Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion

  • @barnee
    Convoy rule:
    Exception 2:
    An Escort can protect 1 or 2 friendly Transports. When an Escort is in the same SZ as a friendly Transport the owner of the Escort can choose to create a Convoy. A Convoy consists of 1 Escort unit and 1 or 2 Transport units.

    Note 1:
    When multiple Escorts and Transports are in the same SZ, the owner(s) must define which Escorts are protecting which Transports (if any). Each Escort must protect 2 Transports before any other Escort in the same SZ can protect 1 or 2 Transports, etc.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    so I believe this should say Portugal ?

    Screenshot from 2024-11-20 17-50-19.png

    Not trying to be overly critical as you know :)

    Panzer and I are in a situation where Felix could possibly activate and I was reading up on it :)

    At first i thought why would Germany do it, but after closer review, being able to attack GIB via land, after the initial takeover, could prove beneficial in multiple ways.

    Close the Med from The Atlantic and deny the yanks the NB movement.

    Could be quite impactful. Especially the loss of the NB

    Anyway, just spitballing :)

    Rock On !!!.png

    Also, can Germany build a minor in Espana after control ?

    Probably no need to but … maybe they would want to.
    Yea they’re treated same as any other German Conquest.
    Dumb question lol

    Edit 2
    If Strict Neutral Nations is active, that’d give the Axis at minium 6 INF and 4 Pnzrs plus 6 Espana INF and a Ftr, Arty and Pnzr.

    That’s 19 dudes. A heavy lift for Uncle Sam.

    I’m not sure what the UK attack on Portugal does. I guess just historic ?
    Idk, I’d think they’d side against Spain. Maybe not.
    Not real familiar with their political thoughts, other than being neutral, back then.

    Anyway, something else to consider :)

  • @barnee

    We have updated the OPERATION FELIX-HEINRICH rulebook.

    For further information, please read the updated rules.

  • Hey Axis-and-Allies Friends,
    Couple of Pacific Theater questions for HRE. First, the easier question: Regarding the increased shipbuilding, are you required to place the free ships on the turn they become available or can they be delayed? I have a game going right now where the Axis player chose to disregard the standard strategy of going after Philippines/Money Islands and instead did a Pearl Harbor attack and took Midway/Wake/Hawaii/Aleutians. So the bulk of his IJN is camped out in SZ 26 after J5 to where it’s pointless to deploy the free cruiser/sub this turn.

    Second question, a bit more complicated is: If on US3, the Allied player declares war on Germany but not Japan as is often the case, does the Allied player collect the 5 IPC bonuses associated with the Pacific?? i.e. the Philippines and the Alaska/Hawaii/Line/Johnston/Aleut bonuses. It struck me the other day that it seems wrong for USA to get Pacific bonuses for going to war if no war yet in the Pacific. Or maybe it’s a game balance issue since Japan gets the 10 IPC peace bonus if they choose to keep the peace?? Clarity requested please.


  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Hi Trout

    The Objectives, unless otherwise stated, are the same as out of box, so USA gets all their bonuses when at War. Doesn’t matter against who.
    Screenshot from 2024-11-25 12-21-46.png

    As far as deploying the Free Ships, my interpretation is that they place the round they are listed. I’m sure The Captain will clarify it but that’s how we play it.

  • @barnee Barnee - thanks. The way you laid it out is the way we have been playing our games but I wanted to confirm as it wasn’t crystal clear in my head anyway.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21


    The free ships (Increased Ship Building) that Japan and United States receive during 4 rounds, must be placed in each round as they become available - after the US player has completed the US turn.

    So, in your case you must place the US Cruiser unit and Submarine unit in sz 10.

    Part of the Strategic Plan for both Japan and the United States should include a plan for the use of the free ships - and anticipate a possible scenario as the scenario that you experience in your recent game.

    A good idea is to place the free ships on the side of the game table, so you can easily see when they become available.

