Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 14 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the No. 14 Game Report.

    Axis: Dark Knight
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940, Germany launched several U-Boat attacks in the Atlantic and kept an increased U-Boat production until Early 1942.

    After the Fall of France in Early 1940, Germany launched the attack on the Soviet Union in Late 1941.

    The German advance was gradually disrupted by continuous massive Soviet Paratrooper attacks behind the German lines - which kept the German frontline units short of supplies.

    Soviet Union:
    Skillful Soviet Strategic Planning which included Paratrooper units, Mines, small scale counter-attacks all over the Eastern Front and a massive production of Tank units and Red Army Conscription Infantry units - gradually slowed the German advance - and simply wore down the German Army on the Eastern Front.

    By Late 1942 the German advance on the Eastern Front came to a halt, as the Western Allies landed in Europe - and the Soviets prepared for Operation Bagration.

    Japan launched attacks against Asia and the Pacific - triggering the US National Guard to spawn in Late 1941.

    After the Japanese capture of all Chinese territories in Early 1942, the Allies started to push the Japanese forces back by jumping from one island to the next.

    By Late 1942 the Japanese forces were still building up for an offensive against Soviet Union - but Allied offensive operations in Burma and the South Pacific hindered Japan from launching a massive offensive against Soviet Union.

    United States:
    In Early 1942 the first US troops landed in North Africa.

    From then on, US offensive operations were launched both in Europe and the Pacific.

    United Kingdom:
    In Early 1942, the United Kingdom destroyed the last German Wolf Packs in the Atlantic.
    Gradually the UK economy was strengthened - and offensive operations were launched in Europe, Africa and Asia.

    Overall Situation:
    By Late 1942, the Allies were pushing back the Axis forces all over the World.

    In Early 1943 there were no options left for the Axis Powers to halt the Allied onslaught - and an Axis Surrender was a fact by Early 1943.

    The above game report shows a classic example of a War Of Attrition - the Axis were simply outproduced in all types of weapons - and due to a superior Combined Allied Strategic Plan, the Axis were not only outproduced - they were also outmaneuvered.

    The pictures below show the situation at the beginning of Early 1943.

    IMG_7181.JPG IMG_7183.JPG IMG_7184.JPG IMG_7185.JPG IMG_7186.JPG IMG_7187.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Dang, that’s a lot of pieces. Congratulations on another win.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 3 Panzerstahl-Helm vs barnee

    Game: 1940


    Deutschland started off with a large Naval buy including the launch of Graf Zeppelin.

    The Soviets went with a Max Paratrooper build.

    Nippon constructed a Naval Base off Hainan to further threaten the South Pacific.

    USA and UK destroyed there Facilities in PHI and Singapore.

    Italia purchased 2 Landing Craft to threaten North Africa and the Middle East.

    Germany was able to take control of the Atlantic and caputured GIB and Morocco to give Il Duce a Natl Objective.
    They would continue to fight the US and Britain with help from the Italians for control of Gibraltar for the majority of the War.

    Screenshot from 2024-02-21 16-29-44.png

    This heavily impaired the Americans ability to efficiently transfer Forces across the Atlantic.

    Operation Barbarossa did not take place until Late 1941 and had limited initial success, due to the need to counterattack multiple successful British Paratrooper Attacks in Western Europe from Early 1941.
    The Soviets were also able to succeed with Paratrooper Attacks in Eastern Europe after the start of the invasion as well.

    JPN moved to the Hawaiian SZ in Late 1940 with there main Fleet supported by a smaller one off Caroline while still at Peace with the Allies.
    This forced the Americans back to the West Coast and there Naval Base in San Diego.

    In Early 1941, Japan made a surprise strike at Guadalcanal. This then resulted in the successful invasion of Austrailia. JPN was able to capture the Fctry in NSW intact and reinforce it via Air Transport.
    It would take a major combined effort by the Allies to liberate Austrailia, that wouldn’t happen until Early 1943 and Victoria not until Late 1943.

    Screenshot from 2024-02-21 16-22-20.png

    With the Allies forced to Liberate New South Wales at All costs, JPN was able to take the PHI, DNG and all of the Dutch Islands except for Sumatra.

    To be continued …

    The Reich was able to take lenningrad in Late 1942. Even though it was reinforced with 2nd Panzer in Early 1943, it had to withdraw in Late 1943 or face being cutoff by Soviet Army Group 1 and 2nd Tank, which had moved into Belarus in Force, supported by 30 unattached units. Mostly Infantry.

    Screenshot from 2024-02-22 07-47-29.png

    In Late 1943, Japan was able to make a flanking attack against India via amphibous assault after the British overextended themselves in Yunnan.
    Land based Air from Hunan were able to land on the JPN Carriers, and while the UK and Indian soldiers fought above there weight, were defeated.

