@monsieurmurdoch I am not sure how these house rules would interplay with 40 since the scope of warfare was so different. Hospitals and ambulance customization could. I hope you can find a 1914 game. Keep an eye out. And, I do have some plans for barb wire, trenches, etc. Thanks for the feedback!
Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 NA’s
I really like dauntless and code breakers and they give the US a lot more naval options. I think operation vengeance is pretty cool. I have one question about fast carrier fleet, will naval bases add to the fleets movement. I will hopefully play test all of your NAs this week end.
Once per game, at the end of the US turn, the US may declare that it is launching Operation vengeance. Roll 1d6. On a 3 or less you successfully assassinate Admiral Yamamoto, sending the IJN into disarray for a turn. Until the end of the next American turn all Japanese naval units attack and defend at one less than normal and all allied naval units attack and defend at 1 higher than normal.
The idea is not bad but the consquence is too much.
Maybe we could revise it a bit. Perhaps it just affects Japanese attack values and US attack and defense values. Units that can not attack/defend usually still can’t roll.
I really like dauntless and code breakers and they give the US a lot more naval options. I think operation vengeance is pretty cool. I have one question about fast carrier fleet, will naval bases add to the fleets movement. I will hopefully play test all of your NAs this week end.
I’d say playtest it with the naval bases adding to movement.
You get a chance to try these out yet?
No I was going to play tonight, but I just got TOI for my b day so I probably will be playing that to night instead.