Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @Panzerstahl-Helm

    Sounds sad for the Axis. Hope you win next game. Feels like none of the posts here have Barnee losing (correct me if I’m wrong, my memory’s a bit fuzzy).

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21


    Great game report.

    Reading our way through your game, we would like to add a few comments about the Combined Axis Strategic Plan:

    1. Germany & Italy should both prepare for a German Take Over Of Italy in Late 1943. This is also the case even when Italy is expanding is Sphere of Control during the War.
      Why: Sooner or later the Allies will most likely overwhelm Italy - since Italy cannot withstand the pressure from both United States and United Kingdom.

    Also, with a German Take Over Of Italy, Germany gets unlimited access to the Mediterranian Ocean - and can easily reinforce troops in Africa and the Middle East.
    At the same time, Rome is no longer important - and can easily be re-captured by German forces if the Allies capture Rome.

    1. When Germany or Italy captures Gibraltar, the Naval Base should be destroyed before the Allies have an opportunity to re-capture Gibraltar.
      Why: With no Naval Base in Gibraltar, the UK player must purchase a new Naval Base at a cost of 12 IPC - IPC that are much needed elsewhere.

    Also, the loss of the Naval Base disrupts the Allied shipping.

    1. The Eastern Front could be reinforced with German & Italian troops - using both Landing Craft units and Paratrooper units to attack from Greece, Bulgaria or Romania across the Black Sea into Caucasus, Ukraine and Rostov.
      Why: With German Army Group North and Army Group Center fighting on the Northern and Central part of the Eastern Front, the fighting on the Southern part could easily be fought by German Elite units, such as Paratroopers etc. - with no need for any massive (and costly) Army Group.

    This will force the Soviets to either disperse their troops thinly along the entire Eastern Front - or to pull back to a few strongholds.
    Either way, this will open up for a German breakthrough.

    1. Japan should under no circumstances make any unprovoked attack against US, UK or ANZAC units or areas until Late 1941 at the earliest.
      Why: Japan must focus on capturing China and eliminate any Chinese resistance - before taking up the fight against the Allies.

    With a 5 IPC Bonus for capturing China - plus 10 IPC Bonus for not attacking the Allies or French Indochina - plus 8 IPC Advanced Production Capacity - Japan can collect 61 IPC each turn.

    With a Massive IPC Income at 61 IPC each turn, Japan can just “lean back” and build up both land forces as well as naval forces on a massive scale - to prepare for either the invasion of USSR - and/or the fight against the Allies.

    The United States will have to declare War on Japan sooner or later (and by doing so, the US National Guard is not activated) - or else Japan will simply overrun the Soviet Union.
    Also - if UK or ANZAC unprovoked attack any Japanese units of areas, Japan can counter attack UK and ANZAC units - without activating the US National Guard.

    The above will definitely put US, UK and USSR under extreme pressure - and might give the Axis the upper hand by Late 1943 or Early 1944.

  • @The-Captain

    Thanks for the great tips!

    I wasn’t aware that your rules disincentivize 1940 Japanese unprovoked attacks, in line with history. 👍👍

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 15 Game Report:

    This is the first post in the No. 15 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    From Early 1940, Germany prepared for SeaLion by a combination of Landing Craft units and Transport units.
    Germany also launched several U-Boat attacks in the Atlantic, supported by a Heavy Battleship unit and kept an increased U-Boat production throughout the War.

    In Late 1941 Germany attacked the Soviet Union - fighting af War of Attrition in order to gradually wear down the Soviet forces.

    Soviet Union:
    The Soviets were able to hold the line on the Eastern Front from Archangel, Smolensk, Bryansk and Rostov.

    In Late 1941, the Soviets attacked Turkey - starting a chain reaction of Allied attacks against Strict Neutral territories all over the World.

    From Early 1940 to Late 1941 Japan fought only against China.
    By Early 1942 all Chinese territories were under Japanese control.