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    Screenshot from 2024-02-22 07-54-12.png

    After just liberating Austrailia, this was a Devastating blow to the Allies in the Pacific, due to the incomptence of the British Commander-in-Chief India.
    Many of the Higher ups in the Joint Allied Command, felt he received his just due after learning of his death by the Japanese.

    Allied Forces were now cutoff in Yunnan. While still immensely powerful, it would take them a year to liberate Calcutta.

    Screenshot from 2024-02-22 08-04-03.png

    In Late 1944, Rommel is finally able to establish the Afrika Korps in Syria. The German Mediterranean Fleet moves to 97.
    The Americans have Fleets off GIB in 91 and London in 110.
    Battles of attrition continue in both East and Western Europe.

    Screenshot from 2024-02-22 08-20-39.png

    American Heavy Bombers begin bomging Western Europe Factories in Early 1944.
    The Germans are able to retake Lenningrad in Early 1945, but American B-29s are finally able to be escorted sufficiently enough to overwhelm German Air Defenses in Late 1945 and the Ruhr Factory is bombed to maximum damage.

    Screenshot from 2024-02-22 08-35-19.png

    In Late 1946, the War has turned against Japan. They are still dangerous though and achieve a Huge tactical victory in Kwangsi due in large part to excellent Naval gunnery.

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    Screenshot from 2024-02-22 08-45-22.png

    However, the end is near for the Axis. The Fuhrer orders a last ditch effort against England by dropping SS Paratroopers in Scotland. This has little affect on the overall situation.
    The Red Army have moved into Eastern Poland in Force and American B-29s Firebomb Tokyo.

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    Screenshot from 2024-02-22 08-54-14.png

    The Axis Capitulate in Early 1947.

    This concludes the Game 3 report for @Panzerstahl-Helm vs barnee. We have begun Game 4 where we will test triplea improvements as well as the Optional Rules for Kamikazes and Flak Towers.

    Enjoy Gaming Everyone !

    Rock On !!!.png

    EXP Game 3 Stahl R 15.tsvg

  • @barnee


  • @barnee

    I’m glad the Axis lasted way longer than historically.

  • @barnee

    Germany might consider from an early stage to upgrade their most vital Industrial Complexes to Underground Factories to avoid Strategic Bombing.

    This would also free the Luftwaffe to take part in ground and naval battles instead.

    The Luftwaffe is highly effective when their air units can act as a Mobile Fire Brigade - heavily supported by Waffen-SS units - both during attack and defense.

    Great game with massive battles.

  • @barnee

    And another fantastic game, which was open for quite a long time until the Allies finally got the upper hand!

    Germany’s navy was initially heavily rearmed with the aim of giving the Mediterranean to the Axis and thus supporting the Italians in the capture of Africa and cutting the British off from the important revenue from their colonies. To ensure this, Gibraltar had to be taken and held at all costs, making this theatre of war a fiercely uncontested spot for most of the war. However, this perfidious Albion knew how to exploit this quite successfully, sending waves of paratroopers and landing troops to the German coasts in Western Europe turn after turn.
    After the annexation of Italy, the German war machine was fired up again.
    On the eastern front, the front line was bitterly contested and, apart from a brief advance far into the Russian north, the Wehrmacht was finished before Belarus. They were never able to reach the gates of Moscow.
    The beginning of the end came with the bombing of the Ruhr area and the brief landing of Allied troops there. With the front now directly in the Reich’s territory, it was all over!

    Japan had played a wild game in the first few turns and had given the Allies and especially the Americans and Australians, whose teeth Japan was able to pull out completely for a while, a real run for their money in the second half of the game.

    Italy did more than well for its standards. The Mediterranean was free of Allied ships for most of the war. Economically, Italy was able to make extensive use of the Mediterranean region to keep its income at a high level. The price for this was a constant and relentless battle side by side with German troops against tireless wave after wave of American attacks in Gibraltar.

    Despite all the supposed advantages, the Axis was unable to take advantage of the momentum or the action, and on the other hand, the Allied troops had an extremely talented commander on their side who ultimately brought the Axis powers to their knees!

  • @Panzerstahl-Helm

    Sounds sad for the Axis. Hope you win next game. Feels like none of the posts here have Barnee losing (correct me if I’m wrong, my memory’s a bit fuzzy).

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21


    Great game report.

    Reading our way through your game, we would like to add a few comments about the Combined Axis Strategic Plan:

    1. Germany & Italy should both prepare for a German Take Over Of Italy in Late 1943. This is also the case even when Italy is expanding is Sphere of Control during the War.
      Why: Sooner or later the Allies will most likely overwhelm Italy - since Italy cannot withstand the pressure from both United States and United Kingdom.

