The Captain mentioned it in a private chat with me, so I’m sure he knows it, although I’m not sure on his opinions though. I might copy it to his glossary of his house rule topics.
Axis & Allies Victories & Defeats
We have recorded the number of Axis & Allies games that are played by The Captain in conjunction with Axis & Allies Expansions.
The overall number of OOB Axis & Allies games are not recorded, but only estimated.
The first recorded Axis & Allies Classic game was played on Saturday 27th March 1993.
This Axis & Allies Classic game was played in conjunction with the World War II Expansion by Phillip Schwartzer (Gamers Paradise).This is the list of Axis & Allies games played by The Captain against various opponents:
1993 - 2004: Axis & Allies Classic:
- 7 Defeats (Allies)
- 5 Defeats (Axis)
- 931 Victories (Allies)
- 1.502 Victories (Axis)
Total number of Axis & Allies Classic games: 2.445
Estimated number of OOB Axis & Allies Classic games: 502004 - 2010: Axis & Allies Revised:
- 5 Defeats (Allies)
- 2 Defeats (Axis)
- 529 Victories (Allies)
- 801 Victories (Axis)
Total number of Axis & Allies Revised games: 1.337
Estimated number of OOB Axis & Allies Revised games: 202010 - 2023: Axis & Allies Global 1940:
- 5 Defeats (Allies)
- 4 Defeats (Axis)
- 406 Victories (Allies)
- 301 Victories (Axis)
Total number of Axis & Allies Global 1940 games: 716
Estimated number of OOB Axis & Allies Global 1940 games: 40Total number of recorded Axis & Allies games from 1993-2023 played by The Captain: 4.498
We have no records of the following Axis & Allies games - the number of games that are listed here are OOB and are only estimated:
- Anniversary : 25
- D-Day: 5
- Battle of the Bulge: 5
- Guadalcanal: 2
- 1941: 1
- Spring 1942: 10
- Europe (1999): 10
- Pacific (1999): 10
2024: Axis & Allies Global 1940:
- 0 Defeats (Allies)
- 0 Defeats (Axis)
- 9 Victories (Allies)
- 8 Victories (Axis)
Total number of recorded Axis & Allies games in 2024 played by The Captain: 17
2025: Axis & Allies Global 1940:
- 0 Defeats (Allies)
- 0 Defeats (Axis)
- 4 Victories (Allies)
- 3 Victories (Axis)
Total numbers of Axis & Allies games: 4.522
Looks great.
You are the best opponent I ever played against.
It’s just impressive how quickly you can adapt and in 2-3 rounds the game is going you’re way.
I hope, that in the coming years, I will have a chance to beat the Captain. ( I think this is almost impossible right now) butt with a lot of drinks maybe luck is on our side.
Keep up the fight, and till next time,
Best regards,Cornelis
That is a truly Impressive number of games. That averages out to about 150 games a year, for 30 years !
Or a game every 2-3 days lolWhat makes it even more Impressive, is that they are FTF games and all while serving as active duty military, as well as developing the rules we have today.
If emojis still worked for me, I would give you the hand clapping one :)
Well Done
Hi Cornelis,
Thanks for your comment.
We truly enjoy every time you and berserker come to Denmark to play with us.
The last game you and I had, could very well have ended differently. Your strategy was very well planned and executed.
You are definitely going to win sooner or later.
I still recall when you defeated Dark Knight - and he is one of the highest ranking Veteran Players of our play group.
During our time in the Army we played at the barracks several times a week - including tournaments in most weekends.
We had a small “cafe” at the barracks - the cafe was basically furnished like a living room.
This was our home for several years - and in 1993 it became the center of the first Axis & Allies Play Group in Denmark.We founded Axis & Allies Club Denmark in Early 1995.
Since then we scheduled 2 days a week - with 2-3 games each day - a game lasted an average of 3 hours (Classic).
As our servicetime in the Army ended, we managed to keep the core of the Play Group intact.
Even today we still schedule our game events - and the core of our Play Group is almost the same as it was back in 1993 - with the same 4 Veteran Players - all ex-military.
Naturally, the number of Axis & Allies games that we play today is heavily reduced.
But the Fun & Challenge is still the same - excellent. -
Dang, that win-loss ratio is beyond comprehension. You’re a legend. As Barnee said, that’s a very impressive number of games.
Very nice history.
We will continue to opdate the Game Report thread with the latest Game Reports.
Those Game Reports will show the number of Axis & Allies Victories & Defeats.
Depending on the overall number of Axis & Allies games that we play in 2024, we might update this thread as well.
We have recorded the number of Axis & Allies games that are played by The Captain in conjunction with Axis & Allies Expansions.
This is the list of Axis & Allies games played by The Captain in 2024 against various opponents:
2024 - : Axis & Allies Global 1940:
- 0 Defeats (Allies)
- 0 Defeats (Axis)
- 9 Victories (Allies)
- 8 Victories (Axis)
Total number of Axis & Allies Global 1940 games in 2024: 17
Dang. Truly undefeated in an exaggerated way.
The Victories & Defeats has been updated with the 2024 gaming season results.
See the top of this page.
The Victories & Defeats has been updated with the 2024 gaming season results.
This is most likely the last update in 2024, since all Axis & Allies games for this year are over.
See the top of this page.
The Victories & Defeats has been updated with the 2025 gaming season results.
See the top of this page.