    In Late 1941 a Japanese Naval Task Force supported an amphibious assault against Africa - triggering the US National Guard to spawn in Western USA.
    The British forces in Africa were simply overrun by Japanese forces - and by Late 1942 Japan controlled most of Africa.

    United States:
    The Americans followed up on the Soviet attack against Strict Neutrals by attacking Portugal and Spain in Late 1941.

    A massive Transport fleet was assembled in the Atlantic - which transported men and weaponry to Spain - to attack Axis forces in Southern France.
    The US Strategic Plan was to eliminate German and Italian forces in all of Europe and to capture Rome before a German Take Over Of Italy.

    United Kingdom:
    London was heavily defended by massive amounts of Infantry and Fighter units - in order to prevent a German invasion.
    The British defense plan worked - and the Germans were forced to abandon SeaLion.

    The cost however, to defend London on such a massive scale, had a massive impact on the lack of units in both India and Africa.

    The following pictures (taken at the beginning of the US turn) show the Military and Political situation in Late 1941 - before the Allied attacks against Strict Neutrals - and the Japanese invasion of Africa.

    Note the Massive US Transport Fleet in the Atlantic - and the position of the Imperial Japanese Naval Task Force in the Indian Ocean as well as the Soviet Build Up in Caucasus in preparation for the attack on Turkey.

    IMG_7205.JPG IMG_7206.JPG IMG_7207.JPG IMG_7208.JPG

    The second and last part of this Game Report No. 15 will follow soon.

  • @The-Captain

    Nice ! A little different flow to this one :)

    Yanks seem a little light in Pacific. I wonder if that allows the JPN Afrika move ?

    Maybe the Heavy Sealion threat influenced Uncle Sam to go heavy with the Atlantic Trprts ?

    Looking forward to next report. :)

    Good Action

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 15 Game Report:

    This is the second and last post in the No. 15 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    In Early 1943, Germany & Italy prepared for a German Take Over Of Italy in Late 1943.

    By Late 1942 the Allies have attacked most Strict Neutrals - those few Strict Neutral Nations that survived the Allied attacks have by Late 1942 joined the Axis.

    The forces of Sweden, Mongolia & Afghanistan are now fighting alongside Axis forces - and slowly but surely - pushing the Allies back on all fronts.

    Turkey is liberated by Italy in Late 1941 - an Italian naval assault launched from Syria by Landing Craft units wiped out the massive Soviet Tank force in Turkey - leaving the Soviets with almost no Tank units left to counter attack the invading Germans on the Eastern Front.

    In Early 1942 German Landing Craft units landed in Egypt - and German Tank units and Infantry units easily captured Egypt - destroying the few Allied forces that were left behind.

    The following pictures show the Military situation at the end of Early 1943 - after France’s turn is over:
    IMG_7209.JPG IMG_7211.JPG IMG_7212.JPG IMG_7213.JPG

    In Late 1943, Germany takes over Italy - note the German Total IPC Income:

    After the German Take Over, Germany purchases Total War units on a massive scale:

    Germany launches Massive Offensive Operations on all fronts - and even the US Stronghold in Southern France cannot withstand the German assault.

    By the end of Germany’s turn in Late 1943, the Allied resistance has simply collapsed - with no chance for the Allies to regain the initiative.

    The following pictures show the Military situation after the German attacks - and Place New Units phase:IMG_7215.JPG IMG_7216.JPG IMG_7217.JPG IMG_7218.JPG IMG_7219.JPG IMG_7220.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Very cool! Another win for The Captain. Glad the Axis won.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 5 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the No. 5 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Dark Knight

    In Early 1943, Germany started a massive troop re-organization on the Eastern Front.
    Army Group North was heavily reinforced in Novgorod and Army Group South was withdrawn to Ukraine - waiting for fresh reinforcements to arrive in Late 1943.

    The remnants of the German Africa Korps were transported to Europe in preparation for a German Take Over Of Italy in Late 1943.

