@Entek is up as USA
NML 1914 Team Game 8
@Colt45554 33 hits, save 2 FG, 4 HG & 5 figs
max def is fine
@colt45554 39645 Ger 17 Strafed Burg.tsvg
Round: 17Research Technology - Germany Germany spend 5 on tech rolls Germany roll 5,5,2 and gets 0 hits Combat Move - Germany 2 infantry and 2 late_fighters moved from Belgium to Picardy 8 cavalrys, 28 field_guns, 2 fighters, 20 heavy_guns, 54 infantry and 2 tanks moved from Champagne to Burgundy 2 late_fighters moved from East Prussia to Lithuania 1 battlecruiser moved from Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak to Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea 3 stormtruppens moved from Mecklenburg to Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea 1 infantry moved from Sweden to Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea 1 infantry, 3 stormtruppens and 2 transports moved from Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to Lithuania 2 stormtruppens moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to East Prussia 1 infantry moved from Bessarabia to Moldavia Germany take Moldavia from Russia Purchase Units - Germany Germany buy 1 aaGun, 1 cavalry, 1 heavy_gun, 22 infantry, 5 submarines and 4 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 3 techTokens; Combat - Germany Battle in Burgundy Germany attack with 8 cavalrys, 28 field_guns, 2 fighters, 20 heavy_guns, 54 infantry and 2 tanks Britain defend with 6 infantry; France defend with 8 colonials, 4 field_guns, 5 fighters, 4 heavy_guns, 9 infantry and 4 trenchs Germany roll dice for 8 cavalrys, 28 field_guns, 2 fighters, 20 heavy_guns, 54 infantry and 2 tanks in Burgundy, round 2 : 33/114 hits, 37.00 expected hits France roll dice for 8 colonials, 4 field_guns, 5 fighters, 4 heavy_guns, 15 infantry and 4 trenchs in Burgundy, round 2 : 10/40 hits, 15.50 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Germany, 2 field_guns owned by the France, 4 trenchs owned by the France, 6 infantry owned by the Britain, 8 cavalrys owned by the Germany, 8 colonials owned by the France and 9 infantry owned by the France lost in Burgundy 2 fighters owned by the Germany retreated 28 field_guns owned by the Germany, 52 infantry owned by the Germany, 20 heavy_guns owned by the Germany and 2 tanks owned by the Germany retreated to Champagne France win with 2 field_guns, 5 fighters and 4 heavy_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 51 Casualties for Germany: 8 cavalrys and 2 infantry Casualties for Britain: 6 infantry Casualties for France: 8 colonials, 2 field_guns, 9 infantry and 4 trenchs Battle in Lithuania Germany attack with 1 infantry, 2 late_fighters and 1 stormtruppen Russia defend with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry Germany roll dice for 2 battlecruisers in Lithuania, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1.33 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 infantry, 2 late_fighters and 1 stormtruppen in Lithuania, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.83 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Lithuania, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germany and 1 infantry owned by the Russia lost in Lithuania Germany roll dice for 2 late_fighters and 1 stormtruppen in Lithuania, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 1.50 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun in Lithuania, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 stormtruppen owned by the Germany lost in Lithuania 2 late_fighters owned by the Germany retreated Russia win with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3 Casualties for Germany: 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen Casualties for Russia: 1 infantry Battle in Picardy Germany attack with 2 infantry and 2 late_fighters France defend with 1 infantry Germany roll dice for 2 infantry and 2 late_fighters in Picardy, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.67 expected hits France roll dice for 1 infantry in Picardy, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the France lost in Picardy Germany win, taking Picardy from France with 2 infantry and 2 late_fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for France: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Germany 1 aaGun and 7 infantry moved from Wurttemburg to Switzerland 8 infantry moved from Alsace to Switzerland 8 infantry moved from Bavaria to Wurttemburg 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak to Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea 2 cruisers and 4 submarines moved from Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak 2 late_fighters moved from Lithuania to East Prussia 1 infantry moved from Western Poland to Warsaw 1 infantry moved from East Prussia to Western Poland 3 infantry moved from Belgium to Picardy 5 infantry moved from Rhine to Champagne 2 late_fighters moved from Picardy to Switzerland 2 fighters moved from Burgundy to Champagne 1 infantry moved from Champagne to Alsace 3 infantry moved from Champagne to Alsace 2 stormtruppens moved from Saxony to Westphalia 1 stormtruppen moved from Saxony to Mecklenburg Place Units - Germany 3 trenchs placed in Switzerland 1 heavy_gun, 3 infantry and 1 trench placed in Warsaw 1 aaGun and 7 infantry placed in Wurttemburg 5 infantry placed in Belgium 5 infantry placed in Rhine 5 submarines placed in Sea Zone 12 Baltic Sea 1 cavalry and 2 infantry placed in Bavaria Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by Germany from Milan: 1 infantry EDIT: Adding units owned by Germany to Switzerland: 1 infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Turn Complete - Germany Germany collect 129 PUs; end with 129 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : -7.33 France regular : -5.83 Russia regular : 1.00
@Colt45554 Wow, that was a relief in Burgundy. It was a gamble putting out almost my entire Champ army, and I was sweating bullets. But I figured it was worth it. I aimed for 37 hits out of 44 defending units, so I wouldn’t actually win on the first round. I gave 33 hits, but luckily you rolled even more below expected. Just wish I had taken out some figs. You lost 19 ground troops, 4 trenches and UK lost 6 inf. I lost 10 cav & inf.
