Topic moved to the TripelA Support Category.
Global 1940
Greeting, coming back after a long absence. How do I download a playable version of global 1940 for an iPad?
Hi @tcnance
I don’t think you can play on ipad triplea wise. It’s the only way i know to play global on computer. The Beamdog guy might be making one idk
Ok, do I need to buy a cheap windows laptop in order to play online? How many bites do I need, will a used one work?
@tcnance Welcome back.
Current versions of TripleA (the software to play with) run with Java 11. So you need a computer capable of running Java 11.
Any Windows 10 64 bit Computer should do it. But I recommend at least 8 GB of RAM.
Some stickied topics in this “TripleA Support Category” (that is the one I have moved your topic to) will give you a good start.
@panther not having any luck downloading to I pad, screen would be to small anyway, I’m gonna look for a cheap laptop that’s windows based and try that. Also does trippleA provide a option to play a computer opponent? I need some practice before I play anyone online
It doesn’t run on an IPad indeed.
Yes, when setting up a game with TripleA you can choose which players (powers) are represented by a human player as well as which players (powers) will be played by the computer (AI).