    Soviet Union:
    In Early 1943 the Red Army liberated Stalingrad - and launched several massive offensive operations along the entire Eastern Front - pushing back the Germans.
    In the Soviet Far East the last few Soviet Infantry units were transported by rail to the Eastern Front - leaving all of the Far East unoccupied.

    All Chinese forces were eliminated by the end of Late 1943 - and in Early 1944, Japanese forces crossed the Soviet border in the Far East and at the borders to China - gradually reducing the Soviet economy.

    In the Pacific the Imperial Japanese Navy was heavily reinforced with Air units, Aircraft Carriers, Submarines and Destroyer units.
    Offensive operations were targeted against enemy strongholds on several islands.

    United States:
    The Atlantic Fleet was increased in size - and loaded Transport units launcehd attacks against Normandy and North Africa.
    In the Pacific the US Navy was forced to stay at Pearl Harbor due to the threat from the enormous Japanese Navy & Air force.

    United Kingdom:
    From Late 1943 British forces were constantly engaged in combat against German Paratrooper units and the newly re-formed German Africa Korps in Egypt and the Middle East.
    In Asia, the UK strengthened the defense of India - and launch small scale counter attacks against Japanese strongholds in the Pacific.

    Early 1945:
    The German Luftwaffe was reinforced with Me262 Jetfighter units and the scale of the Luftwaffe was by Late 1945 in a position to eliminate the entire Allied Fleets in the Atlantic.

    A massive German counter-offensive supported by the 4th Waffen-SS Army was launched against Normandy - destroying all Allied resistance.

    On the Eastern Front German Strongholds were preparing for a re-newed offensive against the Red Army in preparation for the adavnce on Moscow.

    With both German and Japanese superiority in economy and equipment the Allied economy and forces simply started to collapse.

    By Early 1945, the Allies surrendered.

    The following pictures show the situation in Early 1945:
    IMG_7261.JPG IMG_7262.JPG IMG_7263.JPG IMG_7264.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Awesome !

  • @The-Captain

    Nice! Another win for the Axis! Truly a master player.

  • About to start a new game with Barnee soon! I will follow the moves along with my board and post pictures.



  • @VictoryFirst looks great, we are ready to meet and play 💪🏻

  • @VictoryFirst

    Hi Victory - that looks awesome.

    Can’t wait to see the Paratrooper units, Waffen-SS units and massive Army Groups.

    We’ll follow your game closely.

  • @VictoryFirst

    Sweet map!

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-f1.tsvg

    Round: Early 1940 (Round 1)

    Note: I will go into detail just this first turn, then I will give a more general overview of what happened.

    Purchase: 5 Waffen inf, 2 Waffen art, 1 elite, 2 combat engineers, and 2 U-boats.
    The Germans successfully attacked France, although they suffered heavy losses during the attack on Paris. The UK ships in sz 111 and sz 110 were attacked and destroyed. The UK destroyer in sz 106 survived an attack from a German submarine. Yugoslavia was attacked, but the Germans retreated after one round of combat into Romania (that’s what I call a ping-pong move 😄 )
    During NCM, they reinforced Norway and moved some units east. Finland and Bulgaria joined the war on behalf of the Axis. They ended the turn with 83 IPCs.

    Soviet Union:
    Purchase: 1 elite, 1 commissar, 1 tank, 4 paratroopers, 6 mines and saved 2.
    The Russians concentrated forces in Belarus and Western Ukraine, anticipating a possible German attack. Three Soviet troops in the Far East moved by rail to reinforce Western Ukraine. The remaining troops in the Far East massed along the Manchurian border, making Hirohito sweat (hopefully lol 😀). 1st Soviet Army Corps was formed in Moscow, containing three tank units.
    They ended with 39 IPCs.

    Purchase: 1 elite, 1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 transport, and a minor factory.
    All four Chinese border territories were successfully attacked.
    In the NCM, most of the Imperial Japanese Air Force landed in Kwangsi, along with 6 infantry coming from Formosa, Okinawa, and Korea. A tank and an art from Japan were transported to Kiangsi. The remaining troops in Asia moved west towards China. The Home Fleet went to sz 20, and the remainder to sz 36.
    The minor factory was placed in Shantung
    They collected 48 IPCs.

