right on. It will all be second nature for you pretty soon. :)
Rock On
just so you know I thought the same thing the first time I saw it :)
@JPatrickRemiger Which version did you DL and what OS are you on ?
Can you post the error
Windows 10
Downloaded the 64 bit version
Failed to download the list of available maps from TripleA servers.
You can download the needed maps manually into your TripleA maps subfolder from hitps://githuh.com/triplea-maps.
FeignException$Unauthorized: [401 Unauthorized] during [GET] to [https://prod.triplea-game.org/maps/listing] [MapsClient#fetchMapListing0] [invalid request]
@JPatrickRemiger ok I’ve seen that feign before. Idk what it means though lol. We’ll figure it out :)
Did you DL 2.5 stable or 2.6 pre ?
@barnee I deleted everything and downloaded from the tripleA website. It seems to be working.
Stay tuned!
@JPatrickRemiger F Yea !!!
@barnee Yeah! It’s working! Thanks
For the advice!!
I guess I’ll play human on everything so I can learn the game.
@JPatrickRemiger Sweet ! Yea that’s a good way to go. So you were playing G 40 right ? Can’t remember :) Anyway, you can go to League or play board games and DL saved games and then follow it in History mode.
Your saved games are in your “triplea” folder not the “Triplea”. Open it up and slam em in :) but yea i’d just dick around with it for a while. There is a tutorial game as well
@JPatrickRemiger since you’re new to triplea, might as well start out with the latest https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39809/new-triplea-map-uhd-world-war-ii-global?page=1
can only DL with 2.5. Otherwise gotta go direct from git.