My usual bad luck against R continues. Attacked Lith with overwhelming odds, but rolled terrible and failed to take it. And no tech again, and the Russian bear is at the door.
[dice 2d6] -
2d6: 6, 1
Game History
Round: 17 Research Technology - France France spend 5 on tech rolls Combat Move - France 5 fighters moved from Burgundy to Picardy 1 zeppelin moved from Piedmont to Tyrol 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 15 English Channel to Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic 4 infantry moved from Paris to Picardy 1 infantry moved from Brittany to Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 15 English Channel 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 15 English Channel to Picardy Purchase Units - France France buy 3 colonials, 1 destroyer, 2 field_guns, 12 infantry and 3 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 1 techTokens; Combat - France Strategic bombing raid in Tyrol Bombing raid in Tyrol rolls: 4 and causes: 4 damage to unit: Factory Bombing raid in Tyrol causes 4 damage total. Battle in Picardy France attack with 5 fighters and 5 infantry Germany defend with 5 infantry 5 fighters owned by the France retreated Germany win with 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -6 Casualties for France: 5 infantry Casualties for Germany: 3 infantry Non Combat Move - France 2 infantry moved from Brittany to Burgundy 2 field_guns moved from Burgundy to Rhone 5 heavy_guns and 7 infantry moved from Rhone to Piedmont 2 infantry moved from Marseilles to Piedmont 1 zeppelin moved from Tyrol to Tuscany 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean 2 colonials moved from Algiers to Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean 2 colonials and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 55 Western Mediterranean to Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea 2 colonials moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Piedmont 1 cavalry moved from Marseilles to Auvergne 5 fighters moved from Picardy to Paris 2 infantry moved from Tobruk to Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean to Cairo-Suez 1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Oman to Yemen 1 infantry moved from Deccan to Gujarat 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 75 Red Sea to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 2 infantry moved from Madras to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Oman 2 fighters moved from Yanaon to Oman 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean to Sea Zone 74 Gulf of Aden 1 infantry moved from Trucial Coast to Oman Place Units - France 3 trenchs placed in Burgundy 1 destroyer placed in Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean 1 colonial placed in Tobruk 2 colonials placed in Algiers 3 infantry placed in Marseilles 3 infantry placed in Brittany 2 field_guns and 6 infantry placed in Paris Activate Technology - France Trigger FranceP: France has 3 infantry placed in Paris Turn Complete - France France collect 69 PUs; end with 69 PUs
@colt45554 Wow that was accidental luck for G. The 3 remaining inf in Belg were supposed to go to Champ. But the narrow territory had so many icons, I accidentally put the mouse pointer in Picardy and didn’t notice my mistake.
@fmerwinrommel shoot! that makes it even worse :grin:
@Witt Fe Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of an Englishman. Bring those tasty infantry from Normandy into Burg, or Picardy, I could use a snack.
Austria’s VBs: [dice 2d6]
2d6: 5, 1
Game History
Round: 17 Research Technology - Austria Austria spend 0 on tech rolls Austria roll 3,6,5 and gets 1 hit Austria removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Austria discover science Combat Move - Austria 1 infantry moved from Odessa to Dnieper Austria take Dnieper from Russia 5 infantry moved from Odessa to Kiev 3 heavy_guns moved from Odessa to Kiev 1 field_gun moved from Odessa to Kiev 7 field_guns moved from Odessa to Kiev 20 field_guns and 7 heavy_guns moved from Odessa to Galicia 4 infantry moved from Romania to Galicia 1 fighter moved from Romania to Galicia 4 cavalrys moved from Belgrade to Galicia 2 cavalrys moved from Hungary to Galicia Purchase Units - Austria Austria repair damage of 4x Factory; Remaining resources: 102 PUs; 0 techTokens; Austria buy 4 cavalrys, 2 field_guns, 1 fighter, 4 heavy_guns and 18 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; Combat - Austria Battle in Galicia Austria attack with 6 cavalrys, 20 field_guns, 1 fighter, 7 heavy_guns and 4 infantry Russia defend with 1 Factory, 2 conscripts, 3 field_guns, 6 heavy_guns and 10 infantry Austria roll dice for 6 cavalrys, 20 field_guns, 1 fighter, 7 heavy_guns and 4 infantry in Galicia, round 2 : 13/38 hits, 16.00 expected hits Russia roll dice for 2 conscripts, 3 field_guns, 6 heavy_guns and 10 infantry in Galicia, round 2 : 