@swampfox Never mind, you’re welcome :smiley:
Global 1940 and 1943 Expansion for use with TripleA
Update to 1.876
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.876
Add “Fighter Aces” to the Timetable.DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Landmines require a fair amount of edit. As with most things, they become easier to use, the more experience you acquire.
In games I have played, russia and Germany use them the most, so we’ll use them for the example.In Early 1940, the Soviet Union is concerned with possible German expansion at there expense. They begin to build Landmines to counter the threat.
They purchase 7 LMs.
Once they have made it to there final destination and are ready to be “Armed”, you will need to replace them via Edit with “Changer” LMs.
Which ones will depend on which Border you want to defend.As a guide
No color denotes West
Blue North
Red South
Yellow East
Green NW and SE
Orange SW and NEUse the Comment Log which is located on the top left under “View” to clarify which border is being defended.
There are also LM “Boxes” which designate which color LM defends which border in high use areas for a quick reference.
So if Belarus had a Orange LM, it would defend against E POL. Blue and it would defend against Novgorod.
The Soviets have 6 unarmed LMs in E POL.
They Arm 3 No Color ( West ) against POL and 3 Orange ( SW ) against Slovakia and clarify in the Comment Log.
How They Defend
The Attacker does there CM.
Any LMs that are being crossed have to be rolled for before combat takes place.
You may use the in game dice roller under “Game” next to View or use the A&A.org dicebot.If any LMs detonate, you will need to undo your CM or parts of it and use Edit to kill the appropriate units.
Any Units that have moved from the same originating TTy, will have to have there moves undone in order to use edit to remove units that started there as well.If possible and not too mind blowing, try and move all units from the TTy that will be crossing the LM in one CM. That way you only need to undo that move or moves, if crossing from more than one TTy, and not multiple ones.
You will need to use Edit for placing and removing Changer LMs and any units they kill.
Unarmed mines purchased by the player will place and move correctly.Changer LMs are Allied to all players, so will not cause a combat by themselves. Unexploded mines can stay in conquered TTys that way.
In this example, Germany has 3 unarmed LMs, as well as a Engineer unit in W GER, that will transport them after battle if the combat succeeds.
The attack is a success and the Engineer transports 3 LMs to Normandy.
Per the rules, these LMs can be armed immediately, even though Normandy was conquered that turn.
After NCM, use edit to remove and then place the Changer LMs. In this case, the Reich wants to defend against any Allied attacks coming from 110 Sea Zone. 3 Blue Changer LMs are placed, as we consider 110 to be North and documented in the Comment Log.
Landmine rules page 28
For reasons unknown, sometimes after editing a LM to Changer control, that color LM will no longer show up in Changer’s edit window.
If that happens, place a different LM than desired, usually non nation specific and document in comment log.
On the next turn, remove the LM that isn’t showing up, it will then reappear as an option to place.
Will add the colored LMs to the “True Neutral” player so this won’t happen in the future.
Improved Update Coming Soon
Very nice work!
A MAJOR improvement to how Landmines work is in the works.
Thanks to a Brilliant suggestion by @Panzerstahl-Helm you will be able to “Hover” on the LM and it will tell you which TTY it’s defending.
You will still have to fight the LM battle in edit though :)
Might be able to make Country specific LM A0 D0 with a First Strike that hits at 2 or less. That way the LM hits wouldn’t be able to fire back.Would still have to edit to changer if overrun.
Hmm … not sure if A0 D0 units can do that though. The First Strike.
Well, will test that lol
Update to 1.9
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.9
Fix SZ 122 Border.
Change Fighter Ace Cost to 11.DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Am going to quit posting here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxesNot sure how we ended up with two threads, but all future updates for triplea G 40 Expansion will be here :)
Update to 1.91
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.91
Adjust German Boxes.
Add Alternate Landmines.
Remove First Strike for Paratroopers, U-boats and Type XXI U-boats. Remove A1D3 Desert Generals and Commisar.
Fix Underground Factories Not Changing Correctly.
Update Take Over of Italy Notes.
Add Kamikaze Option.