    Also, with a German Take Over Of Italy, Germany gets unlimited access to the Mediterranian Ocean - and can easily reinforce troops in Africa and the Middle East.
    At the same time, Rome is no longer important - and can easily be re-captured by German forces if the Allies capture Rome.

    1. When Germany or Italy captures Gibraltar, the Naval Base should be destroyed before the Allies have an opportunity to re-capture Gibraltar.
      Why: With no Naval Base in Gibraltar, the UK player must purchase a new Naval Base at a cost of 12 IPC - IPC that are much needed elsewhere.

    Also, the loss of the Naval Base disrupts the Allied shipping.

    1. The Eastern Front could be reinforced with German & Italian troops - using both Landing Craft units and Paratrooper units to attack from Greece, Bulgaria or Romania across the Black Sea into Caucasus, Ukraine and Rostov.
      Why: With German Army Group North and Army Group Center fighting on the Northern and Central part of the Eastern Front, the fighting on the Southern part could easily be fought by German Elite units, such as Paratroopers etc. - with no need for any massive (and costly) Army Group.

    This will force the Soviets to either disperse their troops thinly along the entire Eastern Front - or to pull back to a few strongholds.
    Either way, this will open up for a German breakthrough.

    1. Japan should under no circumstances make any unprovoked attack against US, UK or ANZAC units or areas until Late 1941 at the earliest.
      Why: Japan must focus on capturing China and eliminate any Chinese resistance - before taking up the fight against the Allies.

    With a 5 IPC Bonus for capturing China - plus 10 IPC Bonus for not attacking the Allies or French Indochina - plus 8 IPC Advanced Production Capacity - Japan can collect 61 IPC each turn.

    With a Massive IPC Income at 61 IPC each turn, Japan can just “lean back” and build up both land forces as well as naval forces on a massive scale - to prepare for either the invasion of USSR - and/or the fight against the Allies.

    The United States will have to declare War on Japan sooner or later (and by doing so, the US National Guard is not activated) - or else Japan will simply overrun the Soviet Union.
    Also - if UK or ANZAC unprovoked attack any Japanese units of areas, Japan can counter attack UK and ANZAC units - without activating the US National Guard.

    The above will definitely put US, UK and USSR under extreme pressure - and might give the Axis the upper hand by Late 1943 or Early 1944.

  • @The-Captain

    Thanks for the great tips!

    I wasn’t aware that your rules disincentivize 1940 Japanese unprovoked attacks, in line with history. 👍👍

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 15 Game Report:

    This is the first post in the No. 15 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    From Early 1940, Germany prepared for SeaLion by a combination of Landing Craft units and Transport units.
    Germany also launched several U-Boat attacks in the Atlantic, supported by a Heavy Battleship unit and kept an increased U-Boat production throughout the War.

    In Late 1941 Germany attacked the Soviet Union - fighting af War of Attrition in order to gradually wear down the Soviet forces.

    Soviet Union:
    The Soviets were able to hold the line on the Eastern Front from Archangel, Smolensk, Bryansk and Rostov.

    In Late 1941, the Soviets attacked Turkey - starting a chain reaction of Allied attacks against Strict Neutral territories all over the World.

    From Early 1940 to Late 1941 Japan fought only against China.
    By Early 1942 all Chinese territories were under Japanese control.

    In Late 1941 a Japanese Naval Task Force supported an amphibious assault against Africa - triggering the US National Guard to spawn in Western USA.
    The British forces in Africa were simply overrun by Japanese forces - and by Late 1942 Japan controlled most of Africa.

    United States:
    The Americans followed up on the Soviet attack against Strict Neutrals by attacking Portugal and Spain in Late 1941.

    A massive Transport fleet was assembled in the Atlantic - which transported men and weaponry to Spain - to attack Axis forces in Southern France.
    The US Strategic Plan was to eliminate German and Italian forces in all of Europe and to capture Rome before a German Take Over Of Italy.

    United Kingdom:
    London was heavily defended by massive amounts of Infantry and Fighter units - in order to prevent a German invasion.
    The British defense plan worked - and the Germans were forced to abandon SeaLion.

    The cost however, to defend London on such a massive scale, had a massive impact on the lack of units in both India and Africa.

    The following pictures (taken at the beginning of the US turn) show the Military and Political situation in Late 1941 - before the Allied attacks against Strict Neutrals - and the Japanese invasion of Africa.

    Note the Massive US Transport Fleet in the Atlantic - and the position of the Imperial Japanese Naval Task Force in the Indian Ocean as well as the Soviet Build Up in Caucasus in preparation for the attack on Turkey.

    IMG_7205.JPG IMG_7206.JPG IMG_7207.JPG IMG_7208.JPG

    The second and last part of this Game Report No. 15 will follow soon.

  • @The-Captain

    Nice ! A little different flow to this one :)

    Yanks seem a little light in Pacific. I wonder if that allows the JPN Afrika move ?