8/21 hits, 9.67 expected hits 1 field_gun owned by the Russia, 6 cavalrys owned by the Austria, 10 infantry owned by the Russia, 2 conscripts owned by the Russia and 2 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Galicia Austria roll dice for 20 field_guns, 1 fighter, 7 heavy_guns and 2 infantry in Galicia, round 3 : 14/30 hits, 13.33 expected hits Russia roll dice for 2 field_guns and 6 heavy_guns in Galicia, round 3 : 7/8 hits, 5.67 expected hits 2 field_guns owned by the Russia, 6 heavy_guns owned by the Russia, 5 field_guns owned by the Austria and 2 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Galicia Austria win, taking Galicia from Russia with 15 field_guns, 1 fighter and 7 heavy_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 20 Casualties for Austria: 6 cavalrys, 5 field_guns and 4 infantry Casualties for Russia: 2 conscripts, 3 field_guns, 6 heavy_guns and 10 infantry Battle in Kiev Austria attack with 8 field_guns, 3 heavy_guns and 5 infantry Russia defend with 1 Factory, 1 conscript, 3 heavy_guns, 2 infantry and 4 trenchs Austria roll dice for 8 field_guns, 3 heavy_guns and 5 infantry in Kiev, round 2 : 8/16 hits, 6.67 expected hits Units damaged: 1 trench owned by the Russia Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 3 heavy_guns, 2 infantry and 4 trenchs in Kiev, round 2 : 5/10 hits, 4.00 expected hits 3 trenchs owned by the Russia, 1 conscript owned by the Russia and 5 infantry owned by the Austria lost in Kiev Austria roll dice for 8 field_guns and 3 heavy_guns in Kiev, round 3 : 7/11 hits, 5.00 expected hits Russia roll dice for 3 heavy_guns, 2 infantry and 1 trench in Kiev, round 3 : 3/6 hits, 3.33 expected hits 1 trench owned by the Russia, 2 infantry owned by the Russia, 3 heavy_guns owned by the Russia and 3 field_guns owned by the Austria lost in Kiev Austria win, taking Kiev from Russia with 5 field_guns and 3 heavy_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Austria: 3 field_guns and 5 infantry Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript, 3 heavy_guns, 2 infantry and 4 trenchs Non Combat Move - Austria 8 gass moved from Tyrol to Hungary 10 infantry moved from Venice to Milan 6 infantry moved from Tyrol to Milan 6 infantry moved from Trieste to Venice 1 fighter moved from Galicia to Transylvania Place Units - Austria 4 cavalrys placed in Belgrade 4 heavy_guns placed in Venice 2 field_guns and 4 infantry placed in Tyrol 6 infantry placed in Trieste 7 infantry placed in Hungary Austria undo move 5. 1 infantry placed in Hungary 1 fighter and 7 infantry placed in Vienna Activate Technology - Austria Austria activating science Trigger AustriaS: Austria met a national objective for an additional 1 techTokens; end with 1 techTokens Turn Complete - Austria Austria collect 106 PUs; end with 106 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Austria regular : 1.00 Russia regular : 0.33
Italy VBs: [dice 2d6]
2d6: 1, 5
Game History
Round: 17 Research Technology - Italy Italy spend 0 on tech rolls Italy roll 3,3,1 and gets 0 hits Combat Move - Italy 1 heavy_gun moved from Latium to Tuscany 1 infantry moved from Latium to Tuscany 2 infantry moved from Rome to Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 57 Ligurian Sea to Tuscany 3 infantry moved from Rome to Latium 3 heavy_guns moved from Piedmont to Tuscany Purchase Units - Italy Italy buy 4 heavy_guns and 6 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 3 techTokens; Non Combat Move - Italy Place Units - Italy 3 trenchs placed in Tuscany 3 heavy_guns and 3 trenchs placed in Piedmont 1 heavy_gun placed in Rome Activate Technology - Italy Trigger ItalyP: Italy has 3 infantry placed in Rome triggerAttachmenItalyS: Italy met a national objective for an additional 1 techTokens; end with 4 techTokens Turn Complete - Italy Italy collect 25 PUs; end with 25 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
@entek Italy is slowly sinking into the Med as the weight of all the HGs, FGs and other heavy metal weighs it down. The Entente has 75 HGs and Austria 24 HGs in Italy. 99 gun barrels of heavy metal on the wall, 99 barrels of metal. The Entente has 166 units in Pied & Tusc, and 37 trenches. Aust has 135 units in Milan and Venice and 7 trenches. That is one heavily fortified frontline.
Paris has 149 units excluding trenches and German Champs has 136 units excluding trenches. So the Italian front’s combined 301 units now exceeds the 285 units on the Paris theater.After a blood fest, the eastern Austrian/Russian front is now almost, well relatively empty.
@fmerwinrommel 😵💫
@fmerwinrommel that is what I despise the most about NML… trenches are no fun, and bunkers actively destroy it. 😅 I know is all about depiction of WW1, but man… I daresay it was the least fun conflict in history!
@elrood The least fun conflict in history!? Come on Seb! I am sure those soldiers in the trenches had a whale of a time!