    United States:
    Purchase: 4 fortifications, 2 facility-destructs, 1 destroyer, 1 carrier and saved 21.
    Aleutian Islands were reinforced with 2 inf and 1 AA. Most of the US Pacific Air Force flew to Wake Island. Both US submarines in the Pacific moved to sz 54.
    The naval units were placed in the Pacific in sz 10. The Air and Naval Bases in the Philippines were destroyed, and the four infantry stationed there were fortified. They ended with 73 IPCs.

    The Chinese recaptured Yunnan and massed troops in Szechwan and Shensi.

    United Kingdom:
    Purchase: 2 fighters, 2 destroyers, 1 elite, 1 fortification, two naval base destructs, and saved 1.
    In Europe, the German battleship in sz 111 was attacked and destroyed along with a German sub, at the cost of a UK destroyer and two fighters. The Italian destroyer and transport in sz 96 were attacked and destroyed. Ethiopia was successfully captured. Gibraltar was abandoned. The UK transports moved to sz 106 and the two destroyers were placed there as well, the remaining units were placed in London.
    In the Pacific, Sumatra was captured and the British forces in India moved up to Burma. The naval bases in Kwangtung and Malay were destroyed, in case of a Japanese attack. The infantry in Borneo was fortified.
    They ended the turn with 61 IPCs.

    Purchase: 2 Landing Crafts and 1 paratrooper.
    During Combat, the empty Gibraltar was scooped up. Greece was successfully attacked and captured. The remaining Allied ships in the Med were attacked and destroyed. Italian forces in Africa moved east and massed in Alexandria. The Italians are now collecting bonuses for controlling Gibraltar, Southern France, and Greece, as well as for having cleared the Med from enemy ships. They received 24 IPCs.

    Purchase: 1 transport
    The Australians captured Java with an AA and an inf, as well as Dutch New Guinea. The naval units moved to sz 54. One fighter flew to Malaya to bolster the defense. They ended with 19 IPCs.

    The French fighter destroyed the Italian transport that went to attack Gibraltar. The French in the UK moved up to defend Scotland. The destroyer in the Indian Ocean moved east to the Pacific.

    Income totals
    Germany: 42 / 64
    Japan: 29 / 47
    Italy: 12 / 25

    USSR: 37 / 37
    United States: 52 / 52
    China: 9 / 15
    United Kingdom: 49 / 55
    ANZAC: 16 / 16

    Axis: 83 / 136
    Allies: 163 / 175








  • @VictoryFirst the axis are doing great 💪🏻

  • @VictoryFirst

    Very nice! Love the map!

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-F2.tsvg

    Round: Late 1940 (Round 2)

    The Germans purchased a bunch of land units, a fighter, and 6 U-boats.
    They moved the bulk of their forces east. 4 fighters landed in Italian-controlled Alexandria. The two combat-engineer units moved to Paris. 1st Panzer Army was formed in Berlin.
    They ended with 64 IPCs.

    Soviet Union:
    Seeing Korea not being properly defended, the Soviets made a surprise attack against the Japanese and opportunistically captured empty Korea with just 1 infantry :) Now a state of war exists between these two great powers, and more fighting will ensue.
    2nd Soviet Army Corps was formed in Moscow.
    They ended with 45 IPCs.

    The Japanese, outrageous by the lame attack, moved a large amount of forces up north to meet the Russian infantry army. A large army is now stationed in Manchuria. Soviet Far East was captured too. Also, the Japanese troops in Asia moved deeper into China, capturing all the border territories, including Yunnan.
    A second minor factory was placed in Kiangsu.
    They ended with 52 IPCs.

    United States:
    The US continued to build up in the Pacific and purchased some naval units, as well as two fighters. Four fighters moved to Guam. They ended with 68 IPCs.