    Maybe the Heavy Sealion threat influenced Uncle Sam to go heavy with the Atlantic Trprts ?

    Looking forward to next report. :)

    Good Action

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 15 Game Report:

    This is the second and last post in the No. 15 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    In Early 1943, Germany & Italy prepared for a German Take Over Of Italy in Late 1943.

    By Late 1942 the Allies have attacked most Strict Neutrals - those few Strict Neutral Nations that survived the Allied attacks have by Late 1942 joined the Axis.

    The forces of Sweden, Mongolia & Afghanistan are now fighting alongside Axis forces - and slowly but surely - pushing the Allies back on all fronts.

    Turkey is liberated by Italy in Late 1941 - an Italian naval assault launched from Syria by Landing Craft units wiped out the massive Soviet Tank force in Turkey - leaving the Soviets with almost no Tank units left to counter attack the invading Germans on the Eastern Front.

    In Early 1942 German Landing Craft units landed in Egypt - and German Tank units and Infantry units easily captured Egypt - destroying the few Allied forces that were left behind.

    The following pictures show the Military situation at the end of Early 1943 - after France’s turn is over:
    IMG_7209.JPG IMG_7211.JPG IMG_7212.JPG IMG_7213.JPG

    In Late 1943, Germany takes over Italy - note the German Total IPC Income:

    After the German Take Over, Germany purchases Total War units on a massive scale:

    Germany launches Massive Offensive Operations on all fronts - and even the US Stronghold in Southern France cannot withstand the German assault.

    By the end of Germany’s turn in Late 1943, the Allied resistance has simply collapsed - with no chance for the Allies to regain the initiative.

    The following pictures show the Military situation after the German attacks - and Place New Units phase:IMG_7215.JPG IMG_7216.JPG IMG_7217.JPG IMG_7218.JPG IMG_7219.JPG IMG_7220.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Very cool! Another win for The Captain. Glad the Axis won.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 5 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the No. 5 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Dark Knight

    In Early 1943, Germany started a massive troop re-organization on the Eastern Front.
    Army Group North was heavily reinforced in Novgorod and Army Group South was withdrawn to Ukraine - waiting for fresh reinforcements to arrive in Late 1943.

    The remnants of the German Africa Korps were transported to Europe in preparation for a German Take Over Of Italy in Late 1943.

    Soviet Union:
    In Early 1943 the Red Army liberated Stalingrad - and launched several massive offensive operations along the entire Eastern Front - pushing back the Germans.
    In the Soviet Far East the last few Soviet Infantry units were transported by rail to the Eastern Front - leaving all of the Far East unoccupied.

    All Chinese forces were eliminated by the end of Late 1943 - and in Early 1944, Japanese forces crossed the Soviet border in the Far East and at the borders to China - gradually reducing the Soviet economy.

    In the Pacific the Imperial Japanese Navy was heavily reinforced with Air units, Aircraft Carriers, Submarines and Destroyer units.
    Offensive operations were targeted against enemy strongholds on several islands.

    United States:
    The Atlantic Fleet was increased in size - and loaded Transport units launcehd attacks against Normandy and North Africa.
    In the Pacific the US Navy was forced to stay at Pearl Harbor due to the threat from the enormous Japanese Navy & Air force.

    United Kingdom:
    From Late 1943 British forces were constantly engaged in combat against German Paratrooper units and the newly re-formed German Africa Korps in Egypt and the Middle East.
    In Asia, the UK strengthened the defense of India - and launch small scale counter attacks against Japanese strongholds in the Pacific.

    Early 1945:
    The German Luftwaffe was reinforced with Me262 Jetfighter units and the scale of the Luftwaffe was by Late 1945 in a position to eliminate the entire Allied Fleets in the Atlantic.

    A massive German counter-offensive supported by the 4th Waffen-SS Army was launched against Normandy - destroying all Allied resistance.

    On the Eastern Front German Strongholds were preparing for a re-newed offensive against the Red Army in preparation for the adavnce on Moscow.

    With both German and Japanese superiority in economy and equipment the Allied economy and forces simply started to collapse.

    By Early 1945, the Allies surrendered.

    The following pictures show the situation in Early 1945:
    IMG_7261.JPG IMG_7262.JPG IMG_7263.JPG IMG_7264.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Awesome !

  • @The-Captain

    Nice! Another win for the Axis! Truly a master player.

  • About to start a new game with Barnee soon! I will follow the moves along with my board and post pictures.



  • @VictoryFirst looks great, we are ready to meet and play 💪🏻

  • @VictoryFirst

    Hi Victory - that looks awesome.

    Can’t wait to see the Paratrooper units, Waffen-SS units and massive Army Groups.

    We’ll follow your game closely.

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