OK. Cost of the IC is not an issue. Understand when IC costs vary between $5 - $15. Does that also mean than if the factory is in China or Middle East, for example, in a Country with 3 IPC where they can produce 4 x 3 = $12 of units that they could build 1 ftr and 1 tank?
They may have the resources and technology, but I agrue they would not have the skilled labor to do this (then). I am not aware that either the Allies or Axis built planes or tanks, etc in 3rd world countries.
yes $12 worth of units
but no can’t build 1 ftr ($10) + 1 tank ($5) because thats $15
“4 x IPC income” is meant to be a simple rule to control both
*what you can build (eg. UK can’t build Carrier at India)
*how much IPC you can build
Or am I getting too anal here and sacrificing game play for realism? Just looking for a clarification of the intent of the game, not trying to change any rules.
no we love your feedback
we just have to work it out
AARHE wants realism and gameplay
specific listings were avoided if possible
simple number based rules are good structure wise
you set a model and stick to it
unfortunately this requires numbers on the map to be realistic to start with
so some things don’t work out prefectly on some territories of the OOB map
but we are bound to overlook things, over time we discover alternative simple rules that leads to even greater realism