• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I think you are argueing my point.  You lost your factories, so you can only produce light infantrymen.

  • we don’t have this unit… its not in this variant. Factories don’t build “infantry” they make tanks, aircraft etc… You should be able to make anything you want as long as you own a factory. In world war two the Soviets moved her factories to the Urals to avoid capture and avoid being captured so they can still fight the war. If your point is their is no effect other than you lose IPC when a capital falls then YES i am arguing your point.

  • @Guerrilla:

    How do the subs hunt these convoys then? (under your system)

    I was thinking moving from on/off system to dice rolls.

    So you may now route your income through hostile sea zones (not hostile territories).

    If UK has to route income through SZ 27/28.
    And Japan has 3 non-transport units at 27.
    Each of those units gets to roll with certain values destroying certain amounts of IPC.

    I understand your rule is more realistic.
    But it may be too much details.
    It would feel weird 1st and 2nd turn UK gets reduced income.
    Or you have to place “convoys already on the way” at game startup in a complex way.
    How thats for UK, Japan, US. I mean think about how we’ll get chips from China to Eastern US.

  • Moderator

    Chinese income stays in China…

    I would be willing to start with convoys enroute, and it doesn’t have to  be complex… 3-5 for Britain, 2 for Japan, 1 for US… also this way also you might be more willing to purchase oversea factories so you won’t risk losing it… What is the general feeling on this?  Too complex?


  • if we disallow “sea, then land, then sea transport of income” in the blockade rule
    then our rules start to converge

    adding convoy boxes is not too complex (as I think need to to cater for the fact AA sea zones are much bigger than AAP or AAE sea zones)

    having to handle all these chips (moving convoys) is a bit complex

    much of UK’s income have to go through either sea zone 19, 18 or 17 if Mediterran has hostile navy
    if Gemany has units in one of the sea zones, UK simply go through the other two

    our convoy boxes have to be a little more sophisticated then those in AAP/AAE

  • Moderator

    Moving your income is your main qualm, gotcha… I dunno, to me it seems as more of an extra Historical addition which makes more military units alive at once, but then again it is going to add another movement level… I concede to how you and Imp feel about this, at this stage…


  • but we should keep going at designing convoy boxes and/or tuning the blockade rule

    Is it unrealistic for income convoy to go through sea then land then sea again?
    Should the blockade rule’s income pass be changed so you can’t do that?

  • Moderator

    I think they should be allowed other land access… I have some other ideas, I will get them on the table soon…

  • Moderator

    Alright here are some rules about Convoys I have been thinking about (most of these you know from AAE and AAP):

    Convoy Boxes represent war goods from commonwealth or foreign holdings being transported back to a central power i.e. the Capital. The Territory that recieves war goods from convoys must be a water territory or the goods are considered forfeited. (Note this will require us to work out some new territory values to compensate for the convoys). These convoy boxes are considered Sea Zones, or in particular, shipping lanes that convoys cross. These boxes are considered 1 Sea Zone for movement purposes. The convoy value is printed in the convoy box, as well as the country that owns it. The Convoys power doesn’t change unless the territory it is going out of and the Capital of the owner is captured. Specific rules concerning capturing convoys will be mentioned later.

    Will continue via editting…


  • yep I know the rule is still being formed
    but wondering how the rule change to dynamically model new ICs (eg. UK IC In India)

    meanwhile I am thinking of blockade rule changes:
    *one sea trip only for the travel of IPC
    *each hostile naval units (not transports) destroys 2 IPC of all IPCs going through its SZ
    *each hostile naval unit that did not do the above destroys 1 IPC of all IPCs going through its adjacent sea zones

    eg. German has 1 SS(submarine) at SZ 9, 1 SS at SZ 8, 2 SS at SZ 7
    UK routes thru SZ 9, SZ1 then SZ 2 go minimize damage
    SS at SZ 9 destroys 2 IPC, SS at SZ 8 destroys 1 IPC, SS at SZ7 does nothing
    no dice rolls

  • Moderator

    No I think I would rather have a search for it… That way the enemy is not guaranteed a victory automatically, which they never had… Now I don’t mind having them automatically steal IPC’s (unless defensive shipping is involved ofcourse)… As far as the IC thing, the Money can be converted to any constructed IC in the world, the point is the enemy has to travel close to the point of origin in order to “kill” the shipping… This is if we are using purely convoy boxes, and that is another reason I wanted to make it mobile…


  • close to the origin? how close?
    with blockade rule islands are affected easiest

    dice rolls
    then how about
    each non-transport hostile unit hits 2 IPC of hostile shipping per turn routed via its SZ, after rolling 3 or less
    if no shipping was routed via its SZ, it may hit 1 IPC of shipping routed via one of its adjacent unoccupied SZ, after rolling 2 or less

    protecting ship is done by placing friendly fleets at strategic points (like Altantic for UK) to perform a safe route of IPCs

  • Moderator

    But in most situations you will be able to re-route the SeaZones… That is what I am running into…

  • yeah
    so to give players a chance to hit convoys
    I let naval units hit adjacent sea zones

    and I made a mistake, it should be
    “if no shipping was routed via its SZ, it may hit 1 IPC of shipping routed via one of its adjacent friendly SZ, after rolling 2 or less”

    *note OOB/LHTR definition of friendly sea zone is one without hostile units, occupied or not

    1. basically to hit UK convoys you should be in North Altantic
    2. by the way, US IPCs in China stays in China…this IS wanted although its not direct goal of blockade rule (being a global rule) but a side effect

  • Moderator

    Too complicated, what happens if they have several subs along that route, then you are rolling a ton of dice, with only some gameplay results…? How can they hit adjacents anyways? It isn’t realistic… I would rather have convoys… Still working on them, I am getting busier in the school season but I will still try and get them to you…


  • thats ok we are all busy with stuff

    yeah a.) hitting adjacent isn’t realistic
    but b.) fixed/static convoy boxes/routes isn’t realistic neither

    only realistic way is to explicitly represent IPC flow
    but thats too much hence I am trying to draft a rule on a.) and you are trying b.)

  • Tekky are we finished with Phase two? If not what still needs to be finished? (other than what you guys are talking about).

    Also phase three rules seem quite small by comparison… I suppose its not the rules relating to the map changes and adding Italy/lend lease rules.

    If i can get a clear picture of where we are at this project could be finished in a week.

  • Moderator

    Tekky: I understand that… I am trying to flow with an a. option, and still get results that appear like actual flow… I think the way this is implemented in actual shipping methods… Maybe make you should be able to buy transports and put them in a player “shipping box”… Subs can choose to raid the shipping boxes when in Certain SZ’s, listed as the “route” next to the transport… this is "hidden by the player, so the enemy has to guess exactly where it is or by process of elimination… It still doesn’t put pieces on the board, but it gives a random location feel for players…

    Imp: This is Phase 3…


  • yeah I guess we are sorta in phase 3 already

    this income, national advantage, national victory stuff are just touching up

    have you been able to come up with non-accounting-intensive solutions for the missing bits of national victory yet?

    after that we’ll remove the phase 1 national unit/build and national advantage and call it phase 2 final I guess

    the last upload of the document (now in 1 column) was a couple of days ago

    we could get a background/backdrop/watermark, convert to pdf and release phase 2 via your site!

  • OK ill get to work… not my site here… on the front page.

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