@witt Hi Leo. Actually 3 Axis and 1 Allied victory - in the second of the 2 games of Anniversary.
Nashville Axis & Allies Battle of Franklin Dec 12-13
Nashville Axis & Allies will be holding our next gathering, The Battle of Franklin, on December 12-13. I’ve reserved my neighborhood clubhouse in the heart of the Cool Springs area of Franklin, just south of Nashville.
This is a two day event beginning Friday morning, December 12 through Saturday, December 13th. There are plenty of tables and lots of room for multiple games.
So far we have 10 confirmed RSVP’s. There are quite a few hotels less than a mile from the clubhouse. We will have lots of food choices with numerous restaurants in the area, including Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks within walking distance.
If you are interested in coming, please let me know. If you can’t make it but are interested in future Nashville area gatherings, please join our Meetup group, http://www.meetup.com/Nashville-Axis-Allies-Meetup/