The Fighter Ace & Luftwaffe Ace IPC cost is 11 IPC for each unit.
There was a flaw in the IPC cost in the original text in the rules.
This has now been corrected and updated in the rules attached to the first post in this thread.
The G40 Strict Neutrals Expansion supplements the existing G40 OOB Strict Neutral rules.
The Set Up in these rules are based on the Historical military situation in 1940, as closely as game-wise possible.
The G40 Strict Neutrals Expansion rules are an Optional Rule as part of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
What is the killer is how if axis attacks 1 strict neutral or allies attack 1 strict neutral minus Mongolia rule, all the rest of the strict neutrals join the other side.
Just so not right. But you gotta do it if it’s a free for all game.
Nice. Not quite as expansive (in terms of how much was changed) as I expected, but still a welcome addition, and it mostly helps make neutrals more historically accurate. Great job!
Concerning the Strategic Planning that includes an attack on Strict Neutrals:
An attack against Strict Neutrals should be carefully and well planned.
Such an attack should be launched against multiple Strict Neutral Nations simultaneously - in order to prevent the other side from taking over the Strict Neutrals Standing Armies.
The most likely scenario for such an attack would be at the closing stages of the War - to achieve an Economic Victory by capturing the Strict Neutral Territory IPC values.
With those Expanded rules, players should think twice before launching an attack against a Strict Neutral Nation.
Two important notes:
In addition - I have never lost a game to an opponent that has attacked any Strict Neutral Nation.
In addition - I have never lost a game to an opponent that has launched a Strategic Bombing Raid.
Thank you for the advice!
Maybe there should be an “Axis and Allies following the rules of war” game.
The updated OPERATION FELIX-HEINRICH includes the revised SetUp of units in Spain that are described in the G40 Strict Neutral Expansion rulebook.