@JPatrickRemiger since you’re new to triplea, might as well start out with the latest https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39809/new-triplea-map-uhd-world-war-ii-global?page=1
can only DL with 2.5. Otherwise gotta go direct from git.
Let’s say Austria Hungary gets three hits in Galicia against Russia. Russia has 2 infantry and 1 tank.
Due to how TripleA works not all the units were destroyed as they were supposed to. So I edited that last unit out.
So does Austria Hungary immediately take control of the territory in that case? Do I need to edit the territory to change that? It doesn’t say so in the TripleA rules.
You did not provide a savegame with that situation. And as TripleA does not cover all the specific 1914 mechanics I need to ask:
What does TripleA actually do once you have edited out the last enemy unit and proceed?
Let’s say there wouldn’t have been 2 enemy Infantries and 1 enemy Tank, but three Infantries, that would have been eliminated by your three hits. Would TripleA not change ownership immediately after the battle?
So that should answer your initial question.
You should however monitor the consequences carefully - maybe TripleA does not execute all of them according to the rules.
Thanks for clarifying.