles off the coast of the United States permanently by promising the Soviets that we would NEVER invade Cuba and we would NEVER sanction the removal of Fidel Castro.