    The Chinese made a coordinated strike with the British. They made an agreement - if the Chinese would gather their forces and make an attack against the Japanese army in Kweichow, the British would declare war on Japan. No sooner said than done. The attack proved to be successful, reducing the Japanese to just one tank, at the expense of four Chinese infantry.

    United Kingdom:
    As promised, the British and the ANZAC made an unprovoked declaration of war against Japan. The Japanese troops in Yunnan, still drunk from their victory, were surprised by an attack from the Indian forces in Burma. They were completely destroyed and only got one hit in return.
    In Europe, Gibraltar was liberated from Axis oppression. The defense in Egypt was beefed up with some aircraft and land units.
    They ended with 58 IPCs.

    The Italians captured Yugoslavia. They also made successful amphibious invasions of Syria and Trans-Jordan, together with landing crafts and paratroopers. A lot of pressure is put on Egypt. They ended with 23 IPCs.

    They purchased submarines and captured Celebes, giving them a whopping income of 30 IPCs.

    Income totals:
    Germany: 42 / 64
    Japan: 32 / 50
    Italy: 15 / 23

    USSR: 36 / 36
    USA: 52 / 52
    China: 6 / 12
    UK: 51 / 62
    ANZAC: 20 / 30

    Axis: 89 / 137
    Allies: 165 / 192






  • @VictoryFirst

    Getting a bit nervous for the Axis.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 4 barnee vs Panzerstahl-Helm



    Congratulations to @Panzerstahl-Helm for his first and most certainly not last, Global 40 Expansion Victory !

    While the Axis still had armies in the Field, the overwhelming economic might of the Allies resulted in a Allied Economic Victory !

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 14-41-48.png

    EXP Game 4 Stahl G 27.tsvg

    Follows is the Game Report and I’ll do my best not to overdo it . :)

    The reich began the war with a normal build with the exception of 2 Engineers.

    They attacked the British in 110 and 111. 2 U-boats and a Damaged BB withdrew to 112 after sinking all of the UK Fleet, except for thr BB which was damaged.

    The soviets made defensive buys, although they did produce 3 Tanks.

    Nippon built a china Fctry and conducted normal Early 1940 Attacks.

    The yanks went with a heavy naval build, launching the U.S.S Missouri on the West Coast.

    UK repaired there BB and moved to 109 to join the remainder of there Home Fleet.
    They sunk the Italian Vessels off Malta. No major attack on the Italian Navy was conducted.

    Italia purchased LCV’s and a Paratrooper.
    They sunk the remaining Allied ships in the Med.

    ANZAC purchased a trprt and took control of the usual Dutch TTys.

    In Late 1940 Britain declared war on JPN and heavy fighting took place in Yunnan with UK forces being victorious.
    China would be a non stop battle for almost the entirety of the war until the early 1950s.

    Italy was able to conquer Egypt, despite a UK Task Force anchoring off GIB in the Med.

    The reich makes minor attacks on UK shipping while preparing for Operation Barbaroosa in Early 1941.

    The soviets concentrate there defense in UKR as well as Vyborg with 1st Corps at it’s core.

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 14-20-55.png

    JPN successfully counterattacks against what it perceives to be Western agression, by taking Hong Kong and Singapore.
    They also take Yunnan.

    Soviet 2nd corps has massed in Amur, and IJA is concerned.

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 14-22-41.png

    The Americans launch a Atlantic Fleet and china liberates Yunnan, gaining there Natl Obj in the process.

    UK begins attacks on nazi occupied Europe with Paratroopers, while continuing heavy combat against Italy in Africa/ME.
    They also take Singapore back.

    Italian Forces reinforce Syria.

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 14-33-16.png

    I’ll pause here in case machine freezes and continue with a more general report as I’m being long winded as usual lol.

    That and the war lasted until Early 1953. Take a couple days writing it up lol

    Here’s the triplea save EXP Game 4 Stahl G 27.tsvg

    Germany launced Operation Barbaroosa in Late 1941.
    A combined Sea, Air Attack, including Paratrooopers and LCV’s, was able to defeat a heavily defended Caucasus for an important Objective.

