
Landmines require a fair amount of edit. As with most things, they become easier to use, the more experience you acquire.
In games I have played, russia and Germany use them the most, so we’ll use them for the example.
In Early 1940, the Soviet Union is concerned with possible German expansion at there expense. They begin to build Landmines to counter the threat.
They purchase 7 LMs.

Once they have made it to there final destination and are ready to be “Armed”, you will need to replace them via Edit with “Changer” LMs.
Which ones will depend on which Border you want to defend.
As a guide
No color denotes West
Blue North
Red South
Yellow East
Green NW and SE
Orange SW and NE
Use the Comment Log which is located on the top left under “View” to clarify which border is being defended.
There are also LM “Boxes” which designate which color LM defends which border in high use areas for a quick reference.

So if Belarus had a Orange LM, it would defend against E POL. Blue and it would defend against Novgorod.
The Soviets have 6 unarmed LMs in E POL.

They Arm 3 No Color ( West ) against POL and 3 Orange ( SW ) against Slovakia and clarify in the Comment Log.

How They Defend
The Attacker does there CM.
Any LMs that are being crossed have to be rolled for before combat takes place.
You may use the in game dice roller under “Game” next to View or use the A& dicebot.
If any LMs detonate, you will need to undo your CM or parts of it and use Edit to kill the appropriate units.
Any Units that have moved from the same originating TTy, will have to have there moves undone in order to use edit to remove units that started there as well.
If possible and not too mind blowing, try and move all units from the TTy that will be crossing the LM in one CM. That way you only need to undo that move or moves, if crossing from more than one TTy, and not multiple ones.
You will need to use Edit for placing and removing Changer LMs and any units they kill.
Unarmed mines purchased by the player will place and move correctly.
Changer LMs are Allied to all players, so will not cause a combat by themselves. Unexploded mines can stay in conquered TTys that way.
In this example, Germany has 3 unarmed LMs, as well as a Engineer unit in W GER, that will transport them after battle if the combat succeeds.

The attack is a success and the Engineer transports 3 LMs to Normandy.

Per the rules, these LMs can be armed immediately, even though Normandy was conquered that turn.
After NCM, use edit to remove and then place the Changer LMs. In this case, the Reich wants to defend against any Allied attacks coming from 110 Sea Zone. 3 Blue Changer LMs are placed, as we consider 110 to be North and documented in the Comment Log.

Landmine rules page 28
For reasons unknown, sometimes after editing a LM to Changer control, that color LM will no longer show up in Changer’s edit window.
If that happens, place a different LM than desired, usually non nation specific and document in comment log.
On the next turn, remove the LM that isn’t showing up, it will then reappear as an option to place.
Will add the colored LMs to the “True Neutral” player so this won’t happen in the future.
Improved Update Coming Soon