Add FlackTower Option.DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36998/global-1940-and-1943-expansion-for-use-with-triplea?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Big Thanks to ebbe at the triplea site for the FlackTower image !
Update to 1.92
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.92
Adjust FlakTower so it Does Not Count as a Placement.DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36998/global-1940-and-1943-expansion-for-use-with-triplea?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.93
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.93
Change some Placements in the Med and N Africa.
Move Tech Notification to French RD 6.DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36998/global-1940-and-1943-expansion-for-use-with-triplea?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Have been making landmine play more difficult than needed.
After your Combat Move, but before combat, do the landmine rolls and then you can edit the hits without redoing anything at start of Combat phase as long as there is more than one battle.
Otherwise, triplea will go straight to battle and you can’t edit.Same for large Naval battles with Wolfpacks.
Notes will be updated next update to clarify this.
An error regarding the old map was posted to git.
I updated the map with a notification at game start stating that it uses the new UHD Boxes map and linked to here. Triplea will auto notify you of an update if you have the map installed.
Should have already done that, but then, I should’ve done a lot things in life. :) This one probably a little lower on the list lol
heh heh, anyway, somebody is playing it lol
I tried to round off the edges the way Elkstar did
but didn’t work. Kept showing up black.
You have some gimp skills, so maybe you can dial it in :)
Anyway, I decided on what todo with the PGs. I’m gonna roll with
RommelDmitry Lavrinenko ( Ukrainian Eat Shit russia LOL )
I’m not gonna roll with the Faces as the default, but will initial them as I previewed earlier.
I think Manstein and Zhukov should Command Army Groups, so didn’t roll with them.
Now, I could make PG 1,2,3 and R 1,2 and you could put any face you want in there but I think it’d be cooler having there actual name show up too.
I still have todo the xml code, but that’s what I’m thinking. Since these are basically for you and i’'m sure others will like them too :) those names sound good ?
It wouldn’t be monumental to change them once done, but it’d be nice not to :)
Anyway, let me know what you think.
I should ask @The-Captain s opinion as well since he created it :)Edit 2
Actually can just leave as is and if people want to substitute a face for the current token, they can do that.Yea probably just do that
Outstanding stuff!
Looks realy cool! Let me know if I can do sonethibg here to help/support you. I am not a programmer, but could work on the pics and enter the names ore something… if I find a spare minute. -
SuperbattleshipYamato 2024 '23 '22last edited by SuperbattleshipYamato Mar 30, 2024, 4:01 PM Mar 30, 2024, 3:59 PM
I really that idea!
Those names sound good. Still, since more than 1 army group can be created in the game you should think about adding additional names for those units. Say, Model, Von Kluge, or Von Bock?
Yea I guess dementia is hitting faster than I thought. :) I don’t really need todo anything for the code. One can just change the image in the units folder.
For example, Guderian could replace 1st Panzer.
Anway, Elk said it was kinda hard todo the faces.
So to create the circular motif you need the background to be a transparency and then cut/paste the image onto that. ‘Merge visable’ layers rather than ‘flatten’ otherwise it’ll just use the background color (which you probably had set to black or something?) Anyway that’s how I did them.
Update to Version 1.97
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.97
Revert Bermuda to US Control.
Add FlakTower to Berlin for 43 Mod.
Notifications for too Many Units.
Remove aaGun ability to Defend at 1 in Land Combat.Version 1.96
Make Underground Minor Factories able to Place in All Non Island Territories.This is for Factories that have been moved by Russia or Engineers.
Make Total War Naval Fighters Place in Sea Zones 6 and 10. Add “Strict Neutral Nations” as a Game Option.Version 1.95
Make Out of Box Kamikaze Rule Inoperable when New Kamikaze Option Selected.I’ll try and upload this to triplea for direct download. Confidence isn’t real high but we’ll git it a shot lol
Well I struggled for 2-3 hours per usual, but you can now DL from triplea direct.
This is from 2.6 I don’t have 2.5 anymore and can’t get it, so if anyone wants to check that, it’d be way cool.
Do to Map Size Wait 2-3 Seconds Before Closing After Downloading
Need to make UHD a little bigger in the preview. I’m working on it :)
Very cool!