@barnee Ahhh! Thank-you for bringing that to my attention, Barnee and FM. I have now amended the original post to read the correct date.
Winter 2019/20 Battle of Britain - 12th January 2020
I will put up a battle report for our autumn event last weekend shortly, I hope, but in the meantime here is notification of the next one.
If you want to join us in Derbyshire on 12 January just reply to this thread or message Private Panic via this forum. We have 12 regular players and usually have 9 or more attending, which typically means 3 games - one each of 1942.2, Anniversary and 1914. If you know any one of these variants you will fit right in!
The event is held in Derbyshire, which is about as central to England as you can get. Players come from as far afield as Hereford, Hull, Milton Keynes and Warrington.
(PS The Spring 2020 event will be on 29 March)
Pencil me in for this buddy.
Does no one fancy Global 1940 at this event? -
Hi there DB
You are pencilled in. You have a couple of emails from me.
Global 40 cannot be played in a day unfortunately. However getting to know the group gives players a chance to organise other games outside the event. I have been known to travel to Hull, Hereford and Manchester for such games and am currently in the midst of a game of 36 Global with two others who come to the BoB.
PP -
We now have 14 players listed, with 11 to 13 of these coming on the 12th January.
At this rate we will soon be faced with needing to find a larger venue! :grin:
The Quartermaster better be on their A game :) -
@barnee Do you mean their A&A game?! :game_die:
I was thinking more of supplies. Beer, Food, Shelter, Beer, oh that’s right, I already said that :) -
@barnee We could do with a beer, beer and more beer-focused quartermaster. Perhaps you would like to volunteer?
@Private-Panic heh heh you guys would probably thumb your noses at the American brand i drink.
We had an excellent day with 10 players (after a couple dropped out due to illness) including 3 that are new to the event - Rob, Ste and Simon. Welcome all!
We played 3 games - one each of 1942.2, Anniversary and 1914. Below is a very brief synopsis of each game. Anyone who wishes is invited to add a longer battle report on their game.
1942.2 was unusual in that Germany succeeded with Sealion. Russia put up solid resistance, but Moscow eventually fell to an Axis one two.
Anniversary was also declared an Axis victory, with Italian victories in Egypt and Japan in India. Russia still looked strong, but the UK had no navy left and declining income.
The Central Powers also triumphed in 1914. Russia grabbed a chance against a much smaller German stack early on, but struggled with bad dice in all 3 resulting battles, losing the major part of its forces. As the Entente’s position deteriorated they were forced to take risks, none of which came off.
@Private-Panic three Axis victories: wow!
Sorry I couldn’t come again. -
@Wittmann said in Winter 2019/20 Battle of Britain - 12th January 2020:
@Private-Panic three Axis victories: wow!
Sorry I couldn’t come again.No excuses will be accepted next time Leo, you old fart!!! :kissing_heart:
@Private-Panic I am not old. Just blind. Is a bitch yo drive up north, with the sun from the right, blinding my one good eye.
They’ll have to put you in the Paras an air drop you next time then :) -
@barnee I am scared Of heights and the local Home Guard’s defences.
yea be a bummer to get shot down by your own side. maybe you could use a glider ? : ) -
@barnee amd have the 6 Pounder come loose and crash into me, when the pilot hits some big cow pats, not likely!
@Wittmann @barnee If Leo overcomes his fear of heights, inability to navigate and blindness I will just have to change the venue without telling him!
heh heh
how about going Star Trek mode ? Just beam him over : ) -
@barnee I would happily beam him over to you. On a one way ticket!