  • @The-Captain
    Thanks for the clarification. Everything you say makes sense. Best thing about the HRE is how there are so many different substrategies within overall strategies which differ each game. Yes, one under-rated part of a Japanese focus on taking the three US (money) islands is that you can negate the ships from Increased Shipbuilding unless the Allies can either rebuild a navy in SZ 10 which hinders an investment in the Atlantic or cause enough trouble in the DEI/Philippines/SE Asia between ANZAC & UK as to make him pay a price for choosing to go in a different direction.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Trout said in Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion:

    Best thing about the HRE is how there are so many different substrategies within overall strategies which differ each game

    I agree :)


    Which three are you referring to ?

    *Yes, one under-rated part of a Japanese focus on taking the three US (money) islands *

  • At any rate, I know some people at triplea that’ll probably help and I can always hack something together and let others replace them with better images in the future.

    While I don’t know how to redraw the map, triplea can make the Tank/Panzer Army boxes as well as the Corps/SS . It can have a D-Day box also, but I’ve already ran through how to do it on the regular map and think it’ll work fine.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Are you referring to bung’s map ? BlackElk has already redrawn the map. UHD. It is available for OOB G 40, as well as BM4.

    The Boxes have been added as well. Still needs a little touch up here and there. Anyway, you can download in triplea, “Global 40 Expansion UHD Boxes” or grab it straight from github

    Edit 2
    Are you trolling ?

    If you’re gonna use someones post, you should quote them.

    This is your first post. You best explain yourself jack jack

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    I think I may have been doing JPN Home Defense wrong. Do their Ftrs get D5 for 1st rd same as UK ? Or just the INF boost ?


  • @barnee

    During Home Defense of Japan, the Japanese player gets 2 Infantry units for free in Japan - before any combat begins.

    All Japanese Infantry units defend at “3” during the first round of Combat only. From the second round of Combat all Infantry units defend at their normal Defense Factor.

    Japanese Fighter units in Japan defend at their normal Defense Factor during Home Defense.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    The Tank Destroyer rule is now available at the top of pg. 1 on this thread.

    The rulebook includes the Waffen-SS Panzer Jäger unit as well.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    The G40 Waffen-SS Assault Pioneer unit rule is now available at the top of pg. 1 on the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion thread.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Sweet :) You guys have been busy :) I best get busy too :)

    Found these cool dudes by Frostion from his Iron War map. It’s a pretty cool game. Elk used to play it alot.

    tank_destroyer.png Tank_destroyer.png Tank-Destroyer.png

    I’ll have to tweak them a little bit. Probably get rid of the roundels and red up the soviets. Darken up G for the Waffen Unit.

    Think just add a red circle with a black cross for Waffen Pioneer to existing Engineer.

    Anyway, slowing down a bit play wise with Christmas happening. It’ll keep me busy.

    Flying Tigers next ?


  • @barnee
    Maybe flying UFO’s 🤣
    No anyway these extra rules looks epic💪🏻

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season and all the best in the coming year!😎

  • @barnee Hey Barnee. Sorry I didn’t catch your question earlier. When I said the three US money islands, I was referring to Wake/Midway/Hawaii which with Expanded Pacific is worth 9 IPC’s plus a 5 IPC bonus in play.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Just saw this :) heh heh, no I meant The Captain had mentioned testing additional Chinese Flying Tiger units a while back :)

    Merry Christmas to you as well :)

    @The-Captain Can Tank Destroyers be part of a Desert Army ? I didn’t see anywhere that said they couldn’t. Just cant be part of a Tank Army.

    If so, I assume they’d operate the same as a Commisar Corps ? Would you clarify please.


    Also @The-Captain
    Can Waffen Pioneers join Waffen Armies ? I don’t see it stated that they can, so I’ll hold off before I code it.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    The rules concerning Tank Destroyer units and Waffen-SS Assault Pioneer units have been updated.

    Please read the updated rules.

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