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 17-37-44.png

    Soviet 1st Corps took Finland and in Early 1942, Norway. It would take until Early 1945 due to massive Allied support, before the Deutsche could take it back.
    These were major PU gains for USSR, as they got the 3 dollar bonus for spreading the evil of communism, 3 bucks for control and negated 5 dollar Objective and 3 PUs for control for Germany.

    Soviet 2nd Corps moved into Manchuria in late 1942 and Jehol in Early 1943, where they suffered a major defeat by IJA. Dice were not in there favor.

    Even though stas said they would lose, the IJA would be attrited significantly, which did not happen.
    This would probably have made a 2 turn difference in the Pacific as the Allies were pressuring JPN from the start.

    In late 1943 the Americans would gain a foothold in the Middle east by taking Iraq. They would expand into Persia the next year.

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 18-13-02.png

    This was one of the main turning points in the war, as the Axis had the upper hand until then, but the biggest turning point was the failed Wehrmacht Attack on Moscow in Late 1947.

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 18-18-54.png

    40% of the Luftwaffe Bombers were shot down by the FlakTower as well as a Fighter.
    The Wehrmacht had 23 hits and the soviets 37 after the first rd of combat. An absolutely devastaing blow to the Wehrmacht.

    Battle calc showed a 1 rd strafe at +55 tuv, which was the German plan, attrit the soviet land units and then withdraw. Instead they suffered a Massive -156 PU defeat.

    One they never really were able to recover from.

    Earlier, in Early 1947, trying to break the stalemate in Egypt and then breakout in Africa, Italy attacked Sudan. They thought they had enough defensive power to hold Egypt or at least be able to successfully counterattack.

    The reality was the Brits hit there High water mark, absolutely destroying the Axis Forces in Egypt.

    While a counterattack proved successfull, it was short lived, as overwhelmhing British power would take control in Late 1947 and never lose it for the rest of the war.

    The soon to be followed debacle in Moscow, and the initiative for the Axis was gone.

    Late 1947 was also unkind to JPN, as they were pushed back to there China Factories, with no prospects of ever making any advances in China again.

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 19-06-23.png

    The Caucasus would see Heavy fighting with the TTy changing hands multiple times.
    One of the largest being when an overaggressive Patton was defeated in Late 1948.

    Screenshot from 2024-05-06 19-18-45.png

    Man I wish delete wasn’t right below edit, i almost dusted the whole thing lol

    While the Axis,primarily the Reich, which deployed Type XXI U-boats to good affect, were able to keep the Allies at bay, they were overwhelmed by superior Allied Economic and Unit superiority and were defeated in Early 1953.


    There was massive use of Air Transports by both sides. Especially the longer the war went and they proved effective at transporting troops.
    The Total War cost of 12 seemed a very good purchase.

    Panzer invested heavily in Allied Air and it paid off for him. Moscow would not have survived otherwise and it proved to be too hard of a nut for the Wehrmacht to crack.

    I think the FlakTower to be overpowered. On average one will lose a third of there Bomber Force. That makes me want to go more Armor, Artillery and infantry on any Moscow attack.

    I think that’s limiting as forcing a certain playstyle. Maybe have it hit at 1 in 6 same as Fighters.

    Idk @The-Captain you guys have crunched a lot of games and this was first time playing with it, but my impression anyway.

    I like the historical aspect of the new Kamikaze rule, but i just don’t see myself ever using it.
    At best, a 9 dollar ftr will kill a 9 dollar CA. CA will always get a hit and just over 80% for the kaze.

    I guess maybe you could hit a CV, but rarely are they in open ocean or non friendly adjacent TTy. Maybe North Pacific.
    Only 3 bucks to repair. Limited range for the Naval Ftrs.
    Idk, not really seeing where I’d use it.

    Not to sound like a downer :) totally dig the Game ! :)

    Rock On Rock On !!!.png

    Peace Out

    Triplea save
    EXP Game 4 Stahl G 27.tsvg

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